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Greetings! HIGHLY Bailiff Jake here to let you know that the Supreme Crit is convening this very eve. Please submit your brief (I do beg!) case on this thread and we will bring you swift justice.


Clover Giles

to the beautiful, regal justices and peasant john. i present the case of the no fun DM. i was in an campaign with some online friends. i was playing a wood elf bard who was a fuckboy that was 121 years old named Friendgary gary. Friendgary flirted with basically everyone he came across. in the first session it was the “get the party to team up” and i was going over to other players and talking with them. two players were playing female characters and my character went up to flirt. all i said was “aha soooo u come here often?” to which the other player happily played along with the RP. the DM promptly stopped me to ask how old my character was and how old the other players character was (hers was a sayter who was 24). when the DM heard the ages he told me i could not roleplay like that and to speak more “appropriately”. from then on, any time my character started to act like a fuckboy the DM would stop me. this never made sense to me bc in previous campaigns my friends and i would say that elves over 100 were considered “adults” since they live so long. i was trying to make him human 21 years old. so i ask the court, was i being a creepy wood elf fuckboy or were the goofs justified?


To the esteemed justices and [to be read in a cheesy Aussie accent please] ol'mate Jacko, I appreciate you taking time to hear my case. After saying an emotionally and narratively satisfying goodbye to my grumpy dwarf Gravel Strongback the party took the best of the items left behind with the remainder to go to my new Tiefling Battle Smith Artificer (named Major Arcana). This was all well and good until I remembered that the DM had given us an antimatter rifle with 3 shots worth of ammunition that nobody used because we lacked proficiency with firearms. Not only do Artificers have this proficiency, but they also have an infusion called Repeating Shot that makes unlimited magical ammunition and removes the loading property. This means that I would be going from a character that could fire a single +1 crossbow shot (1d8 damage) to a character that could fire two antimatter blasts per turn (6d8s x 2) as well as attack with my robot pet (Ticky the Steel Kangaroo). I raised this issue with my DM, but she insisted that I roll with it and that it was her job to balance it and high damage would just make me a target. I ended up caving and asking her to find a plot reason for it to be destroyed lest the table think I was trying to show everyone up. I throw myself at the mercy of the court, was I right to nerf myself or was I over reaching and stepping on my DM's balancing decision?


i don't think i heard this case read out on the episode, but if i may... i think it sounded like your DM was fully okay with you having it and already had ideas for how to counter/deal with it. i mean artificers dishing out damage is not necessarily a bad thing. guess it just fully depends on how you feel about it, if you're not comfortable being a step up from the other pcs then either destroy it or just don't use it. maybe try and come up with an in-game reason, like this much power in the wrong hands could be devastating and shouldn't be used.