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Hi everyone,

I'm going live today at 2:00PM Pacific time to discuss a list of myths that plague guitar players of all skill levels. As we talk through this list, hopefully you'll get a clearer sense of direction in your own musicianship. Also, since this will be live, feel free to add a myth below and I'll add it to the slide show if I think it belongs!

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Guitar Myths | Lies that hold you back


Richard Finlay

Just finished listening to Guitar Myths. Thanks, found it really insightful. For some reason the line "get to fun as quick as possible" is sticking with me.


"You never gonna learn to play guitar with some digital YouTube Patreon "teacher". Kind of myth too? Or: "Do late live stream for people who don't live in America and are already in bed is a good thing" 2 biggest myths in my view...