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Surprise Surprise! Discussion Master Murphy and the gang are back with even more outrageous hypotheticals. Thanks so much to everyone who submitted! Now grab some tots and a shaken martini because the round's about to start!


Sound Mixing and Editing by Trevor Lyons




Loving These

Kyle Veach





michelin stars are award winning restaurants, you hicks.

Katy Howells

A Yogi Bear isekai sounds terrifying


Come on Merphy, you know the Grinch can't hit a target that is invisible.

Q Quigley

Re: The Button, I'd slam that button so quick, dude. Why wouldn't I want to, in essence, "BLeeM" myself?

The Fun Yaunt

The four of you are already incredibly charismatic and attractive— no Yogi needed!

Alexa Phillips

About shaken not stirred, what about job interviews?? They always offer coffee


Re: The Yogi Bear Question: as a trans person there is an immense psychic harm to looking into the mirror and seeing a body that doesn’t feel like your own. The Dysphoria would be crazy


Tbh "shaken not stirred" would be an applicable joke to a coffee offer lol

Courtney F.

How are y'all not getting a free do-over from that restaurant? Like... It's the least they can do!!

Evan Schmidt

"Dads can increase their velocity at a surprising rate" -Emily Axford

Q Quigley

In-credible charisma, while seeing myself as a cartoon bear. Thoughts?

Scarlett B

Murph, the question about seeing yourself as Yogi Bear while no one else does is just having dysphoria. You accidentally did a trans allegory.


Absolutely keep that disinfected vomit ring. Great story!

Scarlett B

The Shaken Not Stired cackle situation is basically just having Tourettes syndrome, and they don't even get a magic wardrobe out of the deal.

Bryan Barton

Fecalmancer adventure book please!

Rebecca Harris

They chose my submission! I squealed when I heard my name! 🩵🩵🩵

August A

I need Murph to know that I would a 1000% buy a packaged party game version of Surprise Round to play with my friends.

August A

Also for the James Bond closet airplane situation, you just always pretend to be asleep when you see the drink cart coming!!

Benjamin P Parson Gomberg

I wasn’t sold on the James Bond wardrobe until it Jake did the Mavid voice for it. Now its only got positives.


Murph’s closet is filled with tight fitting Jack Skellington boxers

Li I

Me wondering wether the DN guy Emily thinks is cute is L or Light before realising that of course it’s Ryuk

Jensen D

I’d argue that since the other person ate the dessert you ordered that the vomit WAS your dessert. And therefore your partner was being proposed to with the ring in dessert the way they wanted.


John Cena came to my town not too long ago and went to a kind of nice brunch spot my best friend works at. He ordered avocado toast without the avocado and with 2 eggs instead


I will be needing an “If Funky Kong wanted to kill me, I’d be dead” t shirt immediately please


being trans IS like being yogi bear if you think about it - short hairy friend in a bowtie - love picnics - people trying to chase us out of wherever we're chillin it's actually 1:1 thank you murph

Jeffrey Steck, Lord of the Fjord (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-15 18:41:11 A deal to do crazy shit for higher charisma makes no sense for Max Charisma Emily!
2024-07-13 15:26:19 A deal to do crazy shit for higher charisma makes no sense for Max Charisma Emily!

A deal to do crazy shit for higher charisma makes no sense for Max Charisma Emily!

lily 😦

the funky kong submission had incredible world building, full funky fanfic when??


Glad to see my fellow trans folks also resonating with the yogi bear question

noa tsipin

I think that for the funky Kong one my answer would be different depending on if the aunt in the scenario is my uncle’s wife or my dad’s sister


I’m truly crying from laughter from the Yogi Bear question

Brandon O'Hara

I think that Funky Kong scenario really hit Murph right in the soul.


I mean for the drink question It would kinda be like having very specific Tourette’s right so I’d just tell people that’s what it is

Alex Weatherhead

Incredible timing on the grinch assassination question

sage penelopy

shit that’s exactly what i was gonna comment! you just develop tourette’s syndrome with a very specific trigger, so that’s easy to explain up top to anybody who might offer bevvies. and if someone does forget, they probably will learn their lesson on the first go around haha

Ilana Galpert

If Emily isn't already her most authentic self then everything I know is wrong and I can no longer trust the universe

Leni Nicole

Ok… Having worked in a 2 Michelin Star restaurant, there is like an absolute zero chance that screwup would happen in one in the first place. You don’t get 2 stars without extremely attentive service.

Leni Nicole

Also, tbh, if by some insane circumstance that does happen, service is taking care of that mess & cleaning your ring too before you can even think about it




Y'all clearly haven't been keeping up with X-Men. We left the mansion a long time ago

Ken W

This post has the incorrect Short Rest tag. Apparently Patreon tags are Case Sensitive, so it should be tagged Short Rest in order to show up with all the others.

MeekoCHAOS The Raccoon Boi

The biggest problem with the yogi bear situation is if you like being clean shaven you have to go get someone else to shave your face every day? Unless you just go fuck it and just let your hair and beard grow or you get laser treatment to never deal with it?


The problem with the $500 towards Sonic, you have to go back to spend $500 if you can’t flip it.

Sugar Bear

i feel like the shaken not stirred is an easy get around just by saying “sorry man i have tourettes”

Jamie Lyons

Nothing to do with this specific episode, but it has taken me almost two years, but after completing this episode, I am FINALLY CAUGHT UP. It’s been a pleasure to be on this journey with all of you

Gabbie Bicanovsky

fun fact: workers at sonic can still wear the roller skates for the fortune of a 10 cent raise

Mason Bowen

Important clarification, does your Yogi Bear reflection have on your fit, or is it unclothed like the show? If I looked in a mirror and saw Yogi Bear, BUT he had that shit on, I could live with this

Claud Josh

the shaken not stirred one is just tourettes my friends!

Dale Durham

I just caught up fully today I've been listening to the pod since december and ive been grinding through it at work. I feel the void of no more content growing in me.

Arctic Starhunt

i feel that. Back in 2023 in febuaray i found this podcast. Then BAM novemember same year i had to stop listening to it to allow some content to build haha. But now I have the short rests


Ahhh I remember that feeling well. Got the point I just started cycling through different campaigns, bit book club, D&D Court. Those along with different campaigns of Dimension 20 and The Rotating Heroes

John Yaney

New villain for the next Donkey Kong Country themed one-shot... Murphy Kong!!


Got real annoyed with how often the men cut Em off


Caldwell with the dad yelling “get back here frog!” To JarJar got no love. +1 point

Nathaniel Letterman

I now want to see the John Cena saves Christmas where a grinch gathers up a bunch of wrestlers to help him steal Christmas and John gathers up the same amount and its just like 12 different matches in various Christmas sets

Maggie Reed

the yogi bear body dysphoria


The biggest question is… is there a Jar Jar themed menu to go with the Jar Jar experience?

Mark Friedgen

Caldwell if your ever wondering about scenarios for the triplets to run just take stuff from these lol they’d be perfect. A santa clause style one shot with the grinch needs to happen this year