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Hey! I've got a helpful page called Scott's Recommended Lesson Plan showing a list of lessons to watch in the ideal order.

Hi Everyone,

Question 1: Jeff had some questions about hybrid picking related to my CAGED Basics Series so I did some close up detailed stuff related to holding a pick, which fingers to use, ideal hand position, etc.

Question 2: Mr K had a question about how to memorize the circle of fifths in minor keys

Question 3: Frederic's question was similar to Mr K's. He wanted to know if there was a quick way to memorize the circle of fifths without having to write everything down. 

Question 4: Emil was wondering about how to take a song idea and turn it into a full fledged song! I gave a few considerations AND recommended Ten Turds I & II and Songwriting process dump.

Question 5: Mateus had questions about mixing - specifically about what to use on the master bus. I talked a bit about how it works in the industry and why it will take a LOT of practice to get the hang of mixing

Question 6: Colin had a question in the chat about Dorian mode and how to tell if something is "in Dorian"

There may have been a few more little questions after that! Thanks to those of you who came to the livestream. If you have any revelations or follow up questions or statements related to any of these questions, do so on the community forum the community forum.

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Live Stream | 46: OFFICE HOURS | Saturday, July 17, 1:00PM EST


Jeffrey B Grabo

Jeff G here, wondering about finger picking (Im doing hybrid picking). Im currently using your A Major jam track for the CAGED series to practice the different voicings of the D and C chord one by one. And Ive found that some are pretty common sense (i.e. the ambiguous D/C shape on the G B and E strings i pick the G string (hybrid picking), pluck B string with middle finger, and high E with ring finger.), while other voicings are more spaced out and Im unsure where and when to use my middle ring and pinky. Another thing would be form; how to hold my hand in a correct position.