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Hi Everyone,

In this practice thought, I'm using some nerdy philosophy to draw out the difference between music theory and music. Sometimes they get confused for each other and it's important (and hopefully encouraging) to remember the difference between them.

Throughout your musical journey, you'll likely have bouts of insecurity (it happens!). Sometimes those bouts of insecurity will revolve around a thought like this "Oh no! What if I don't understand enough music theory? What if other musicians think my music is boring and simple?" 

This practice thought is a friendly reminder to ponder these ideas:

a) Music Theory is a tool to describe what you're doing, not a system of rules to dictate what you ought to do

b) Never confuse music theory for music

c) Never worry about how "simple" your music is (some of my favorite songs have only 2 chords, for example)

d) Make music for yourself and for fun, not for the musicians who have learned all the theory (unless thats actually fun for you!)

e) I like music that makes me feel, not music that makes me think

These are some of the mantras that I like to keep in mind while I'm writing music - do you have mantras you use when you're being creative?

If you feel like I got some philosophical terms wrong or you want to continue the discussion and share your personal writing mantras, feel free to hang out in the comments.

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Conor Pearson

This man is speaking facts here.

Fer M

new to this community (joined yesterday) but love the message of this video! I want to be more in tune with my emotions so this really resonates with me and gives me hope that I can be great at guitar by focusing on emotion