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Hi Everyone! I hope you're doing well.

It looks like we've reached a cool critical mass moment in the community where enough people have made it through the bulk of the Music Theory for Guitar and Music Theory Monday lessons that I can start offering more fun community assignments.

I'd like to start offering another challenge: A weekly song analysis!

Here is what I'm thinking:

1. Each week I'll give you a song to analyze (for example: Hotel California)
2. Your job is to
         a) figure out what key the song is in
         b) do a roman numeral analysis of the chord progression
         c) maybe some bonus things for advanced players
3. Post your analysis on the community forum
4. The following week when I post a new song to analyze, I'll post MY analysis of the previous song. That way you'll have a week figure it out with the community before you compare your notes to mine!

I think this is a really fun idea for my Patrons! This would help you integrate the music theory stuff you're learning here with real life songs. And I think this community version might be more beneficial than just watching me analyze a song. Doing the work yourself would REALLY help you understand the real life uses of music theory. And you'll be doing it with the community, which would hopefully generate some nice discussions.

This kind of analysis REALLY helps you understand songs and the more you do it, the quicker you'll be able to do it. This is important for playing with others, switching from rhythm to lead or vise a versa mid song, coming up with new parts to a song. This kind of stuff also helps with songwriting, part writing, and just general creativity. The more you understand what a song is doing, the more you can borrow those concepts in your own writing or lead guitar work. It's all connected.

You would NOT have to participate every week, but you would always have the option.

IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS IDEA, VOTE NO (tell me why in the comments)

If you have some songs in mind to analyze, put them in the comments section! I think for now I'd like to start with songs that won't be too difficult to analyze but post whatever you have and we'll get a list going!

We could also just try it for a little while and see how it goes. Let me know what you think! We could also do it biweekly or monthly if it seems like too much to do it every week. Let's talk about it.

For reference, here is an example of some of my previous song analysis'


Eric J Jackson

I think bi-weekly would be better as well. Some days I play an hour some days I play 3 hours. And some days I don't play because of life. But I do want to say this, this is a really good guitar learning community. Good luck everyone.


it’s a really fun idea