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Check out NaDDPod's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of Episode 69: The Dark Lord of Ember Heaven. 




Me, rolling silverware, listening to the short rest at Applebee's: 😔




These feels man. amazing story guys


Force Pentagreens to pull from the deck of many things! The balance card changes his alignment!


Can't Hardwon's mom cure him since she's the new Darklord? But if Jake is really committed to reincarnation, I can't wait to see what he turns into... hopefully a very smooth creature that can't grow any hair or a gnome.


Isn‘t there also a card where you get stuck into a gem? That would be gem-inception

Alex Behr

That description of the battle at hillholm made me nearly tear up at work, stellar work Daddy DM.


All dogs go to Ember Kevin


That's an amazing comment. So sorry most will not understand


Okay now we need a One-shot where the Boobs get transported to a chain restaurant like Fridays, and fight customers, employees and the manager.


Do local chains count for your tour meals? If you go to Pittsburgh without going to Primanti’s, either in the Strip or at Market Square, you’re not allowed to go back. Super weird law we have.


There is a card in the Deck of Many Things that can change someone’s alignment.



Amy Driver

I would love to go on a road trip with you!


Nooo You gotta unvamp hardwon :'( cant imagine this trio without him


I'm saving this ep and short rest for my vacation driving next week 💕💕💕🙏🖖🖖🖖 Thank you in advance 😂😜


Could Hardwon enter into a contract with his mum, now?

Garga Lenoir

I thought of that, but Murph removed it from the deck because let's face it, it's bullshit!

Garga Lenoir

Here's something I noticed during the episode. The elves went straight to defend the hobbits, leaving Gladeholm undefended, which means they were sure that the elf circle wouldn't fire. How? The only way I see it is that Urdan assured his friends that he would single handedly sabotage the circle while surrounded with grave diggers and Galad's army, and there is no way he would have survived the outcome. That guy is an underrated hero.


I have FINALLY caught up with the episodes. You guys really rock! I am getting through a divorce and NADDPOD has been helping me change my mind and laugh. Thank you very much!!!


Rose: Maybe Hardwon won't actually have to reincarnate now that Lydia is the Dark Lord. Don't take away our dorky human bro! Thorn: Boobs didn't do a synchronized DX Suck It over Galad's corpse.


Great sode guys, very thick. One question, is there a chance that anyone else would have been swallowed by Glads sword?


With Hardwon's Reincarnation on the horizion. I would love to see him turn into a High Elf. That would really bring a different element to the story.


This! If he changed into a high elf, that'd be really interesting and force Moonshine to really think about if all high elves aren't hospitable.


What I gathered through implication is that an Undead like a Revenant or a Vampire could have their soul stolen as soon as they were cut, but a living creature would have to be killed first. Just a theory but it makes sense to me, could have also been that Murph just didn't plan for anyone other than Hardwon to be swallowed, and just left it ambiguous for ease's sake.


it would be weird though, since he isn't willingly a half-elf, and is a human in origin. in the canon world of DnD I'm sure the rest of the half elves would shun hardwon for not being "pure" like them


Him being shipped by the half-elves would just reinforce the "Bastard" title though wouldn't it?


30 episodes left? I- What- Ah- ???? Ok TBF I don't like milked out series to the point of bland repetition. But. Knowing it's the beginning of the end is... crushing.


Man I gotta go to America and visit all these food places some day :O

Dante Roush

Did anyone notice that Galad talked about loving Phantom Menace and then the arc ended with all the monsters dying in a Phantom Menace-ey way? I can't help but think that was intentional


Applebee's is absoLUTELY the worst. If you're counting TGI Fridays, count Houlihan's too, they're both top tier though then Chili's is p good

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-03 08:28:25 Chickie's & Pete's!
2022-04-14 14:47:16 Chickie's & Pete's!

Chickie's & Pete's!