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With Summer in full swing, the Sea-Doo Crew gathers around the beach bonfire to answer your lovely questions. Pull up a towel and hang out for a bit!

Sound Mixing and Editing by Trevor Lyon



David Lipscomb

Coconut would be the champion in the wrestling. Especially with the husk on

Miranda B

Jake’s names for the categories are getting more unhinged by the day

Anna Freitas

never apologize for your sincerity, Emily! LOVED your answer to the accent question (also - new year's grinch live show???)


Minnesota native, they absolutely do not get most dead bodies out of any of the great lakes. They're inland freshwater seas

Peter Elias

How to make banana splits good, imo, former DQ employee. Make sure banana is ripe but not too. Ignore typical toppings put caramel, heath bar and/or Reece’s peanut butter cups. Or whatever toppings actually work with banana flavor. The bad strawberry syrup 🤢 and pineapple (what is this a pizza??) with the chocolate don’t work.


Also, I noticed no one brought up the fruit that literally murders people on a yearly basis: Durian https://www.yearofthedurian.com/2013/01/durian-obituaries-of-2012.html

Margaret Zenke

Of course Murph is the Marcille of the group lmao

Aidan Warlow

Murph laughing as he tried to explain to Jake "they generally try to get them out" about dead bodies in lakes, really great stuff

Ronnie Cheung

Bah gawd, that's durian's music!