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Heya everyone! Bailiff Jack here to say that the Supreme Crit is convening this very afternoon. Please submit your brief (1-2 paragraphs, I beg!) case on this thread and we will bring you weird justice.


Babbles The Clown

Honorable Judges & Bailiff jake, I present to you the case of the mad mind trick. This was years ago in a Star Wars TTRPG. (I cannot remember the system but the die had symbles, not numbers) & this was early in my role playing days. I roll a force user from a jungle planet & the game begins. We are told "collect a particular data desk" & I say "you mean this one?" & Proceed to to mind trick the NPC & apparently roll high. The GM says I succeeded & then above the table says "well I had a whole encounter planned" while being visably deflated. I of course feel bad but at the time hadn't really learned how to role play properly one might say, so I humbly await your judgement.


Hello Grand Masters of the Jedi High Council and that weird droid gonk. I was playing a lawful good paladin in a group of 16 playing Tomb of Annihilation. The game started with 4 groups of 4. 4 characters died in the leadup to a PVP battle which the DM had informed us at the beginning of the campaign would be used to get down to only 7 players remaining who would move on to the end of the campaign. In the PVP battle, we teleported into an arena and were set loose. I rolled a nat 20 on initiative (which I agree with Murph is dope) but, it wasn't great in this case because I teleported into an arena first with nothing to do. Real DM said that at the beginning of each round there was a loud voice saying only 7 could survive. Me and my remaining teammate stayed on the top of the map while there was some battle going on in the south side of the map. After a couple turns I felt bad about just avoiding the whole battle and I started rushing towards the battle. On my way there, another character (let's call him BDM) ran past me on their turn while invisible, I took an attack of opportunity at disadvantage. I hit them, they lost invisibility and said in RP that "I'm just an old lady trying to find my friends". His group is playing a group of old ladies for fun. It's my turn next, I take an attack at the old lady, I hit and do a 1st level smite and again BDM says in RP that they’re just an old lady and I shouldn't attack her. I RP my Lawful good paladin would hesitate, so I said that I wouldn't take my second attack. On their turn they say that they want to run away but can't because of an opportunity attack from me, I say out of character that I would let them run away since my character is hesitating, they run away. My lover attacks BDM on their turn, then on my turn I attack BDM. BDM says old lady spiel again. On their turn they try to attack me, miss, run away, and I take an attack of opportunity, I take BDM to 3hp. On My turn I say I'm going to take an attack on BDM. BDM asks on my turn if they can make a deception check that they are already fully dead, the DM allows a contested deception vs perception and I roll low. Then I attack another grandma from his team who attacked me previously. I take them down with my first hit. I take a second attack at the body for 2 death fails. I use my hasted attack for another 2 fails and kill that character. BDM out of character suggests that I need to consider changing my alignment since I just killed an old lady. BDM ends up killing my character after sneak attack and help from his team. Was I wronged by the sniveling old lady (BDM) trying to force me to RP my character to just let them go? I was a hasted level 5 paladin with 4 remaining smite slots (not spell slots). Should I have just smote down onto these sniveling septuagenarians?