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Hi Everyone,

Great questions this week. 

Question 1: Ray wanted my opinion of percussive guitar playing.

Question 2: Mateus was curious about how/why guitar players switch guitars in a show.

Question 3: Graeme wanted help identifying a specific chord.

Question 4: There are a variety of questions from chat at this point ranging from how to tune using harmonics, where my music will release, how to write a lot of ideas, and how to release music.

If you'd like to continue the conversation, do so in the comments or on the community forum.

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OFFICE HOURS 101 | Thursday, Dec 15, 1PM



Hi Scott, What are your thoughts on using the guitar percussively?


Hey Mr. Johnson. Question: how guitar players to live when changing guitars? I have different guitars and different style of pickups. Every time a change a guitar sure the ton changes but the volume too. The output for ex. from HB are hot. An amp that was not distortion now is burning... pedals etc. So I am thinking to put pickups down...p90, HB and filtratons. Is that a solution? How they do it? No I am not buying different amps... :)