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Hi Everyone,

The weekly community challenge is a writing exercise to help my Patrons put their knowledge to use and practice being creative. It's a weekly reminder that being creative takes practice AND it's a weekly playground - the exact place to play around with writing music.

This week, the community challenge is Write something in the Key of D Major

The rules:
1. You might write something new - that means something you've written AFTER reading this post
2. Your creation must be in the key of D (if you use modal substitutions, thats OK, as long as a D Major Chord feels like home)

If you're not sure how to do that, I recommend watching Music Theory for Guitar, then Music Theory Monday.

Your creation DOES NOT have to be a full song - it can be a 7 second voice memo recorded on your cell phone. It does not have to be fancy or complicated. It does not have to have words, or even a melody. It could just be a simple chord progression, strummed on your guitar. This challenge is just about making SOMETHING. As long as it's in the key of D Major, it's welcome! Whatever you have time for! You certainly can write a full song with guitar, drums, bass, vocals, etc if you want to, BUT you do not have to.

Post your creations to the community forum.

P.S. I think D Major is my favorite major key. I don't know why. Maybe because the chord shapes feel good on guitar. Maybe the key of D Major just sounds nice to my ears. I don't know why! But I love the key of D Major. Do you have a favorite key?


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