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The audio and video got so messed up for this video, many patrons felt it was unwatchable. I agree, but I'm leaving it up as a reminder that everything takes practice: https://youtu.be/GfDfBgYDjxA

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Hi Everyone,

Please note: this week I'm using a new livestream software. I've tested it out and I think it will work perfectly here BUT there are always hiccups with adding a new thing. Check the link to the stream now and see if everything looks like it will work for you.

Last week was the second week of Melody Making lessons and WOW your submissions on the the SPJ Community have been awesome! Everyone (yes, everyone) should be proud of the melodies they are writing. This week we'll be diving a little deeper into melody making, so if you haven't watch the past two weeks of livestreams, I recommend that you catch up before watching this one.

Post your homework assignments here, on the patreon forum. 

If this is your first time, WELCOME! This is the weekly livestream - you can watch it later, you can post homework anytime, and you can post as much homework as you like (within reason.) Whether its 2020 or 2056 - if you're reading this you can post the homework on the forum!

Check out the Lesson Archive for more Live Stream lessons.


Live! Aug 19 | Melody Making (week 3) - Crowdcast

Register now for Scott Paul Johnson's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Wednesday August 19, 2020 at 6:00 pm PDT.



I can reach the site no issue

Scott Paul Johnson

Technical difficulties made things pretty choppy - I will get this figured out!

Nelson Sharp

Couldn't make it home from work early enough to get on live. Not to sound harsh but its pretty unwatchable, at least for a head case like me haha. I'm sure you could get a few of us to watch a test stream so you can dial in the setup. If using cable and live in a big neighborhood, you may need to pick a different time to stream since 6pm is a time people are home and using media devices.

Scott Paul Johnson

Nelson - it’s pretty frustrating to be honest. I tested it beforehand and it looked awesome. Then somehow when it goes live it gets choppy. Very frustrating. Researching as we speak

Donivan McKenzie

To be honest it looks more like an encoding issue than a bandwidth issue. When you're testing, are you testing locally or are you able to stream to a dummy url? I'm not familiar with Crowdcast's tools but I know Twitch gives you the capability to run un-publicized test streams and has a site you can analyze the metrics on. As Nelson said, I'm sure there are plenty of us here that are in IT or AV related work that would be happy to help if you need it.

Scott Paul Johnson

Donivan - I would absolutely love the help. I’m running OBS on a Mac (which I just learned is already an issue) and I was getting a notification that I overloaded my encoder. Running at 1080 at 30fps. I have very fast internet and I’m hardwired via Ethernet so I think the encoder must be the main issue. For now I’ll stream at 720 again (boo) but I’m considering into getting a PC just for streaming so i can use the GPU for encoding, which is apparently not support in mac (at least on OBS software)

Donivan McKenzie

Scott - I'm creating a post on the forum with some initial thoughts and ideas on troubleshooting your issue. Will be easier for the discussion there as I can post screenshots and things.


Video was not the best one but the audio perfect! You should have a listen. I got 2 greats information with it: 7th notes sound not always good and the high ones are better! Great to know. Thought was my “defect ears” again.