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Welcome to The Biggest Loreser! An epic showdown between two contestants who know way too much useless lore, hosted by two people who have no idea what the fuck they're talking about. Who will emerge victorious in this battle of the mindless?




Hell yeah




Oh hell yeah this is going to be sick

Jeffrey Steck, Lord of the Fjord (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-16 02:25:25 Are there lowercase L’s abound!?!?
2024-06-30 20:21:40 Are there lowercase L’s abound!?!?

Are there lowercase L’s abound!?!?

Anika Dalvie

this is the most enthusiastic murph has ever been

Matty H

Before starting to listen but after reading the description I knew then who the contestants were 🤣

Neil Dutton

12 minutes and punches have already been thrown


emily and jake need to have a Yoga With Adrien version of this

Elana Kadish

this is truly the funniest thing i’ve listened to in a long time holy shit i love y’all


Um, sweeties, in DBZ for 1000: Cooler isn’t a king. Which might be close enough for these Loresers, but you also have Cooler’s father, King Cold to worry about for possible confusion.


11 minutes in and I'm dying laughing already. Please let there be so many more of these.

A. Lee. S

Loved this!


cream the rabbit doesn't have a daughter herself, but she is the daughter of vanilla the rabbit

Ben Herman

Biggest Loreser: Dark Side of the Murph

Kork Horf

Naruto, WoW, Mario, and the grinch for the next one ?

Matty H

Technically, ********* got pity points, so I say that ********* won

Matty H

Sure, the protocol was broken, but I don't think personally it was enough to warrant points lol

Five Titties Flapping in the Wind - WEEEE!

The unstated facet of this episode was that Jake finally got to try a Wiki wander, which puts him in line to be a well prepared guest on 8 Bit Book Club!

Declan Konesky

After binging OG 8 bit Book club...this is EXACTLY WHAT I WANT. Too bad we have some shmo named Cake in there. Hope he's got a DONK like his name says


cream rabbit


love that you can hear Caldwell recoil when Jake called Dragon Ball Z a comic

Skyler G.

This is a work of art and I would love a million more trivia mixed bags with everyone taking turns with their favorite lore. (Also props to Jake for being a real "Jeopardy!" stan and nailing [most of] the rules. I heard him giving correct responses in the form of a question!)


Oh I love this SO MUCH

Daniel A.

I was not prepared for the Flintstone's sting 😂


loved this! also really liked the themed sound effects

Jake Martim de Medeiros (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-16 02:25:25 Justice for Murph, Manky is not a Kong!!!
2024-06-30 22:37:08 Justice for Murph, Manky is not a Kong!!!

Justice for Murph, Manky is not a Kong!!!


Murph knowing Babypuss made me blow up with laughter

Jacob B.

Yall have GOT to get Arin Hanson and Dan Avidan on for this!


That was the most nale biting intense thing I've ever listened to

Sean Zenitram

They might be a bit too loud. How am I going to fall asleep to this with Fred yelling Wilma? 😅


they are extremely loud but I found them kind of charming after I knew to expect it


Get in lorsers we’re going quizzing?


What a bunch of lil logs going hog

Jack Farley

I hate how much I love this


This absolute nonsense deserved to be a video.


Would be hilarious to turn the tables and to a health and fitness version of this, I'd watch/listen the SHIT out of that

Young Hemlock

So delightfully unhinged, crazy how invested I got. Perfect episode, no notes


absolutely ASTOUNDED the grinch did not make a single appearance here


Absolutely busted the sides of me and my partner while we were making dinner today. We anxiously anticipate the final showdown. ["Live and Learn" from Sonic Adventure 2 starts blaring]

Alan Ma

If you told me this took place right after the Gamer Fuel Sommelier episode, I wouldn't be surprised

Claire and Cal, enjoying a sticky bun by the Crick (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-16 02:25:25 This made me so happy! I was listening to the dungeon court flinstones heavy ep yesterday and thought how fun a qui would be!!!
2024-07-01 01:55:04 This made me so happy! I was listening to the dungeon court flinstones heavy ep yesterday and thought how fun a qui would be!!!

