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Check out NaDDPod's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of Episode 17: Jailbreak.  




Listening to this makes me sick. I can’t believe you would say heretical words like “statically” and “chances” like there isn’t a higher power in control. I’m just glad that you found our lord and savior, Dice Christ, and accepted them in your heart

Kork Horf

Caldwell with a sick Gurren Lagan ref


Really hoping for Hardwon to put on the armour as a last resort and turn into a dragon


I kinda low-key wanna write that pop punk Roseline song myself but if they're seriously gonna write one then they can probably do a better job than me lol


My question is did I miss the party actually learning for sure if the armor made of Bronzebeard was cursed, or if they're just being paranoid/genre savvy?


I uh, can't remember where we've heard the name bronzebeard before

Yodysseus IV

Yea, I believe Murph said Bev's magic sense could tell it was cursed.


We definetly got a DnD lesson in fuckery this episode. Especially since the DM was packing a big old dragon dick, and made of metal... that is so going into to my notes on dragon anatomy🐉😁


I want them to brawl Galad instead of using the Joestar family's secret technique

Jeffrey Steck, Lord of the Fjord

Thinking Bev telling Ol' Cobb to put dynamite in his gun was dumber than dropping the dynamite on the dragon. Youngin's!!


My boyfriend introduced this podcast to me and we listened to it during a cross country road trip! Thank y'all for AMAZING content. Melora be praised!!!


Had to scroll for SO LONG to get here. Keen to give these short rests a try!


I had to also until I realized there was a little tag thing that said short rest and when I clicked it it took me to a list of all of these


Hell yeah props to Caldwell for that Coheed reference


you can also sort by oldest to get them from the beginning :D


I just joined. You think you had to scroll forever? I feel like I rolled like a 7. my page even reloaded....


Oh, jesus Jake just shattered my fantasy world ideals with his jewish, dwaves analogy. Gimli will never be the same.

That Boy Lenin

I really like when they discuss whether they should support a king, if only because I typically play an anti-monarchist who has no love for any monarch, no matter how nice they might make themselves appear.


I spent the whole discussion about the upcoming galad fight yelling "free the prisoners!!!!"


I'm now invested on seeing if they ever learn the correct pronunciation of duregar.


I hate you I love you I hate when you don't strike true~ -White Rose of Galaderon

Sir Theobold Gumbar, Jr.

I can't get over how Jake admits to being enraged with jealousy to hear Murph and Emily talk about their other campaigns.