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Hi Everyone,

These were the questions this week:

Q1: Kayne was curious about how pentatonic shapes move together.

Q2: Martin was curious about wether or not it's necessary to learn how to read music

Q3: Dennis had a question about writing music starting with lyrics instead of music

Q4: Mateus was wondering if big bands listen to their own music - we  got into some philosophy around songwriting

Q5: Mateus was also curious about how to write chord progressions using NOT the I chord first

Q6: Tony had some questions about pentatonic scales. I mentioned watching CAGED Soloing.

Q7: Graylight was curious about how two guitars sounds so good together on songs from The Milk Carton Kids like "Michigan." I also recommended some recording equipment.

Q8: Kevin had a question about what part of my hand hits the strings when I do a kind of slap strum.

Q9: Tony had some clarifying questions about what order to watch things in. I mentioned following the Recommended Lesson Plan.

Q10: Jason was curious who did my website. Luke Dumke is THE man around here. He edits my videos, he redesigned my website, he  built the lesson archive, he also films amazing music videos, he's a recording engineer, and he's just a really cool and really nice guy.

Got followup questions or aha moments? Hang out on the community forum and start a discussion.

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OFFICE HOURS 59 | Thursday, October 14, 1:00PM EDT


Martin de Beun

Hi Scott, what are your thoughts on learning musical notation for guitar players? So much in the guitar world is written in tablature so you can go a very long way without ever learning it, but it seems useful to me to learn the more 'universal language' so that you can easily translate piano to guitar for example. How hard is it for someone to learn, and is it worth it? Any plans for a future video possibly?

Dennis Frazier

Hi Scott, great explanation last office hours. It's really appreciated. Not sure why a capo was confusing me so much. But I have a much firmer grip of it now. My question this week is: when a band begins to write music it seems they start with the instruments and create a song structure then lyrics are created to fit the music. Is this ever done in reverse? I enjoyed your video with your band mate. I have a notebook that I am constantly scribbling down lyrics when they come to me randomly, but I'm not sure how to work them into "music". What key, what tempo, what progression etc... Any advice you can share?