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Hey Everyone,

Here is a fun Community Challenge: 

Write Something Difficult (for you)

You don't have to write something CRAZY difficult, just set out to write something that is hard for you to play. Watch the video for elaboration.

What is a Community Challenge? It's an invitation to all of my Patrons to create SOMETHING. When you're learning guitar, it's easy to lose track of what ALL your favorite musicians have in common. Creativity. It's easy to lose track of the fact that music isn't something to study, it's something to explore and experience.

The goal of a community challenge is for YOU to write in a fun, low pressure environment. No need to write a whole song, no need to write multiple parts. You start from your comfort zone and write from there. Wether thats a single-note melody, a chord progression or a whole multitrack song. You can record what you write with your cell phone, your ipad, or your home studio. Post what you write to the community forum.

The only rules are:

1. Write something new

2. Write something based on the prompt

These rules mean you're supposed to write something new, based on the writing prompt, rather than posting something you've previously written that might fit the prompt.

These challenges come out every other Thursday. This gives you about two weeks to write something for each prompt, but I recommend spending no more than an hour or two on each challenge.

Check out the Lesson Archive for more Community Challenges - you’re welcome to participate on any past Challenge at any time!

Other helpful links:

Scott's Recommended Lesson Plan

Searchable Lesson Archive

How to Join the Community Forum

Scott's Jam Tracks

Scott's Main YouTube Channel


Kristofer Mc Cormack

Ironically, the most difficult for me is to write something simple. I'm always compelled to overcomplicate things.


Really good this Scott. This is not just a challenge to make people get into song writing but also a lesson. Really makes me get my guitar and play. Missing writing stuff. Unfortunately I made a big mistake in life. I bought elden ring game and since 2 weeks I don't have a life anymore. But I will come back. I just need to kill the final boss. Haha