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Hi Everyone,

In this live lesson, I tackle the nuanced and tricky topic of how to practice growing your comfort zone to get into that mode where soloing feels effortless. I talked about Thinking Mode vs Feeling Mode and how important it is to deliberately hang out in one place or the other - one for performance, writing, soloing, and the other for detailed problem solving, deliberate and specific practice, and music theory clarification.

In my opinion, if you are deliberate about bouncing between these two modes, they'll gradually start to overlap, which lets to focus more clearly on the parts that aren't overlapping!

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Live Lesson | Oct 3, 4pm Pacific



Hey Scott - I couldn't watch this in real time, but it really hit home with me. "Thinking vs. Feeling" is one of the 4 Myers-Brigs personality traits; many employers test for this. I am a retired electrical engineer. Because of our education and the kind of work we do, most engineers are high on thinking and low on feeling; I assume artists tend to be the opposite. This lesson really helped me understand why I am the way I am and will help me advance with improvising. Fascinating stuff! I really appreciate this.

Jeff Sanders

Watched this on a flight home last night. Tried it this morning and absolutely love it.