This made me so happy! I was listening to the dungeon court flinstones heavy ep yesterday and thought how fun a qui would be!!!


Gerald Robotnik is very important to Shadow's story, G.U.N. gunned down his granddaughter, Maria Robotnik, who was also Shadow's best friend, her final wish was for Shadow to protect the world, but Gerald seeks revenge on the entire world by destroying it instead.

Brandon Wiens

Ya GOTTA wait until the question is done being read. Also Murph’s gotta play Tropical Freeze! That might be the best Donkey Kong game of them all!

Carter Carter

I would’ve loved to see some WWE in here but I love it all the same

Matt Davis

Grinch trivia next time maybe? :D


"Hork-Bajir valley bullshit" is an instant lore lord classic


Murph, cucumbers are a fruit. Also you should release a pic of this chaotic jeopardy board 😂


The little logs yet again bless us with another mixed bag!

lily h

the incredibly alarming theme music between each category


In the Flintstones DC Comic, the war is basically the Vietnam War, there are people calling Fred a Draft Dodger, and Barney has PTSD from what he did, massacring the Neanderthals, including Bam-Bam's biological family


If you want to do a quiz show that includes everyone it could be fun to do a “fun facts ab Me” bc like Emily has insane lore and i think it would be hilarious for everyone to guess everyone’s insane pasts

華偉 曾


Austin Soren

“A little place called…” - Emily lore “With friends like these” - friends lore “8 bit backlog” - 8BBC pulls like machinima clan, Warcraft, Diablo, etc.

Alexie Smith

This had me on the edge of my seat also such a great concept to lean into.

Aslee Graves

As someone who reads the Animorphs books every year, I knew when they didn't know Jake's (or Rachel's) last name that it was going to be a tough listen for me. It was bad enough knowing they don't know what a great character Marco becomes.

Aslee Graves

I know you're being sarcastic but around the time you replied I was pacing my room trying to figure out how Murph remembered what morph Tom was in when he died, but couldn't remember his last name.

Doug Davis

The amount of rage from them when he asked GT questions




The NADDPOD Cinematic Universe (NCU) is ripe with juice!


If they ever make merch club koozies, I vote for them to say "Dark Side of the Murph"

Polly Ennis-Theobald

This is one of THE FUNNIEST things you've ever done 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭


"Vegetable" is a culinary distinction while "fruit" is used differently in both culinary and botanical contexts. The categories (like all taxonomy) are quite muddy


Well apparently murph had about 300mg of caffeine before this. A celsius AND coffee is straight up dangerous

Eric Pierce

I would pay money for them to do another one and not change anything at all, don't clean it up and have Brennan on only to hear him have a meltdown about the chaotic loosy goosey triva


Next time ask us for questions based on categories you choose. This way you all can play!

Dani Reynolds

this might be my favorite mixed bag of all time

Luke Volpe

This was absolutely incredible, but I gotta address Jake saying Lord Slug was crustacean-like??? Where did that come from?

Rebecca Neal

The question about Tobias's animal form should have been 100 level. I've never seen the show or read the books, but everyone knows Tobias spent his life as a red-tailed hawk. It's literally the one thing I know about Animorphs.


They should have done a wiki deep dive episode just for this game, with everyone diving together

Jack Jones

That Intro was groovy


Also, Jake does need to be publicly punished for the Hork-Bajir Valley question

Nesve Fowl

I loved this it was amazing and hilarious!

Gearoid Cotter

Great mixed bag! Fantastic energy from everyone! 10/10, no notes! Can’t wait for the epic rematch!


What a fantastic game!


happened to upgrade to mixed bag the night before this dropped and thank god i did what a gem


The only way you can follow this up is with another episode of Spellcheck. The people DEMAND it.

