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Hello everyone, here is this month's animation featuring Sae Nijima from Persona 5!

Taking a similar approach to this as I have been the last few months since the animations have been turning out quite well, and at this point I'm mainly just thinking about what to improve. I started the background in 3D again to get a better handle on the lighting and overall space then did coloring and detail work in CSP. I tried using nodes to add some color and textures but I failed miserably so I just stuck with the same approach as last time. I'll try and study Blender some more in the future when I can find the time.

In other news, I've been making progress on the collab and am excited to show you what I have so far. I will try and make a post about it later today so please look forward to it!



Rico Seca

I would argue that Sae needed something to relax in the game xD


nice flow :>

Joan Alvarez

Your work just keeps improving!!!


your work is as beautiful as always, really exciting to see you grow like this one critique that i'd like to make tho is can you maybe try and make the female characters look more in bliss? in all of your animations, as beautiful as they are, the faces just look so calm even if it's in the middle of a very passionate scene. your stuff would be perfect if the faces reflected that passion more; mouths open wider, brows furrowed in desperation, an occasional bite of the lip. the pleasant smiles and indifferent eyes just make them look like they're not enjoying the sex enough. sorry if this isn't the place to express critique like this, i just wanted to put across my opinion. always looking forward to more though, i know this is hard work and i thank you for putting so much effort into what your community wants to see!


Thank you for the critique! It's a valid point and I appreciate your feedback. Little nuances of movement and expressions and details are some of the things I've been wanting to try and improve in my animations for a while. I will try and continue to improve on it for future animations.


That perfect flow of motion from the hips to the breasts is wonderful!

Mr. Vissiin

I love the bored sex angle, so please also consider making a deliberate emotionless sex animation!


@Nekololisama thank you for the reply! excited to see you experiment and play around with these little details


@Mr. Vissiin emotionless sex is great! i just think it should be varied depending on the character; not every character should look emotionless and not every character should look in absolute bliss


Amazing job


My favourite of your work!