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Hi Everyone,

Join me tomorrow, March 28th, at 10AM Pacific Time for the weekly live Q&A.

If the video above isn’t working for you, here is a link to watch directly on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpG-3si2CdU

Here's how it works: bring your questions to the comments below, the Office Hours community forum thread, or save them for the live chat.* Questions can be about anything you want - guitar technique, music theory, gear, songwriting - your choice! Also, feel free to link a video of you playing if you have a technique question!

I'll do my best to answer your questions and give examples of how you develop skills related to your question.

Keep in mind, you can always watch later if you can't make it live! Check back a few hours after the stream for a numbered list of each question and a timestamped link to each answer.

*Please note: you may need a youtube/gmail account to ask questions in the live stream, but you can watch without one.

Check out the Lesson Archive for more Office Hours Live Streams

Other helpful links: Scott's Recommended Lesson PlanSearchable Lesson ArchiveHow to Join the Community ForumScott's Jam TracksScott's Main YouTube Channel


Office Hours Q&A 154 | THURSDAY, Mach 28, 10AM Pacific Time


Jon Rogan

Hi Scott, I am working my way through Caged Basics II and have a question about the best approach to memorise three adjacent string triad shapes across the strings and across the neck. Do you do this by memorising the major and minor root notes within each pentatonic shape and then memorising the triad shapes around those root notes? Or do you memorise the triad shapes by groups of strings along the neck, e.g. major and minor triads on strings 4, 5, and 6? Or is there another better technique?

Candice May

Hi Scott! Could you please help me with the barred F chord? Or any bar chord, for that matter, I suppose. I've been working on it for years, and finally it's at a place where I can switch quickly enough to play and use it in a song (YAY), but I'm still placing my fingers clumsily, in my case, I'm placing the middle/ring/pinky fingers first (all together), and then placing the index/bar finger quickly after. It's okay, and it works, but hooooowwwww do I train myself to play the bar chord placing all the fingers at the same time? It's so hard! I know, practice practice practice, but I feel like maybe there's another missing piece for me.

Candice May

Thank you so much! Actually that was incredibly helpful. Switching from G to F has been the hardest ... just tried it a bunch leading with my index finger for the F and it works much better. Great advice to just mix it up with different changes.