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My stomach seemed determined to betray me.

I was determined to hold on as long as possible.

I was now wrapped in a thick diaper, plastic pants, and a soft sleeper that only reinforced my babyish state to anyone who happened to walk into the room.

After the group finished their hands-on diapering lesson, the woman gathered around the whiteboard, where the professor began going over proper details and helping them refine their technique. It was as if they had forgotten that I was in the room as they went over different scenarios in front of the lab room.

I had given up struggling a while ago. Instead, I was focused on trying not to lose control.

My stomach kept flipping and to top things off, there was this hollow feeling deep inside of me. It was like a slight burning in my abdomen that I had only felt a few times in my life when I was sick. That burning meant that there would be severe consequences if I could not make it to the restroom in time.

But I had little to worry about. Surely this impromptu lecture couldn’t last much longer. It was late into the night. There was no way these women would stay here all night. They’d come and let me up eventually. I could just call out to them and let them know I needed to go home, back to bed.

“Excuse me,” I said, wincing as another wave hit my abdomen.

“Yes?” the professor looked up from the students in my direction.

“I really need to go back to my dorm room now. You know, my studies… It’s also late….”

“Ah yes.” The professor smiled my way and nodded toward Theresa, who had been staring at me from the other side of the room. “Can you head over there and help the young man up so he can go home?”

Theresa nodded, approached me and started to unfasten the straps.

“Thank you,” I said with relief rushing through my body. I felt this tiny jolt of excitement as I felt the restraints loosen and lift. Only, not too much relief. My stomach was holding for now, but I wasn’t optimistic about the long-term results. I would be fine if I could just get out of this room and down the hall..

“Thank you,” I repeated as the final straps were undone.

“You’re welcome,” Theresa said.

I eased myself off of the table, fully aware that that diaper came up with me. The diaper felt strange. Besides the fact that it was a giant size diaper, it gave off this weird sensation of hugging me, even as I stood. The crinkling was light, no doubt muffled thanks to the sleeper. I chuckled to myself. Was I actually grateful for this babish garment?

Theresa picked up her backpack and started walking to the door.

“Um… aren’t you going to unlock me?”

Theresa blinked twice and laughed slightly.

“Why would I do that?”

“I mean, we are done here, right?”

“Yes we are,” she said simply, still standing near the door.

I looked around the room to the other women who were still huddled with the professor asking questions and jotting down notes.

“Then can you unlock the sleeper suit so I can… you know… leave?”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because we are done here.”

“I don’t think those two things have anything to do with one another,” Theresa said. Then with a smirk, “Why don’t you use your words here? What do you want?”

“Look,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm in front of this woman. “I am tired, I want to go home, I want to go to bed. We both have class in the morning,”

“And you can go home.”

“Then give me the keys to take these damned things off of me.” I spoke a bit louder than I intended.

The room got a little quieter.

My stomach grumbled again, this time coming dangerously close to causing actual issues.

Theresa flipped back her hair and said, “No.” Then she turned around and walked towards the door. “Why don’t we talk about this in the hall.”

“No,” My fists were shaking at this point. What was her problem?

“I think you'll want to come into the hall with me. After all, I know exactly why you came into the room this morning and it wasn’t to be our volunteer.”

My stomach boiled slightly, nervousness welling up inside of me.

How was it possible that she knew why I was here? Did she know about my desire to sit on the table?

“I don’t know what -” My mouth was dry. I had to force myself to swallow. I was suddenly very aware of how warm the sleeper was.

“Oh sure, go ahead and lie to me.” Theresa said, “At your own risk. Or you and I can take a little walk back to your dorm room and have the conversation we need to have that might lead to me setting you free.”

I stared blankly at her.

“I think there’s some mistake…”

“No,” Theresa said. “I don’t make mistakes.” And with that, she walked out of the door.

I glanced back at the other women in the classroom who were packing their bags at this point and wondered if any of them had the key to the sleeper. Only I really didn’t want to embarrass myself any further. So I resolved to follow Theresa out into the hall.

I took a few steps and was shocked at how I had to modify my walk to accommodate the mass of diaper that was between my legs. This wasn’t the best or most efficient way to walk in the least bit. I felt like I was shuffling across the room to the door.

At least it was a quiet waddling. The sleeper helped hold everything in place.

When I turned the corner, I saw Theresa grinning and waiting by the front door.

I really didn’t want to go outside in this garment, so I begged, and pleaded with her to let me change. I just wanted to take the plastic pants and diaper off so I could return home. I was regretting even coming out here to lie on the table.

Why couldn’t I just stick to my fantasy and leave things alone?

