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Hi Everyone,

What a stream! We laughed, we cried.... jk. We had some great questions AND a technical glitch toward the end, resulting in two separate streams.

We covered questions about where my Patreon is going in terms of content, direction, and what I'm hoping Patrons will get out of it. Then we talked about what to look for in a private guitar teacher and why you would want to have one! Then we dug into the idea of tuning your whole guitar down one half step and then somehow got into chromatic transposition.

Then we dug into a question about where to go when songwriting: how to get OUT of the key with your chord progression using similar chords AND how to just launch into a totally different key by just cramming in the V or IV of the key you're headed.

After that I launched into a (hopefully encouraging) rant about how while you're learning music theory, you HAVE to be ok with just writing music that you like without worrying about wether or not it's "music theory correct." Eventually you'll be able to analyze what you're working on for the purpose of making it sound deliberately the way you want it, but you don't HAVE to KNOW why things work to enjoy what you make.

Then, in the middle of that rant things glitched and I had to start a new stream:


On this little addition, we talked a bit about a Patron's "Ten Turds" submission and I gave some suggestions about learning your vocal range (and how to do do it) as well as some ideas for how to get the hang of hearing and playing the notes you sing so you can more easily adapt and organize your melodies. 

For any follow up questions, check out the community.

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Live Stream | 35: OFFICE HOURS | April 22, 2:00PM EST


Tasha McManus

I really liked your music making map at the end there

Leah Nicole

downtuning! Nice! I've definitely had bands ask me to learn parts and been very confused when the material varies between one dropped string or all dropped and they don't tell me. Now I know to look for that. This page gets into everything. This content has helped my playing so much.