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Here is a hard link to the Q&A: https://youtu.be/uIOc9WfcuZo

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Hi Everyone,

This week there were some great questions.

Question 1: Todd was curious about downloading lessons from my Patreon

Question 2: Dennis was curious about roman numerals and capo's. Specifically, what happens to chords when you move them up or down?

Question 3: Davin was curious about best practices for recording acoustic guitar with a dynamic mic. I also got into a little bit of EQ and compression for acoustic guitar.

Question 4: Gabriel also had a question about capos - I recommend checking out Dennis's question above, but also, once you're done with Music Theory for Guitar, the CAGED System Basics series will really help drive these concepts home.

Question 5: Mateus had a question about how to set the intonation on your guitar. I should have specified that I was referring specifically to electric guitar. Acoustic guitars generally require the saddle to be carved to achieve what can be done with a few turns of a screwdriver on an electric guitar.

Question 6: Kylir was curious about how to find arpeggios and use them in soloing. Among other things, I recommended CAGED System Basics and CAGED Soloing, to help find chord tones.

Question 7: Kylir was wondering what lessons I'm putting out next

Question 8: Davin had a question about how to teach guitar to kids

Question 9: Mateus was wondering how to finish a song

Question 10: Nathan was wondering if I have any series on learning specific genres.

Question 11: Kylir was wondering how/when to get started on community challenges

Question 12: Tim was curious about how to avoid back pain when practicing guitar

Want to continue the conversation? Come hang out on the community forum.

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OFFICE HOURS 58 | Thursday, October 7, 1:00PM EDT


Dennis Frazier

Hi Scott, so I was having fun with the chord progression in the Key of C. I decided to add a capo and explore a little. I capo'd the 3rd fret and was still using the chord "shapes" from the C progression ie. C shape for the I, Dm shape for the ii, etc... I found a melody that I really liked so I was going to write the chords down, then I realized I really have no idea what chords those shapes were actually making! I *think* I was in the Key of Eb (or at least that is the 1 chord with the C shape). But then it got weird. Can you explain a little bit about how to identify chord progressions using a capo and how it effects the roman numeral progression system. Thank you!

Stephen Sawtelle

The capo keeps you from having to make bar chords to make the sounds at the third fret. Instead of playing the Eb bar chord, you can play the open C position. It's the same chord but easier to fret and can obviously allow you to do some sounds that would be otherwise impossible


Paul. About intonation. It did work! Yes. To be honest was not complicated at all. So now I move from normal 9 super light strings to 10 semi flat and I love it. Better for slide and better to play. Is darker. Just at open chords it fells a bit out of tune but I don't mind. Almost never play open chords anymore. Any way thanks for the time and tips! 👍🏻