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Hey folks! We're recording a new episode of "Surprise Round!" this afternoon. Submit your unhinged hypotheticals below and we will try our best to game them out.


Lorelei The Succubi Grinchomancer and Kyra her Dad

Your playing Fortnite at home unwinding after a long recording session. Your partner is in the bathroom showering and is playing music really loudly so they don't hear you scream at the TV for dying the second you got a Crown. After loading into a lobby but waiting for the match to start in the rrecame lobby you hear something strange. You hear "hawk Tuah!" And a series of snippinh sounds. When you go to investigate with 30 seconds left and 98 people loaded, you see the Hawk Tuah girl hanging from a tree with a photorealistic Grinch snipping at her feet with a pair of scissors. The girl makes eye contact with you and says "please help, he's going to kill me, oh my God the Grinch is going to kill me" before the final 2 people load in and the match start. From that point on your game plays like normal, kill a bot or two here, loot a chest there. Run from a car. You see building in the distance and hear a fire fight. When you move closer to see what the hububs all about, you see the Grinch executing a player, which doesn't despawn. He notices you and tries to rush you fast, but your trigger fingers faster. You shoot the Grinch in the chest exploding his organs our his back, his dying words "I was so close to getting you too" You have no idea what that was about but you found a new mythic weapon, spit. You continue the game and eventually find the hawk tuah girls body lying under a Slurp barrel, her head crushed. When you make it to final 3 you see the 2 other fighting and capitilize on the moment managing to win in the end. After that sweaty game you get up to go get a little air real quick before the next match. When you go to open the door there is a thud, but you didn't order a package. Inspecting further you find the corpse of the Jim Carrey dressed as the Grinch with an Xbox controller in hand dead at your door step. What do you tell your partner and how do you explain it to the police if you go to them at all?

Brett the Breton of High Rock

You wake up one morning and are visited by a Genie. It tells you it can give you one of three superpowers ( super strength, super speed, or flight)! You can only pick one of the powers but each one comes with a catch. If you choose super strength you have to always wear the donkey Kong tie and can never take it off. And each romantic encounter must start by you singing “ Heeyyyo look out down below here he come banana slamma!” And then preceding to only call your partner “dude” or “little buddy”. If you take the speed your hair all over your body will turn permanently blue. And you must always have a pair of sneakers on at all times that you can never take off. Also any time you have a romantic encounter with your partner you must always reference how fast you are and must refer to your partner as “ a human woman/man/person)! If you choose the flight you grow a tail and you must always have your hair spiked three feet tall in bleach blonde spikes. also anytime you get “romantic” with you partner you must constantly comment on both of your “power levels” all the time. Which of any of these powers would you except!

Ronan Cowsill

You are invited to your best friend’s birthday and they tell you before that they wanna go “Hard”. Though you are not much a drinker you have nothing to do the next day and no responsibilities that night and this seems important to them, so you agree. You have a great time but do in fact drink a lot more than you are used to and end up blacking out. When you come to consciousness you see yourself in the exact Delorean from Back to the Future (Flux Capacitor and all) and when you look out the windows you see your city but with much lower buildings, as if you were in the 1950’s. When you look to your passenger seat you see The Grinch in full Doc Brown uniform, lab coat, grey frizzy hair, and all, sitting there. You also see you are driving at 85mph towards a stone wall a few hundred feet in-front of you. The Grinch looks at you and calls you by your full name and says “Thanks so much for taking me back the 2024, if I was here even a day longer I would’ve Grinched this place harder than I have ever Grinched anything! Just hit 88mph and you can go home and I can finally do some light Grinching in the future.” You have the choice, do you trust your instinct, the scenery, and the Grinch that this is truly the past and hot 88mph towards this wall, with the outcome being getting home and getting minority Grinched. Or do you doubt everything and swerve last minute, avoiding 88mph, at the risk of being stuck in the past and having the Grinch “Grinch this place harder than he ever Grinched anything” Ps. Imagine back to the future rules, as in this was powered by a well timed lightning strike and you never know when another will strike perfectly.

Chuck P

You are invited to a party full of cartoon characters. Your buddy goofy is your in. After a few hours of chatting with your favorite toons, you're feeling comfortable and ready for the moment you've been waiting for. You finish your drink and approach the king of the party, Mickey Mouse. You tap him on his shoulder and hold out your hand as you introduce yourself. Mickey side eyes you and says "Haha OkAyyy" and turns around to continue his conversation with Lola Rabbit. How do you take the rejection knowing you were only cool enough to be Goofy’s friend?

Chris Vargas

Once a day you get the ability to alter fate and use the real world equivalent of a nat 20 on any outcome you wish. However if you take this deal every time you reach sexual gratification, all forms of communication you own will automatically send a message to each contact in your address book. This includes posting on all social media and work related correspondence. You cannot use this ability to save face or do damage control. If you attempt to delete or deny any of the messages you forever lose the ability. If anyone asks you about it you have to respond enthusiastically word for word the same message. The message reads as follows. “One fish two fish, red fish blue fish, im a nasty nasty dirty little piggy for daddy grinch, piggy gets their num nums diddling their skittle to big sexy papa grinch-ussy Do you take the deal?

Michael Beck

I know I'm late but I have one for next time so I'ma post it so I can copy and paste it when the time comes. A wizard comes down out of the sky and offers you a deal, he will transport you to whatever fictional universe you want, you will be able to be whatever species, age, and status you want and in whatever location you want. The only catch is that you must also take JarJar Binks with you, he will live with you, and you just introduce him as your spouse to every person you meet in this new universe. Do you take the wizards offer?