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Check out NaDDPod's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of Episode 14: Trial By Combat.  



Magic zur

@jason wachter is it your 3rd time through the campaign or the Patreon episodes. Because I have my self con through the campaign twice.


Patreon is impossible to navigate on the phone. Imagine scrolling to the bottom of this massive list today... It was worth it for these guys <3 on my second listen throuh


Catches up to campaign 3 and short rests what is one to do? Immediately relive my the band of boobs for the third time


Third time listening through the OG campaign and it’s so cool how much they predicted so much of the campaign in this first short rest!!

Angi Adcock

So excited to be a part of the Patreon. I know I’m way late, but I’m trying to catch up with the campaigns and all the bonus content. Love all you guys. You have brought so much joy and laughter to my otherwise miserable commute to and from work.


same! im bummed these arent on spotify though

Susan Gricko

They just added the ability to get these on Spotify. It's now my prime way to listen. Just go into your membership tab


Finally all caught up and I ran out of new episodes to listen to. Made me so sad, then I remembered your bonus stuff on patreon!!!!! Signed up today. ❤️


I really really hope that Gunther and Red are dating..


This is great! I can always use more NADDPOD content :D


Thursday’s have never been so great. Wife and I are pumped for this.


A worthy cause :))


Love you guys so much and litterally never get connected with anything but this podcast is so amazing :D inspired me to get my D&D group together and now we love it! Thanks guys!


This made my day! There's never enough NADDPOD!


Thank you folks so damn much. This show is a delight.


You guys are KILLING IT! I can't wait for the heist


Thank you guys so much! - Hardwon


Love the logo for Short Rest. It's perfect.


Way worth the money! Keep it up Band of Boobs!


Y'all are awesome! Hands down my favorite podcast. Keep up the amazing work!


Are there plans to make the patches available?


Currently I’m just part of the Mishkah’s angels, but next month it is my full intention to be part of the Council of Elders. I love your guys’ podcast so much! It’s by far my favorite.. P.S. I think based on Moonshine’s character AND her stat-block (Dex&Wis) that I pretty well know the multi class option she’ll likely take...


Thank you for all of your hard work, time, and effort! We all love the show. :) Keep it up!


There is no better reason for me to sign up for Patreon than this. Love the show and you’ve made me a full on D&D enthusiast. 100 more years of NADDPOD !!!


"What a terrible name for an episode" I am already looking forward to that episode


This is better than I could have possibly hoped

Sir Crits-A-Lott

Joined just for you guys. Never played DND before now I'm hooked.


Never played D & D... but the story telling and the comedy is sooo good!! I’m just not sure how many more voices Brian has in that brain for more characters! :) Jake, convince Amir to come on for at least one episode. He would make a great Jester. Emily’s laugh is gosh dang contagious! This is the first time I have heard anything of Caldy but will definitely be tuning into other things you are on.. I would like to see some one offs where you all bring in another DM and Brian joins the game.


Dude, or even have Emily/Jake/Caldwell try DMing a one-off session, that'd be sick!


I only allow myself so many monthly subscriptions. You guys took over one of my twitch subscriptions. The sheer amount of content and the love you show your fans makes every penny worthwhile.


I've listened though all of campaign 2 and 3 and now I'm finally catching up on campaign 1. It's wild to discover the long ago roots of bits!

Kork Horf

Me and witpending on the same page rn

Justin Murphy

Such humble beginnings, lol


We all know if you could somehow multirace in D&D Moonshine would be a possum.


Red or Gunther *could* be Hardwon's uncle by marriage, actually


No - you're right. The first circle of hell is Limbo which is where unbaptized babies go


It is so twilight zone to come back and hear theories about Galad and Thiala on the short rest when I just finished episode 75. BUT I finally made it to the party <3


I am catching up!


Just finished episode 93 and I'm going back through now. Very weird lol


I know I'm mad late here but has anyone yet referred to the speaking stones as Rocky Talkies


Having taken in /most/ of the NADDPod content, not including perhaps a few live shows, or some of the recent livestreams, I haven't heard that one once yet. But, my memory is kinda crap. It's' real good though


Just started listening to you guys, got to ep 14 saw you had a patreon said yes please to the extra, have my $10 a month :) i have a good few months of quarantine ahead of me!


After listening to naddpod for a few months now I have finally decided to join the council of elders I'm excited to be part of the crew


I finally decided, AT EP. 65, to join!!!! Please forgive me for taking so long!!! *prostrates themself*


I'm starting with catching up with all the Short Rests and it's really fun to listen to all those theories the crew had at the beginning of the campaign 1

Chrislee Hounshell

Finally catching up on Patreon right about Thanksgiving 2020, and that’s what I’m thankful for this year. That and Fia Bonkgenia, Zonk Vervain and Honk Honkfish.


Just joined after tearing through the series up until the third Hearthside Q&A! Had to finally get in on the extra goodness. <3

Garrett Morrow

It’s so adorable coming back to the first Short Rest and hear Emily apologize for straying off topic lol

nonya bizness

I have one hell of a back log to go through. I just started listening to naadpod after Caldwell DMd for Drawfee recently and I needed more in my life, and I HAD to know what y'all thought after Hardone goes through a certain transformation later in the series 👀 but first, all this good stuff I missed 🥰


Just joined today! I've been bingeing the show for a couple days after it was recommended to me and just finished this episode and rushed over to join the patreon. I love it!


I wish they would've covered how RANDOM & LUCKY it was the Hardwon decided to shout at the mouse guy instead of fighting

Oliver Jasper

Just joined today and I'm so excited to listen to all of these short rests!!! Been catching up on the 8 bit book club and I figured it was just time


This was my first ever dnd podcast and now my boyfriend is listening to! After two years of me telling him to lol finally joined patreon and super excited to listen to the short rest!


just finally was able to join the patreon after almost a full year of being buoyed by the amazing content yall put out – we'll see how long it takes for me to get to the short rest for sirenloch this week! :)


Just joined so I’m starting an informal podcast re-listen with the Patreon stuff can’t wait to get back into this world


Murph crying to the end of The Golden Compass at a deep dish pizza place is somehow not only incredibly funny but also the most accurate way I've ever heard of to explain to people what it was like growing up in IL as a fantasy obsessed kid.

Kay Gabrielli

I've been so excited to be a patron just for these short rests ❤️


well after finishing campaign 1 now its time to listen to the short rest. love murph crying over the golden compass


Is this the first one? This is the oldest I can find.


@blaine wood;Yea this is the first short rest. If you listen to the end of the episode for this short rest you hear them announcing there Patreon. This is my 3rd time through, why I’m seeing your message.