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Hi Everyone,

This was a great stream. Great questions all around

Intro and welcome

Question 1: Jack wanted some ideas for strengthening a sense of rhythm. I gave some practice ideas and some mindset ideas

Question 2: Dede/Mateus was curious about how to notate specific information onto roman numbers. We got into when and why you should/could/shouldn't do it.

Question 3: Tony had some questions about tuners and setting intonation - we dove deep into some of the complications around the guitar. Also, I mentioned the Buzz Feiten system for those who want their intonation to be that much better

Question 4: Mr K was wondering if there was a quick way to find the 7th of a particular chord. I talked about this quick trick: find a root and the note directly behind it is the maj7 - a whole step behind the root is the flat 7th for dom7, m7, and half dim. One more half step from there is the double flat 7th for fully dim chords. BUT also, check out the Rubik's Cube lessons to help solidify these concepts.

Question 5: Grow it all had a question about wether you can mix secondary dominants with modes

Question 6: Nathan was curious about how to add some triads or harmonies to solos inside of pentatonic scale

Question 7: Davin was curious about switching modes mid song in your guitar solo without changing keys. Whats going on here? Partly, it's a different way to think about modes that is often more common in jazz. I get into it. ALSO, I called a G Major chord a D Major chord for some reason. Ooops

Question 8: Mr K was curious about wether you must use the root note to slide from one shape to the next. No! You don't, but I went into more detail about it. Also, I talk about ways to practice that in my How to Solo Using the CAGED System video on YouTube.

If you wanted to expound upon any of these topics or write something related to these questions, pop over to the community forum.

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OFFICE HOURS 57 | Wednesday, Sept 29 11AM EDT


Jack Goodman

Hey,​ I am struggling with my internal clock and timing. I was wondering if you have a video up already​. Or could walk through quickly how to practice something of this nature. Because this has been heavily inhibiting my ability to also learn strumming patterns/ rhythm.


Hey Scott, Sorry Mr. Johnson! Hope everything is fine... a simple one but is getting me confused. Roman numbers are there so you are more free to do what you want to a chord. But there is a theory for making those more specific? Like if I am in key of Cmajor: I7 is a C dom7. What would be an I maj7? Also how to specify a power chord? Or if I wanna to specify I should not use roman number? Thanks and have a nice one. 🤝🏻 Also when can we hear "all night" ? 🧐