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Check out NaDDPod's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of Episode 61: Gutless. 




I'm the cleric in my party and I get HARD CORE healer's guilt. You're definitely not alone.

Matthew Atkins

I just started the episode, not the Short Rest, but I wanted to post my theory that just came into my head after Murphs little recap....Deadeye said there are no good guys in Shadowfell....how far does that go Deadeye? You've been in the Shadowfell for quite some time, and so does that apply to only those native to the Shadowfell or those who have been there for a while?


Cobb is deadeyes dad.


Just a thought... Grimhawk sounds a lot like Greyhawk,Deadeye is some form of Undead , Deadeyes "Symbol" are a hand and an eye and he screws around with Vampires... am I getting some Vecna vibes here ;) (also Brennan had mentioned on Drawfee he already used him in a campaign as DM)


Okay a question...Murph, you said here that vampirism was technically a curse, and Moonshine cast Greater Restoration on Hardwon in the ep. Doesn't Greater Restoration remove curses?


Emily, I have played a druid, cleric, and bard in my three games, and fell to being at least a part-time healer in each one. Feel absolutely terrible anytime a character that isn't mine is downed or killed, the guilt is real. Then my cleric died and I didn't feel bad about it until the party warlock made a bad deal with his patron to bring her back. So now I feel guilty about that, too. I think it's just being invested in the well-being of your friend's characters that you grow to love after so long spent with them. So when you put that healer mantle on yourself and something bad happens, you wind up asking yourself 'why couldn't I do my job, keeping them up and safe is my job'.

Matthew Atkins

Nope! Greater Restoration doesn't work on Vampirism. The only way to change them back is to use a Wish spell...or even simpler just kill them and bring them back to life. Moonshine has access to Reincarnation and Beverly has access to Revivify. So they literally just need to kill him and bring him back with Revivify.

All Pulp! No Juice!

What will the dwarf daddies think of vampire hardwon?

Dave Johnson

Loving the Buffy The Vampire slayer and Blade love going on. Seems like the majority of people I talk to scratch their heads when I mention Buffy


SMG was like, every other boys crush for a hot minute there lol.


I have definitely felt that healers guilt. When everyone else is just getting knocked down and you have like more then 50HP just sucks.


I see Hardwon looking like Blood Omen's Kain. Legacy of Dracwon? While his mom is like Raziel from Soul Reaver. Lols.


Let brennan on short rest you cowards!

Sand Panda

Yos... that GoT theory mentioned would be dope.

Talbert Tso

I main healers in mmo-rpg games so yeah Healers Guilt is a a thing. I think it would be a good storyline if the Boobs have to get Hardwon to Alanis and she has a crazy ritual or machine to de-vampire him.


Okay am I the only one that thought, as soon as the Vampirism happened, "oh Galad could totally make Hardwon suck his dick now." They brought it up a bit on the short rest but still, that was my first thought, and I don't know what that says about me.


Hardwon died a virgin.....


Rofl. True


Ok... hear me out. Murph mentioned around the 20min mark that Hardwon can be freed by killing Scarlett... OR by doing a blood ritual mutually drinking eachother's blood... What if Scarlett, instead of just being another band of boobs enemy… becomes a Hardwon love interest? It could be a strange but very “Shadowfell Emo” way for the character to explore his, uh, inexperience, as well as potentially challenge his mixed feelings with the unavailable Gemma. Also, the tension that would happen between Moonshine and Scarlett would be so palpable if suddenly Hardwon was dating her, even potentially becoming a temp party member. Just a crazy thought, a potential way to challenge Hardwon and the party hahaha.

Garga Lenoir

So apparently some people are attacking Emily over that in game debacle? Not only is that insane since she's the most strategic Boob (that tidal wave could have given Hardwon more than enough time to flee without legendary actions/initiative sheaningans), but also don't attack people for a game! That bullshit is probably why they don't visit us anymore on the subreddit...


Uhm, did murph possibly just hint that Cobb is Deadeye's daddy?


Is there anyway to cure Hardwon? Or to cure Vampirism? It ruined my night hearing that Hardwon is dead :(


I believe there is but it it's a very high level spell requiring a high level cleric


King's Hammer -> Queen's Hammer-> (Skarsgard) Jack Hammer


Stakes hurt but make everything SO much better when they are real. I am sorry there was undue noise you guys had to deal with. Calling unwarranted criticism a "vocal minority" doesn't make it go away. The only cure (other than more cowbell) is for the silent majority to make some noise. So...doubling my patreon support as a show of solidarity with everything you guys do. It makes my 2 hours in the car every day livable.


I care....SO much more about this than GoT right now....


I don't know a lot about 5e, but based on my experience w/other editions and Pathfinder, I'd be drooling at the chance to play an undead character of any kind. Carpe Diem, Jake.


hey, I believe that hardwon admitted that he was a virgin in frostwind when he was under the zone of truth when they were talking to Gina.


but like, this whole episode was 19/10. i'm just trying to fill in canon so disregard as necessary


It was moonshines fault hardwon died! Freakin deadeye had that whole good plan with tricking them about Bev being the other vampires property, they would've been fine, and then she goes and ruins that by starting combat again with the wave! Stupid!


I’m currently in Starbucks cackling at that Hamilton wink. Caldwell Tanner, a modern day jester genius.


It's still so funny to me that Hardwon would be tan, having lived in a mountain his whole life


Just popping in ~1 yr late to say that describing Spike from Buffy "crackhead buff" made me laugh and cry all at once. Nothing but love for my waifish peroxide king!

Eva Vasileiadou

Wtf I thought Cooter was a bullywug this whole time


You guys are geniuses

Joelle H


The Silversmith

Revivify reverses vampirism within one minute of being bitten.