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I just swapped out the link so you don't have to fast-forward anything!

here is a link to the gig I played bass on: https://youtu.be/QEcMK_qMCNo

I'm so excited! And a little nervous - tune in tomorrow at 11am PDT for my first Patreon livestream. I'm still feeling out the format but my rough plan was to answer YouTube chat questions and also sift through Patreon for questions I can tackle. I also think these could be nice weekly check-in's for things like video questions from patrons. There is so much potential its exciting, but this one.... I'm just going to feel it out and let it be organic. We'll learn how to do this together!

This link should have the date and time saved in Seattle so you can add your city to see what time that is for you: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20200513T180000&p1=234


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Copy of SPJ Patreon livestream #1 • The very first one!

This is the very first one. You've gotta start somewhere. I've never done this before so it'll probably be a rocky start but I think we'll get the hang of it as we go. My plan was to answer YouTube chat questions and also sift through Patreon comments for questions I can tackle.


Campbell Mathieson

Loved it ...even watching it later 👍🎸

Jay Cancel

At 18 minutes it feels like you’re referring to: The four stages of learning anything 1. Unconscious Incompetence (You don’t know that you don’t know) 2. Conscious Incompetence(you know that you don’t know how to do it) 3. Conscious Competence (You know that you know you can do it, starts to feel comfortable) 4. Unconscious Competence (you don’t think while you know you can, it’s become part of you so much you’re become unaware of a time you didn’t know it.)