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After briefly bringing up The Phantom Menace in the main feed (for some reason), we have heard the public outcry and decided to do a deep dive on the film! Join the 2 Crew as we talk thin robots, tiny ponytails, and whether or not lightsabers should be heavier.




Now *this* is pod racing

Steve Slatky

I can't wait to hear 30 minutes about pod racing!


Phenomenal mixed bag choice I cannot wait to listen to


posted at the same time i’m playing the phantom menace levels on wii lego star wars the universe aligned for a moment for me rn 🙏

Allen S

What a bounty this day is


What is happening today we are feasting



Callan Michael Webster

I hope Emily finds out about Yaddles history as “the one below”

Terrion Burden

Emily - Jarjar became a senator?! Her surprise took me out lol

Jackson Mosher

As soon as it was mentioned I thought “This HAS to be a Mixed Bag review!!”


I had the exact same thought. I can’t believe “feasting” has entered my lexicon.


So much today I'm amazed

Galen Graham, Local Talent

haven’t even listened yet i just can’t believe i got a naddpod notification that says phantom menace review. i just KNOW emily is gonna have me stifling cackles in public settings while i listen


Oh I would wholly recommend watching the Clone Wars TV series. Maul has a big part of it and it rocks. They also do some really dope stuff with the clones and really heavy lightsaber fights

Tom Dieter

I am happy Emily nautrally came to the same conclusion as the Plinkett reviews of how the lightsaber fights feel so fake an emotionless


I so needed good stuff to listen to today and y’all delivered so much!


I have such nostalgia for this movie that I know is pretty bad, I'm so excited for this!

Hannah S


Glenn Dowdle

Meesa thinka thisa gonna be a good sode!

Declan Konesky

Being 34 and having star wars and Harry Potter to reflect on... technically a lot more, but these are constant classics/legacy stuff that just will last. It makes me wonder bc I dislike these that came out for my generation but love Alien, Jurassic park, and blade runner

Declan Konesky

Ok we need a NADPOD Star Wars Rat Tail saga. 4 shit mixed bag? I can see it going up to 6 or 8 also. That rat tail has a lot of fodder to it. Enough to feed a rat king 👑


@Caldwell Darth Plagueis by James Lucerno goes into some of the set up for Phantom Menace, so it’s a good source of trade federation juice.


Emily nailed it. George Lucas is bad at directing actors. He somehow made Samuel L Jackson one of the most boring characters in the franchise.


so much appreciation, praise the naddpod lords for posting 3 episodes in the span of 4 hours for the $10/m tier


Weird I thought Murph hated pop culture and movies. WE ARE FEASTING

Tory Morgan

You guys need to come back to Pittsburgh for a live show and visit the authentic 1999-era Phantom Menace vending machine featuring Sebulba that just got, like, forgotten about. https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/mt-washington-star-wars-vending-machine/


About you all dressing up as Darth Maul for Halloween, Nathan literally did this! A few years back somewhere on drawfee or a stream, I think I remember he talk about going to an all Dartb maul themed Halloween party with his partner. And I’m pretty sure he said there was an article written about it as well when the group of Maul’s were seen out and about. Sounded super fun.

Keith Kelly

The braid DOES get chopped off when Jedi pass the trails to become knights. Obi-Wan was a 25-year-old padawan, because he almost washed out of Jedi training (Qui-Gon took him as a padawan at ~15). That's why Obi-Wan was surprised that Qui-Gon was planning to take Anakin as a padawan---it would mean Obi-Wan would finally have to go through the trials to become a knight, since a Jedi can't have more than one padawan at a time.


Cant wait until they find out that Darth maul is technically alive and has spider legs in the animated clone wars series


So, Padme is supposed to be 14 in Episode 1, a couple of years younger than Natalie Portman, but I think Anakin is still supposed to be 9 (tho if I recall he was originally planned to be 12).


"My light was I didn't really get it" made me have to pause the episode to laugh my god

Eli the Gamer Guy

For all you pod racer heads out there, there is an animated show called Star wars Resistance about racing on a planet after the fall of the empire. It's got crossover with a sequels


Going off of what Murph was saying about Emily being “sheltered” from star war I really hope that they at least do the prequels as mixed bags because I would love to see her reaction to episode 3 especially order 66

Jake Martim de Medeiros

Hey I’m not sure if the hosts read these comments but I’ll leave it here regardless, I think instead of Star Wars 5E you should explore the “edge of the empire” roleplaying system. It serves so much better for narrative shows like naddpod, and could be great for a short Star Wars arc. To explain, instead of rolling checks with numbered dice you use dice that give a result of some combination of “successes/failures” and “threats/advantages”, with Nat 1’s and Nat 20’s replaced by “despairs” and “triumphs” As you get better at a skill you use different coloured dice that give you better odds of success. I find that it’s better than 5E for narrative storytelling and comedy, which this show excels at. For example, say you… flirt with a shopkeeper. You roll a charisma check and get a success with 3 threats. Great! The shopkeeper is into you, but unbeknownst to you the DM decides a very jealous ex lover is coming after you. Dice results in this format really encourage creativity and fun story twists as you think about advantages and disadvantages in addition to what you initially intended with your roll. The DM can do it solo, but it’s also really fun for the group to collaboratively/jokingly come up with how bad a roll went and decide the disadvantages together. Finally, just for all the combat heads out there, advantages and disadvantages can also be spent during combat to deal extra damage/leave an enemy prone + triumphs let you roll on a critical hit table. Star Wars 5E is cool, but if NADDPOD is gonna try out some short arc stuff I’d LOVE seeing some edge of the empire. P.S. JPC from the hey riddle riddle podcast was on a whole EOE 100 episode Star Wars campaign podcast and it’s the second funniest/most heartwarming show I’ve listened to behind NADDPOD


Speaking of everyone dressing up as darth maul for Halloween, one year me and 11 of my pals all went to a series of house parties in Brooklyn all dressed up as DIY subzero. (DIY sub zero is us wearing black and black t shirts for the mask bit and finally, light washed denim jeans crossed in the front so it looks like the vest) it does look hilarious from behind though, also no one spoke to anyone at any party except for other sub zeros.


