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Hi Everyone,

This was a great set of questions!

Question 1: Rohan had a set of questions regarding guitar technique and practice method when it comes to playing scales and other exercises.

Question 2: Hiep was curious about how to get the hang of knowing where other intervals are without counting up.

I went on a rant about how much I love Mel Bay's Modern Guitar Method Grade 1. Also, fun bonus, Chet Atkins and Tommy Emmanuel also learned from that book and wrote a silly song about it.

Question 3: Page was curious about an everyday finger exercise, so I gave one!

Question 4: Kylir had a question about notes with or without sharps or flats.

Question 5: Emil had some questions about how to make drum tracks that feel human and how to figure out a way to make them interesting.

Question 6: Matt was wondering when to move to the next Music Theory for Guitar.

If you've got followup questions or followup aha moments, share them on the community forum.

Check out the Lesson Archive for all the previous Office Hours sessions.


Live Stream | 53: OFFICE HOURS | Sunday, Sept 5th, 5pm EST


Page Lin

Hi, Scott, how is/was your vacation? Thank you for always thinking about perfecting our learning proficiency and progression. I am at MTG lesson 6 Minor Triads this week. My question this week is Can you design an everyday finger exercise Routine before doing homework/Practice for beginner like me? Thank you very much. :-))


Hey Scott! I hope you are good. Question: In the music theory we are used to, there are 2 categories of notes: the A, B, C etc... and the flats and sharps. As an experienced guitarist, musician and teacher, how are *you* thinking about those 2 categories? My main confusion is with the notes with 2 names. Would be easier to have a unique name for the 12 notes. Am I overthinking it? Thanks!