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Check out NADDPOD's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of Episode 97: Titans of the Realm. 





It’s probably been said before but the Turdiose (Turdis) could be a combination of tortoise and tardis. So it is a sentient bag of holding, where inside the shell is larger on the inside. Ehhh?


Perfect timing, just finished the episode.


Just finished the episode and needed another hit of naddpod, thanks for feeding the addiction daddy murph.


Of course, the real titans are crabster and turtis

Caitlyn Dill

Oh boy ready for this short rest after such a thicc sode


BoB: Daddy Murphy can we have cool things??? Murph, with a monkey claw's finger curling closed: sure, why not.




wow no warning for Frozen II spoilers (lol)??


The frozen 2 crew

Sam Johnston

Jake should pretty much use the GWM -5/+10 attack on like every attack now with Reckless attacks. He's got a 30% chance to hit against any AC (his crit chance) per attack now on top of having a +3 weapon and 24 str so his chance to hit against any even well armored opponent is stupid high, even with the -5, and even outside of his crit chance. Almost no reason not to if he will be rolling all of those attacks with advantage.

Garga Lenoir

Depends on the situation. If he's against a lot of heavy hitters (like a lot of birds), he wants to thin them out first. But against only one or two enemy it's absolutely the right move, and it protects Moonshine and Beverly by encouraging the enemy to attack him.

Garga Lenoir

A big rose on Murph's shallow grave for those Hardly Working details! I love Hardly Working so much, and I'm sad we don't hear more about them.


Hey murph! Did Tulane and Malora ever date before their falling out? like a Princess Bubblegum and Marceline from Adventure time situation?

Dave Johnson

But but but Erdan is a hoot.

Her Majesty, Claudette

Oof, still haven't mentioned what Paw Paw and Balnor's oaths are!!

Samuel Jasek

New stretch goal idea: Caldwell has to grow his hair out back to his his early CH days.


Geeze, what an episode! Was in the middle of work accidently shouting " What?? " causing quite a stare from the customers lol.


I haven't watched Frozen 2 so I am genuinely being spoiled every time I listen despite the warnings in the captions. When will I learn


I wonder whats going on with Olfgar and Alanis


Wow. It took around half a year to catch up, and we are so close to the finale! What am I supposed to listen to while I work now..


Ahhh finally caught up!!!


Murph Red Wedding’d them.


Off topic but finding out Akarat is just Adam Driver makes everything so much better.

Thomas Friedlander

About Action Surge, from the PHB: "Starting at 17th level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only once on the same turn." That said, if y'all wanna let our tall dwarf surge twice that freakin rules!


This episode was cool and all, but “turdis” brought me to actual tears I had to literally pause the podcast because of how hard I was laughing. Thank you Caldwell

Brandon Wiens

Was just thinking about this, it would be insanely rad to drop 13 attacks in one turn but I bet 9 possible attacks would still make the Dwarf Daddies proud!


Um actually, Blinded By The Light is by Manfred Mann... jeez what a turdis moment for Murph


What. A. Sode.


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I keep thinking about the door-jazz hands-stab situation and lose my shit dkjskks thank you for this blessing


Did Murph snort laugh in this? That was adorable

Debra Wasson

Why did Murph grow up in a teen sitcom ?


It’s a Springsteen cover. Manfred Mann didn’t write any of their hits.


I can't believe we are already at episode 97. I am simultaneously enjoying myself so much and beginning to mourn the end.

Lily Everett-Curwick

Listening to you guys and drinking anything at the same time is so dangerous. Almost choked on my water at “sometimes you kick the door open and ya do jazz hands” 🤣

Wandering Giant

Man this is my second time listening to this ep and the Melora flashbacks for each one of the boobs still almost made me cry

Curtis Hoeppner

I couldn't pronounce my own name when I was younger and called myself "Turtis" for years. That was an incredible extra layer to this episode. "There's a Turtis in your bushes" had me rolling.


Question: at 27:54 on the short rest, Jake says that he knew that Old Cob and the others were going to turn on the BoB. So does that mean that none of this was a surprise? They all knew what was going to happen? That would suck if so. I did think it was kind of odd that they just let themselves be separated like that with the force field taken down. Am I reading this wrong? I do really hope that I am. It was a fantastic episode.


I can picture young Murph so vividly. His face going from silly jazz hands to “oh shit, my hand!” xD


Everyone has a turdus waiting for you… to quote Starwars a Bad Lip Reading; Bushes of Love: Every day I worry all day. About what’s waiting in the bushes of love. ‘Cause something’s waiting in the bushes for us. ‘Cause something’s waiting in the bushes of love… I know you really want someone to hold you; but we all got a Chicken-Duck-Woman-Thing waiting for us.


It is that he *knew it was coming* in the sense that he had already seen Bev and Moonshine get attacked by their friends in real time, so he knew in the moment that Old Cob and Mawmaw were going to attack him.