Sharktopus Reckoning

We need a final fantasy 6 loreser between Emily and Caldwell

Austin Trammell

Absolutely need a second one. This was so good

Kyle Veach

Holy shit more of this please!


I can't beleive Jake wasnt ashamed and ripped apart on acorn castle after the hork-bajir valley. what a confident man

Jeffrey Steck, Lord of the Fjord (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-16 02:25:25 A fine job Jake! Em, you are the question Queen!
2024-07-01 17:16:26 A fine job Jake! Em, you are the question Queen!

A fine job Jake! Em, you are the question Queen!


As a hardcore Sonic fan, I’m shook at some of those questions 🤣 We’re pulling deep lore if Amy’s medieval cousin Rob O’ The Hedge is popping up!


This one hurt my soul! Especially since he’s even mentioned SA2 before when he brought up “rouge, the sexy bat lady!”

Kingsley Onumbu (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-16 02:25:25 For not being a DBZ fan I think Jake did good on his questions. Also *pushing up nerd glasses* I know they are technically the same person but I still think there is a difference between Trunks and Future Trunks.
2024-07-01 18:21:29 For not being a DBZ fan I think Jake did good on his questions. Also *pushing up nerd glasses* I know they are technically the same person but I still think there is a difference between Trunks and Future Trunks.

For not being a DBZ fan I think Jake did good on his questions. Also *pushing up nerd glasses* I know they are technically the same person but I still think there is a difference between Trunks and Future Trunks.

Lee Wiggins

I didn't know a single answer to any question but loved Murph's clear competitive streak 😂

Skyler G.

Oh my goodness, we need a Muppets category!!


Easily best mixed bag. Bring on expanded useless trivia categories for round 2

Apple Slapple

I bet a star wars category would work in a rematch!

Breana Miller

Need a wrestling category next time too, so we can hear Murph get even more mad lol.


I want this so badly to become it's own spin off though I know sadly realistically, they could only cobble together maybe 3 or 4 episodes before it became way way too much work

Evan Schmidt

Submitting that Mario, Mortal Kombat, and The Grinch would be strong categories for next time


I don't think I've ever related to Jake more than in this episode


The Ultimate Lorerior was right there as an alternative name


This was so so good!! I only wish we could see this chaotic board

Joe K

This is it. This is the best mixed bag. It can’t be topped. Hang up with Mixed Bag tier.

Declane Gilhooley

Happy Canada Day to all the Canadian Listeners. I am at a patio listen to this ep right now

Dylan Irish

Would love to see the grinch, crash bandicoot, and bloodborne questions next time!

Nick Andrusin

AMAZING- we need a round 2!


I need them to do a wiki dive on Guilty Gear


Production note: the WILLLMMAAAA!!! Is a touch too loud

Kris DeLine

Please keep doing this! Sassy Caldwell v. Murphy is amazing. Only thorn is the audio for the transitions between questions had me ripping out my headphones because of the increased volume

Brendan Reese

This was so much freaking fun. I absolutely love it when you guys do these wacky Mixed Bags or Side Shows. (Like Surprise Round and Spellcheck) Thanks so much for sharing them with us! You guys make all of our days brighter!


Gods bless this mixed bag, I needed to hear Caldwell & Murph screaming about Flinstones lore today

Madge the Warlock

The fact that a Celsius by itself is 200mg of caffeine by itself is crazy, especially since the packaging really tries to make it seem like a cute little health drink. I did also drink one this morning lol

Linnea C

The ONLY one I knew was that bam bam’s hat was a turtle shell and goddamn if I didn’t get a taste of how insane Caldwell and murph must feel. The high.

Alan Ma

I think that energy drinks should be legally required to decorate all their cans with flames/digital camo and name all their flavors "Pulsestopper Raspberry" or whatever

Josef Jozefowicz

This was honestly so much fun, can't wait for part 2!

