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Hi Everyone,

Gemma was looking for right hand control tips.

Ray wanted some guidance on how to utilize jam tracks.

Pete shared an interesting thought on imagining how guitar would sound if it were strung upside-down. 

Conor wanted to hear an honest take on how long it will take to truly express themself on the guitar. 

Here's how it works: bring your questions to the comments below, the Office Hours community forum thread, or save them for the live chat.* Questions can be about anything you want - guitar technique, music theory, gear, songwriting - your choice! Also, feel free to link a video of you playing if you have a technique question!

I'll do my best to answer your questions and give examples of how you develop skills related to your question.

Keep in mind, you can always watch later if you can't make it live! Check back a few hours after the stream for a numbered list of each question and a timestamped link to each answer.

*Please note: you may need a youtube/gmail account to ask questions in the live stream, but you can watch without one.

Check out the Lesson Archive for more Office Hours Live Streams

Other helpful links: Scott's Recommended Lesson PlanSearchable Lesson ArchiveHow to Join the Community ForumScott's Jam TracksScott's Main YouTube Channel


Office Hours Q&A 142 | Thursday, Dec 14, 10AM Pacific Time


Conor Pearson

Scott, I’m back. The visual graphics on your videos are beautiful. I’ve grown a lot since the year ago I was here. So here’s a question. I aspire to become a serious musician, and spend lots of time studying song structure and individual components of songs. Music is the reason I feel alive. Give me a no holding back answer on what it takes to become a musician who can truly melt into their guitar so to say. To be pure expression.

Conor Pearson

That was an awesome answer Scott, and gave me a lot to think about.