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Hi Everyone,

This was a great stream, as expected with such awesome people in this community.

Question 1: Leo was curious about how to minimize or get rid of feedback situations involving acoustic guitar and a bass player on stage.

Question 2: Tasha was curious about a) how to come up with new exciting fingerpicking patterns and b) wether I'm going to do some kind of in-person workshop at some point.

Question 3: Holly had a question about triad practice, specifically any tricks to think about when it comes to using them with a band or just ways to approach practice.

Question 4: Ken was wondering about my classical guitar experience and also submitted a lovely classical piece.

Question 5: Kevin broke yet another string! We did some speculating about whats going on while the guitar is in the shop.

Question 6: Mateus was curious about why there is a green screen behind me, so I showed a little video I made of Ernie.

After that, there were some fun questions from chat!

If you have followup questions or exciting epiphanies related to these questions, visit the community forum.

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OFFICE HOURS 64 | Saturday, Nov 20, 4:00PM EDT


Leo smith

Direct box is a imp-2

Scott Paul Johnson

Leo - what kind of guitar is it and what kind of pickup? Is it a mic-based pickup or an under-saddle style pickup? Or a contact mic kind of pickup? If you don't know, just comment the make and model, being sure to include specific model numers

Holly Croydon

Howdy, Scott & All. I have a question about triad practice. I'm *finally* getting the concept of triads shapes for rhythm and soloing. My in-person guitar teacher has been encouraging (hounding) me to work on them for like two years! lol Wow, I get it now! So fun and powerful. I'm working on various shapes by playing along with backing tracks using triad shapes all over the fretboard and across all the strings, memorizing the shapes and placement of root notes. I'd like to know if you have any genius ways of working on triads? Some ways I should be thinking about them and/or their use? Or other thoughts about triads?