The Fun Yaunt

I think Final Fantasy and The Witcher would make great categories for Part 2!

Richa W

This was liquid gold folks

Jeffrey Steck, Lord of the Fjord (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-16 02:25:25 Watch that 3rd D&D movie and you can have a category for those 3 wonderful old movies!
2024-07-02 17:06:12 Watch that 3rd D&D movie and you can have a category for those 3 wonderful old movies!

Watch that 3rd D&D movie and you can have a category for those 3 wonderful old movies!

Jeffrey Steck, Lord of the Fjord (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-16 02:25:25 Em can do Aladdin and Teen Wolf (sexual awakenings) categories.
2024-07-02 19:31:20 Em can do Aladdin and Teen Wolf (sexual awakenings) categories.

Em can do Aladdin and Teen Wolf (sexual awakenings) categories.

Lee Blatchford

Given that we have had sonic and donkey Kong multi-shots so far when oh when will the triplets do a DBZ cross over!?! You guys have enough knowledge to make that happen surely!!?! 👍🤣🤣🤣👍


I definitely yelled at my radio with the windows down "ITS A TURTLE HAT COME ON!"

Corbett Stovall

Next one have a category on metal gear. Jake pulling from that would be the most baffled a human has ever been.

Kevin Stefanowicz

I really hope they do more of these - Emily writes really great questions, and Jake’s are definitely amenable ALSO there should definitely be a Potpourri category to contain the vast expanse of outliers (Austin Powers, Anchorman, Lilo & Stitch, etc)


my favorite moment is at 49:45 when caldwell and murph gasp at the mention of wwe flintstones

Dave Molnar

This was fantastic fun - more please!

Brett the Breton of High Rock

Have any of y’all watched Ultimate Muscle because I feel like that would be such a good blend of the love of both Anime and Wrestling that you guys could watch!


It's episodes like this and the spell components that made me glad I upgraded my tier


omg, murph and caldwell on Um, actually when?

Champ wild

So I was driving back from Florida to Missouri when this came out I was in hr 23 of 25 a hr drive. I almost crashed my car when Jake said hork bajier valley .

D Cord

This was INSANE.

Mikkel Voigt

Namekians are slug people not snail people so they are not crustaceans but molluscs, cmon John get your head in the game


I mean obviously the Grinch, but maybe Crash Bandicoot/Gex, Final Fantasy and Game of Thrones as possible other categories?


Brian Murphy should NOT get the point for DBZ for 1000, Cooler is NOT a King he is conflating him with his father King Cold, he is at most Lord Cooler. That is some FUCKING RAMBINI BS.

Ryan Keeton

Caldwell, Emily, and Murph are so funny. Jake wasn't really there so I get it.


Please put more Donkey Kong in Murph's enclosure, it made him so happy.

John EldenRing

So happy this ended with sequel bait, so excited for the next one Loresers


I'd love to see a game show where fans submit tough trivia questions about Naddpod characters (with cited answers,) and the person who played that character has to answer. If they fail, someone else can guess for extra points.

Sarah B

😭😭 truly the best. Bless you all.

Mitchell Sigalas

This was fantastic! I'd love more shows like this.

Blue Bee

Whoever did the editing this episode fucking slayed me when I heard the Flintstones category sound.


Snails and slugs are very closely related animals, and both are molluscs.

Oliver Jasper

How was it the ONLY question I knew was that Bam Bam wore a turtle 😂 🐢


This was amazing, I want a rematch so bad

Gabi H

Please get Trapp to guest host and write random questions as someone who has cursory knowledge of so much nerd-dom!

Dale Durham

This was really really fun


This was so good and perfect, god I love naddpod

Cameron A

But also because of the Rambini controversy I think it should equal out.

David Silva

The Flintstone yell scared the shit out of me the first time I heard it.

Jette Nielsen

This needs Grinch and Crash Bandicoot categories next time 😍😍😍😂