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Hi Everyone,

This was a great stream! Here are the questions:

Rust and Stevie's Question was about songwriting - Specifically, what are some ways to get two sections to go together?

Graylight had a question about how to add something like delay to a track, but only in a certain section. This is called "automation" and I show how to use it in Logic Pro.

Mateus had a question about wether he should stick with our quick fix for his nut or if he should take his guitar in for a new nut.

Andrew was curious about when it's ok to move on from the Major Scales lesson in Music Theory for Guitar. The answer is: basically, when you're comfortable at a medium speed and/or you get the concept. It's always ok to skip ahead.

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OFFICE HOURS 74 | Friday, March 4, 1:00PM


Rusty Williford

Longtime listener, first-time caller ;) I won’t be able to catch this live, but will catch up on the weekend. Your approach to building song seeds/ideas really works well for me; I’ve got lots of seeds now, but I have found that where I am struggling is with turning those seeds into a whole song. I’m struggling with the theory on building a compelling series of chord progressions that work together to form the constituent parts of a full song (e.g. got a fun I-V-I -IV seed that would make a good chorus, but building a verse or bridge progression that works is perplexing). So what ideas can you share on how to approach turning a seed into a full song and how the verse/chorus relationship often work together? I try “what sounds good” but sometimes it all starts sounding the same, or conversely, so different it’s clunky (BTW, it would be pretty fun to see how you approach this in a Live Hang). Thanks!

stevie walters

I am in a similar position to @rusty. I am really enjoying the song seed process and creation but struggling with the next step. Turning them into songs. My sections do feel like they take a bit of a right turn sometimes, even though musically they obey certain rules. I also struggle with finding drum patterns and finding breathing space between sections too. I think I may have fallen into a bit of a trap of recording section ideas almost too independently in a DAW at the expense of playing them in sequence ‘live’ as a song. All a very long winded way of asking. .. “What ideas do you have when it comes to crafting a song out of all these seeds SPJ? “