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Greetings, Cherished Naddpoles!

As the final episode of Campaign One approaches, we wanted to take a moment to share this incredible map of Bahumia created by illustrator Calum Gillies.

Obviously, such a masterful work deserves to be sold in our store; but we're not sure whether to just sell it as a standard poster, OR to also offer a more expensive, wood-mounted canvas version (as seen in the mockup below). 

And so we need your help! Please answer the following poll to let us know which version of the map you'd be interested in buying! We'll most likely offer both versions, but since the canvas prints are costly to produce, we want to have a good handle on roughly how many to purchase. 

Thanks as always for your inspired input! 

~The Band of Boobs 

SIZING NOTE: The poster will be printed at 24x18 and 16x12 inches, while the canvas print will only be offered at 24x18.


POLL: Which Version of the Map Would You Purchase? 



Would definitely pay the premium for a nicer version of that. Truly excellent work




Both? Both.


Both sounds good

D'ran Dana

Wow you guys must be stoked. I'd buy either one

Brianna B

I agree with both!



Darian James

Can't wait to have this!




Why not both


Both! Both are great.


Both are wonderful it’s too hard to choose


Both does sound good


Couldn’t you put the wood mount on a pre-order run and then just fulfill those so you don’t have to worry about excess stock of them?


Agreed for both, but I would personally purchase the cheaper one and then frame it myself.


Yeah both would be awesome if possible


I’m honoured to have had the chance to draw this! One of the best things I’ve ever had the chance to make 😘


That canvas print looks like a great memento of an incredible podcast. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


Can it get posted in HD somewhere so I can look at it before the finale?


Offer both! These are beautiful


I'd prefer the poster one (to frame) but both options would be great. Map looks fantastic!

Adam Sutton

I will give you $50 for the nice one right NOW. $100 if the characters write messages on the back 🤓


The canvas is cool to remember the awesome story and characters!


Mentally preordering the wood hanger


The regular poster offers more versatility, being able to mount it in different frames and backings. I'll probably get it regardless tho ;)


Two things are better than one -Harwon Surefoot (Copyright Lazlo)


Why not both?


I would love to see one with Band of boob scribbles and notes all over it. Maybe some crick water stains. Definately a little sketch of a lewd dwarf in a corner. MO in perfect print and a list of all list of all the places bev beefed it so it looks like somthing that was aboard the ss stormborn


I'd love a poster for framing - maybe make the canvas a limited run? As it is unquestionably cool


How big would each version be? I don’t have a ton of wall space open but I would love a smaller size of the wooden canvas print


Finally I can have some art for my office! Guess what’s gonna be in the background of my zoom calls 😎


As a member of the Merch Club I’d willingly wait for this as next quarters Merch order! Signed would be even better of course ;) But I would also pay for a canvas one!


Holy shot I need this


Could you offer both?


make a puzzle version! puzzle maps are my favorite


I’d pay stacks for a canvas print with the casts signatures


Interested in canvas? Absolutely! Spare funds for canvas? Sadly, no. 😞


I really really really want that canvas version! Limited edition maybe?


Would it be easier to ship international if its a poster? Just thinking you've got lots of fans not just in the US! 🇬🇧


We want to get these into production ASAP, so this poll is a quick-and-easy way for us to gauge interest!


I always see Calum's work on the subreddit, it's awesome to see him get commissioned for official merch, looks really cool


Do both! XD

Emma Margaret

I would say offer both and people can purchase the one they like and can afford. I love the wood mounted canvas, myself but I know not all folks can afford that.


Canvas option will be 24x18 inches, Poster option will be 24x18 and 16x12 most likely.


I love both options... On one hand you have a potentially larger version that can be framed, and a very sweet collectors quality piece of art... 😱😱😱


We will most likely offer both, but wanted to gauge interest in how many people would buy the canvas version so we can place an order!


Depends on the size, but whichever i will buy and figure out placing then


I can't wait to see how this plays out. Murph, prepare for people to really start using Bahumia as a setting!


The canvas is cool but I don't have anywhere to put it. The poster is more my speed


I'm not usually one for merch purchases, but I'd definitely throw down the cash for that wood-mounted map


INCREDIBLE shoutout to Calum for this, it's stunning


This is absolutely gorgeous! I really want all the latest posters you've put up lately! I think just for costs right now I'd go for posters, but I love the idea of the canvas wall mount!


I'm going to get this tattooed across my entire chest


I love this so much and would buy both!


Is the link for Callum not working for anyone else?


Would the wood mount be removable? It would be nice to have the option of getting it framed, even if it's a canvas vs. a poster. If the wood mount isn't removable, then it can't be framed.


Beautiful. Will absolutely buy the expensive one


Got Into this podcast a couple weeks back and stormed up to episode 40 and ya god dam right I’ll spend the money on that fancy ass map without a doubt the most easy to listen to and fun Dnd podcast going


Voted for the wood mounted canvas. With the poster, I’ll have to buy a frame anyway so it’s probably going to cost as much and be a hassle


Also, this map is beautiful! Thank you 😁


I love both but the wood mounted one just reminds me too much of those anime wall scrolls 🤭


Absolutely the canvas one. It's gorgeous!


