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Sometimes Patreon gets weird with video links so here is a hard link: https://youtu.be/vqF6l8ZGiNU

Hi Everyone,

I think I need to mix it up a little bit here. It's been really fun to have the livestream on a consistent day, but I want to be more inclusive and give folks a chance to catch a livestream who might not be available on Wednesday mornings.

On top of that, while the monthly topic is a fun concept, I like having the freedom to engage and explore the kinds of questions and curiosities people might bring to the livestream. From now on, I'm going to be a little looser about the topic and I'm going to try to randomize the date and time of the stream so more people get the opportunity to join.

Another thing:

More lesson videos are coming. This month I got the new Camera Guitar working and while it's still being finicky, I'm finally able to start filming with it. The time we spent figuring out the guitar has resulted in a little less content than usual this month, but we're back on track to keep bringing you consistent content now that everything is beginning to work as intended. Thanks for hanging out and thanks for coming along for the ride.

I hope you can join me tomorrow!

Notes, links, etc, will be posted after the stream.

Post your questions, homework, etc on the community forum post.

Check out the Lesson Archive for more Live Stream lessons.


Copy of Live Stream | 19: OFFICE HOURS • Q&A HANGOUT


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