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Hi Everyone,

Every other week I post a Community Challenge. These challenges serve as a regular reminder that MAKING music is the single best way to get music theory concepts into your fingers and brain.

This week the challenge is: Write a melody with harmony

If you have a difficult time writing melodies and harmonies, here are some lessons that will be helpful:

Melody Making
Writing Harmonies 

Your personal skill level, comfort zone, and free time are all important considerations when approaching a Community Challenge - I’m not asking anyone to write a full song! I’m asking for whatever you have the time, mental bandwidth, and skill to accomplish in roughly two weeks.

If you end up writing ANYTHING, I consider that a huge success. Write SOMETHING. It could be just a simple chord progression you put together or a riff you came up with using a pentatonic scale. Use the writing prompt to guide you and watch my video if you need more ideas.


Check out the Lesson Archive for more Community Challenges - you’re welcome to participate on any past Challenge at any time!


Community Challenge 74 | Write a melody with harmony