A canvas map would be amazing! I'd be happy to pay a higher price for a more durable product - with a poster I'd want to buy a frame for it anyway, so the cost on our end would be about the same


I’d say both


poster for sure - i'd hate to miss out on having this next to my moonstone map just because i can't put hooks in the walls :^(


There are command strips hooks so you don't have to put holes in your wall


I love them both but I love the idea of framing the poster.


Want them both!


I also love them both, but I feel like more people will be able to get one if it's the less expensive option.


I have an ACTUAL world map on that kind of hanging wood frame with this exact same color scheme in my living room and I would 110% love to replace it with this map of Bahumia instead. Pleaaaase.


Poster for sure. It's cheaper and I could frame it to match all the other art I have. The hanging wood would not match, so I wouldn't buy that.


Is the map... accurate? Isn't Ezry between Moonstone and Galaderon? On this map it looks like Ezry is super far from Galaderon and not on the way at all.


Wait...is this a NADDpoll?


Cheaper makes more sense as you can then frame it how you want!


The mounted wood sounds amazing but poster probably more affordable! I don't suppose you could do both so if someone really loved it (and it matched their decor...?) they could get the wood-mounted instead? I realise the limited run might prohibit that!


I would love to see a poster/picture of The entire band of boobs with a signed option. I know it’s not really an option right now due to the virus but good lord I’d pay top dollar for that!

Kyle Veach

For only 20$ more, DEFINITELY the wood one. That will look AWESOME in my dnd room next to my Tal Dorei map.

Daniel Stewart

I second Josh's sentiment. I'd pay even a little more again for a signed version of the wooden one


Both seem fine.


Why not offer both options. I'd like a regular poster so I can frame it it what ever kind of frame I want


Oh hell yes. A signed version would be AMAZING


I would love a cloth version. Reminds me of maps from the old Ultima games, which I still love to look at.


Honestly, I would love the canvas one but that's going to end up costing me over $100 AUD and there's no way I can afford that. 😔 It's beautiful, though!


Please offer both!!! I am in LOVE with the wood mounted canvas one, but i also know i have to think about my budget... offering both will let me procrastinate on making a decision for a little while longer!! (and also offer more versatility in how people display it and give more people the chance to own this gorgeous art because its simply breathtaking!!)


Thank goodness for hazard pay so I can afford this


Both please! Between the exchange rate and shipping, its going to cost an arm and Galad's head to get it to Australia.


I voted wood-mounted. I'd never be able to afford it normally, especially considering UK shipping, but if it was available for an extended length of time I'd definitely ask for it as a gift for a birthday or something.


I feel the wood mounted one adds to the feel of the map and just make it look that much better. It’ll be worth the difference in price.


I feel that! If I lived in the states it'd be different but shipment and a truly terrible exchange rate makes the canvas one out of reach for now.


I'd love a cloth version


Can i have a wooden one but of rion


How about a us$10 printable pdf file version? Or maybe some pay-to-use homebrew on the DND Beyond site? Anyway, love the show!


I swear You guys are going to send me bankrupt. But I have to get that framed one

Sir Crits-A-Lott

I already framed my moonstone picture and plan on doing so with the new posters you sent out. So I'd prefer to have a matching map in a frame, but I like both.




This looks like a fun piece to get autographed. Hope there's a live event in San Jose sometime. 😷


The expensive one’s frame doesn’t fit the aesthetic of my room so I would prefer to be able to hang it myself


Jeez that's pretty! Isn't Galaderon landlocked though?


Dont believe so, they first met Red and Gunther on the Stormborn as the ship took off into the ocean


Those are awesome. Im gonna miss the Band of Boobs but can't wait to see whats next.


Beautiful. Any chance we can not only get it as a poster but as a wallpaper for computers?!


I've tried to be as accurate as possible and Murph provided the final details on locations. Ezry, Irondeep & Galaderon are connected on this map via 'the golden road' which runs through & adjacent to the crick and living wood. Although it's a bit 'curved', the easiest way to get to Galaderon is still via Ezry and then along the golden road.


Thank you! Nadpodd community is really great, all the nice feedback & reception to my work is what made me so interested in doing more!


I would hang the FUCK out of that wood mounted canvas print. Hell yeah!


Give me that canvas!!!


I'd buy that as a high quality PDF for sure

James Roye

Looks fantastic, but I'm going to be this arsehole. Does this line up with the Fae Wilds? The crick being in autumn, Galaderon being Summer Etc..?

Jacob Shilling

1900 votes for Poster vs. 2400 votes for Canvas...I'd say that's a solid vote for Both!


Can you offer the canvas with the boobs signatures on it??


It's been a fair while since I first saw that canvas, and I still can't get it out of my head. I've always loved those crazy detailed maps at the beginning of epic novels and as part of video game guides, but I've never loved a fictional world enough to purchase its map especially for my wall... until now. I'll be moving out of home for the first time in the near future, and you can bet your sweet possum butt that this'll be the first thing going up on my wall! So excited!!!


Anyone know if these are still available/ they ever went out?