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Hi Everyone,

This was a vacation stream with a simplified setup. Hope you enjoy.

Question 1: Rohan was curious about a practice method for learning intervals 

Question 2: Page Lin was curious about Hertz numbers. Turns out it IS cycles per second, which I was hazy about. But. yeah, we got into how people think they have some healing powers - I'm not convinced.

Question 3: "Skinny Bones Jones" are curious about why even bother learning Music Theory - what is it good for?

Question 4: Kevin was curious about how scales, chords, riffs, all interact. I talked about heirarchy.

Question 5: Holly was wondering how to play with people without being in person

Question 6: "John Scott Paulson" was wondering what I would have done differently if I could go back and redo things and if I've got any new lessons coming out that I'd be willing to share.

Question 7: Jun Sen asked what I think of two different fingerstyle artists. I wasn't able to look them up until after the stream while writing this, but here they are: 

Sungha Jung and Kent Nishimura 

They are both excellent players! And yeah, I'd practice getting to know your theory so you can pull apart the elements of a song down to their essence. We'll have to dig in more! It would certainly be a lot of work to play like them, but not impossible by any means.

If you have followup questions or want to continue the discussion the community forum.

Check out the Lesson Archive for all previous Livestreams.


Live Stream | 52: OFFICE HOURS | Thursday, Aug 26, 2:00PM PST


Mr K

Sorry I missed this! Had to work at that time so couldnt make it. Also, if you haven't trademarked the name Skinny Bones Jones I finally found my rapper name/identity. : D ! Have a good vacation Scott! Hi to Ernie

Laurie Conwell

hi first lesson on music theory like it