I can see Emily coming out to the pod race as the boozey blasting grandma. Throwing bombs and elbows.


Yeah Edge of the Empire would definitely suit the podcast, but any of the Fantasy Flight ones would be better than 5E.

Amani Hope

Love these now I want to rewatch the old/new films and listen to y’all’s thoughts on every single one 😆 i was the perfect age for phantom menace you’re right about the nostalgia


Holy shit I totally forgot he did that! Haha I guess I was subconsciously pulling on that memory. Maybe it's time for Mauloween Part II! ~Caldwell

Zo Perry

dungeons and daddies used age of the empire for a mini series and i loved the story but HATED the system they were using :(


As a long-time Star Wars roleplayer, there were SO MANY times I wished I could scream corrections

Katie P.

I'd love an MST3K style commentary from these folks

Dave 3D Art

I enjoyed this commentary. It was very pleasant feedback, that didn't just re-iterate the harsh vibes of the last twenty-five years. Emily, you should totally dress up as Darth Maul for Halloween.

Easton Moore

How did they all pass over Emily saying she loves how Sebulba punches with his feet and Murphy said “it’s called a kick” and no one acknowledged it. That’s hilarious lol


hey naddpod crew I love all of you so so so much. remember that when I say that I was 2 years old when this movie came out.

Adam Sutton

“Don’t make me defend the Phantom Menace” is my new favorite Murph quote. I felt that so hard.

Jeffrey Steck, Lord of the Fjord

Y’all can come watch the other movies at my house. I’m all about the sound and have a 9.1 home theater setup (I could also give you enough speakers to set up your own badass home theater). I’ll be Darth Maul with a claymore if Em does the makeup!

Polly Rinehart

Please do all of the prequels, this is my favourite mixed bag EVER! Emily has great opinions and I want to view Star Wars through her eyes 😍 much love to all y’all

casey eats pizza

When I was a kid I loved JarJar and tried walking like him all through junior high

Marge In Charge

Bastien from campaign one reminded me of subulba

Sean Boyle

I wanna hear these guys review Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Bet they would get a kick out of that one.

Andrew portillo

Emily would like the fight between Luke and Vader in the empire strikes back, it has heft

Adam Kepper

Millennials weren't harsh on the prequels. It was gen x and older.

Lucas Sharrett

I am a child who grew up on the prequels and I still love them!!!!

Marni Russell

If you guys havent seen the clone wars animated tv show, it had darth maul AND his brother AND he’s part spider and thats all i have to say

Lucas Sharrett

I think it's very funny that in an attempt to reference the main compound in hair, keratin, Caldwell mentioned Beta-carotene a plant compound, and chitin an insect and fungi compound. XD but it's cool because I never realized yeah those compounds sound very similar 🫰🏼💖🤯

Kerry Kraemer

Man, now I’m regretting not seeing phantom menace at my local theater a few weeks ago. I do have a memory of having a lot of Queen Amadala merch as a child.


I hope they keep these going! I want them to get to the good prequel Revenge of the Sith


Emily needs to guest star on newcomers

Peter Morgan

As a kid, I got a Phantom Menace Obi-Wan kit that had a transmitter thing and… a tiny ponytail. You’d hook it over your ear and feel like the coolest person to ever be in a church. (Yup, did that.)


Kit Fisto for life! He lasted the second longest ;-;.

Noah Kyle

I love that this is somehow the least controversial set of opinions Emily has ever had. Everyone in the comments is loving what she’s said, including me who also thinks that that fight is so floaty and imaginary looking

Sarah Osgood

Whenever they talk about wanting to see a lightsaber battle with heft, it makes me think of the duel (book of boba Fett EP 5) where Din djarin is trying to wield the dark saber but he isn't attuned and it is soo heavy. That was such a cool battle!!


watch firefly + serenity please! it’s dah best

Duncan Sutherland

They should play through knights of the old republic (KOTOR)!! There are hefty blades capable of space dueling the way that Emily craves! You can have saber lore AND saber action ;)

Sarah Osgood

Oh my God!!! You're right, holy shit, he does have both a pony & rattail. I'm shook to my core...

Keith Kelly

Yeah, the padawan haircut is kind of all over the place. Tiny pony? Yep! Rattail? You bet! Buzz cut? For sure.


I saw phantom menace in theaters because I love my partner and I will see revenge of the sith but no way in hell can I watch attack of the clones I simply cannot


Lmaoooo Jake said real robots have curves


There’s a Star Wars pod racing tabletop. Not sure if it’s a board game or warhammer esque game. I saw a group playing at a board game con.


Darth Maul was never a Jedi. He was an assassin before he became a sith.

Petri, no not that Petri, the other one.

If you enjoyed this, you should check out another Headgum podcast called Newcomers!! Jake actually guests during their second season, but the first one is all about Star Wars

Drake Jordan

We need a podracing one shot


i was listening to caldwell saying he puked in the taxi and looked over and saw a guy puking in the bushes. maybe i am force sensitive afterall

Julia Longmate

Saved this one for the plane and honestly it makes more sense that it isn't about the Phantom Tollbooth

Colby Greer


Blue Bee

I recently finished a weekly movie night with friends where we went through all 9 movies in release order, and it was shocking to me that Phantom Menace is only the 3rd or 4th worst star wars movie at this point.

Kyler Hartsell
