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Hey fam! We're recording a brand new episode of "Surprise Round!" this afternoon. Please submit your unhinged hypotheticals below! Thank you in advance for supporting our truly dumb discussion.


Shane Murphy

You recieve a phone call stating that you've won the lottery. At first, you don't believe it, but you did buy a ticket and as they continue speaking to you, it all starts to click that it's real, you've won a major jackpot and your life is about to change forever. You go down to the official office where they give you information on taxes and how you can actually obtain the money and everything's going great. After signing the dotted line and being told the money will appear in your account after a few weeks. You do a quick photoshoot with the CEO of the lottery company, who appears to be in a very lifelike Grinch costume, weird. Six weeks later, the money has not appeared in your account, how do you proceed?


The house next to yours has a neighbor you've always hated. They always glare at you whenever you run into each other, and spit at you and call you a "scoundrel and a curr". One day, however, you come home to see your neighbor standing in their front yard, dressed head to toe as Sasuke from the hit anime Naruto. They are staring forlornly into the middle distance and holding the watering hose, and don't seem to notice you. You can tell at a glance they've been crying. You think it's strange but decide to leave them to their business, but that night at 11 pm they come knocking at your door, still in the cosplay. You see through the peephole that they are sobbing, and holding a lifesize cardboard cut out of Caldwell. They ask to come inside to talk. Do you let them in?

Ziv Ben-Shahar

You are invited to play wheel of fortune, broadcasted on public television at prime time and with the possibility to win a lot of money. It's a good thing, too, because Crash Bandicoot has been showing up at your door every time you go outside and water your plants or leave the house. Crash has told you that he won't stop unless you pay him a million dollars -- and that's exactly what you could win on this game show! But when you get to the set, the staff tell you that the usual host had to leave but called in a substitute. When you get to the stage, you see that the substitute game show host is a man in the grinch costume -- or hell, maybe it's the Grinch himself. You are performing really well, but every time the cameras are off for an ad break, the Grinch approaches and grumbles at you that you better not win because he really needs the money. The tone is threatening. Do you try to win?

Brett the Breton of High Rock

You wake up one morning and are visited by a spirit. It tells you it can give you one of three superpowers ( super strength, super speed, or flight)! You can only pick one of the powers but each one comes with a catch. If you choose strength you have to always wear the donkey Kong tie and can never take it off. And each romantic encounter must start by you singing “ Heeyyyo look out down below here he come banana slamma!” And then preceding to only call your partner “dude” or “little buddy”. If you take the speed your hair all over your body will turn permanently blue. And you must always have a pair of sneakers on at all times that you can never take off. Also any time you have a romantic encounter with your partner you must always reference how fast you are! If you you choose the flight you grow a tail and you must always have your hair spiked two feet tall in bleach blonde spikes. also anytime you get “romantic” with you partner you must always comment on both of your “power levels” all the time. Which of any of these powers would you except!