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Hi Everyone,

Craig was looking for tips on writing guitar parts to someone else's songs.

Bobby wanted some guidance on what to practice in order to progress as a guitar player.

Barry was curious about anticipating notes before playing them while soloing. 

Mark was curious to learn more about guitar harmonics.

Phil asked about my CAGED Soloing series and how it relates to the Circle of Fifths. 

Here's how it works: bring your questions to the comments below, the Office Hours community forum thread, or save them for the live chat.* Questions can be about anything you want - guitar technique, music theory, gear, songwriting - your choice! Also, feel free to link a video of you playing if you have a technique question!

I'll do my best to answer your questions and give examples of how you develop skills related to your question.

Keep in mind, you can always watch later if you can't make it live! Check back a few hours after the stream for a numbered list of each question and a timestamped link to each answer.

*Please note: you may need a youtube/gmail account to ask questions in the live stream, but you can watch without one.

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Other helpful links: Scott's Recommended Lesson PlanSearchable Lesson ArchiveHow to Join the Community ForumScott's Jam TracksScott's Main YouTube Channel


Office Hours Q&A 141 | Thursday, Dec 7, 10AM Pacific Time


Phil James

Thought this may be an interesting topic for Office Hours Scott. I’ve been Getting into the NEW Caged Soloing course, and really enjoying it, awesome videos!! In section 07 where you explained calculating the V of the VI chord, I asked if this a situation where you could refer to the Circle of Fifths? For example, you explained that the V of the VI of Am in the C Major scale is Em, which as we know is one fifth clockwise on the COF’s, then turn it into a E7 chord …. thanks for responding to my post Scott, but thought a mention might be useful to some other folk here?

Richard Cawley

Hello. I’ve been playing songs from tabs for years- classic rock, current hits, standard stuff. Chords, some bar chords, a few scales here and there. Fingerstyle mostly but a little picking as well. Time to learn the notes and to play around on the neck. Love the idea of a backing track and just messing around with soloing. Interestingly, I started playing while living in Taiwan 20 years ago for the footwear industry- Wish You Were Here until my children’s ears bled. Now I live alone in Vietnam with time on my hands and it’s time to take a damn lesson! Looking forward to it.