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Hi Everyone,

In this Practice Thought, I'm drawing from the funny history of the word "okay" to demonstrate some similarities between the english language and music. Hopefully this will breathe some new life into the old trope "music is a language" and give you some encouragement to explore how you speak the language of music.

It's important to remember as you move along that music isn't about right vs wrong, it's about understandable vs unintelligible. English has words that morph and change their meaning, while music has concepts that feel different to a population over time. This gives us a more solid foundation to say "if it feels good, it is good" in music.

However you feel about it, I hope this video is interesting and encouraging. If you have any eureka moments or just general thoughts, please share in the comments below!

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Scott Paul Johnson

This is the video I referenced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UnIDL-eHOs

James Tuverson

Awesome thoughts, Scott. Just joined and loving the way you teach. Thanks for the inspiration and I'm looking forward to more!