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Hi Everyone,

I'm going live in 20 minutes or so, at 12:00Pm Pacific Time today

Every other week I post a Community Challenge. These challenges serve as a regular reminder that MAKING music is the single best way to get music theory concepts into your fingers and brain.

Sometimes the challenge is about applying some specific music theory concept. Sometimes it's about a specific technique. Sometimes it's an exercise in limiting yourself to some really specific parameters. Other times it's about writing from a very open ended writing prompt.

This week the challenge is: Write something with a guitar solo

Your personal skill level, comfort zone, and free time are all important considerations when approaching a Community Challenge - I’m not asking anyone to write a full song! I’m asking for whatever you have the time, mental bandwidth, and skill to accomplish in roughly two weeks.

If you end up writing ANYTHING, I consider that a huge success. Write SOMETHING. It could be just a simple chord progression you put together or a riff you came up with using a pentatonic scale. Use the writing prompt to guide you and watch my video if you need more ideas.


Check out the Lesson Archive for more Community Challenges - you’re welcome to participate on any past Challenge at any time!


Community Challenge 73 | Write something with a guitar solo


Scott Paul Johnson

This one is only posted on Patreon, but you can click through and watch on YouTube.com if you click the "YouTube" button while the video is playing