But Theresa pointed out that in the early morning hours, no one was awake besides the athletes who were probably rushing off to conditioning or some sort of practice. They’d be too busy to notice a giant baby man walking around campus.

She used the word baby man.

“The more you beg, the worse it’s going to be,” Theresa said simply.

So I nodded and began the long trek across campus to my apartment.


At least Theresa wasn’t wrong about the half-empty campus as I waddled beside her. We had walked out of the building and were walking on the long wide path that made up campus walk at this point. The place was virtually empty.

As we walked, I was very much aware that Theresa was very much dressed like an adult at this moment. From her college hoodie and sophisticated legging that wouldn’t look out of place in a morning yoga class, she looked like your typical college student headed someplace fun.

Meanwhile, I looked like a giant toddler wandering after his mother.

While I was starting to get used to the mass of diaper that was between my legs, I was not used to the sleeper that covered my entire body. With each step I took, I could feel the lock rattle on the back of my neck. I could hear the swish-swish of the material rubbing against itself as I walked. I spotted my reflection in a nearby art installation and nearly gasped. I had not realized that my butt was bulging so prominently, even though I hadn’t done anything inside of the diaper yet.

I shivered slightly. That scared me.

Speaking of something, my stomach was in the process of flipping at this point. Over and over, my stomach pounded my insides, daring me to ignore the sensation. If I could just make it home…

My stomach growled and popped a few times..

I hated that woman who had put me in this situation. The one who said she wanted me to experience the real thing. What an asshole.

I could plot my revenge later I guess. There was nothing I could do about that now.

“So you really wanted to get your diaper changed on that table, huh?” Theresa said quietly to me as we passed by the campus bookstore. A few students were up early, milling around, drinking coffee on the patio, and didn’t notice the giant baby walking by.

“No,” I said quietly back to Theresa. “I didn’t.”

“Then why were you in the room? You remember what I said, lying to me -”

“Will only make it worse.” I finished for her. “I know, I heard you the first time.”

I cleared my throat and continued speaking as my stomach made a horrible growling noise. “I wanted to test out the table. See what it was like from a patient's point of view, okay? I had no idea that you would be holding a rehearsal there. I just wanted to practice.”

It wasn’t completely a lie. But I really didn’t want to get my diaper changed on the damn table. Who would want that?

Theresa rolled her eyes. “I’m not sure why you’re lying right now. I’ve seen how you’ve looked at the table. I read your note.”

“Yes, it’s a nice table. Ouch!” I gasped as another cramp rolled through me. “Can we just get back to my dorm, please? I need to use the restroom.”

But Theresa didn’t seem to hear me, instead, she just continued walking as slowly as possible. I had a sneaking suspicion she was enjoying watching me suffer.

“Theresa, come on, I need to get back to my bedroom so I can use the restroom, please.”

“You’re welcome to soil your diapers at any time.”

“Don’t be a jerk.”

“You know what?” Theresa spun around and looked my diapered, sleepered body up and down. “You need to use the restroom so badly, then tell me the truth.”

“I just did,” I said. “I wanted to practice using the table.”

“That’s not the truth,” Theresa said, folding her arms and tapping her foot. “I’m not unlocking the sleeper until you tell me.”

At this point, I was grabbing my stomach and folding my legs. I needed to get this sleeper off me as soon as possible if I was going to make it. I knew there had to be a restroom at the bookstore. I could buy a pair of sweats and a tee shirt in there after I did what I needed to do.You know, real clothes so I could walk home with some dignity.

Another cramp rolled through me as Theresa glared at me from her position in front of me.

“Please?” I begged, “Please.”

But Theresa just kept saying over and over: tell me the truth.

So I did the only thing I could do. I racked my brain, trying to think about what Theresa wanted to hear. I thought about it for a moment. What had she said earlier when she first demanded her version of the truth? She had said something about wanting to get a diaper changed on the table. She’d mentioned a note…

That was all nonsense of course. I could not think of who in their right mind would want something like that. To be changed by your peers on the table, your penis at full display. Your most intimate areas spread out for the women to laugh and point at. And then have the most infantile of garments pulled between your legs and pulled tight. The crinkling and stretching of the diaper tapes and leg gathers.

Theresa seemed convinced that that was what I wanted.

My sphincter muscles cramped again.

I felt that I had a few moments left to salvage this.

“How did you know?” I asked quietly while sweating profusely.

Theresa smiled at me with a sweet, sinister smile.

“How did I know what?”

I sighed hard. “That I wanted to get… uh… a change… on the.. uh , table.” I was dancing around a bit, moving from leg to leg. But even in my desperation, I was finding it difficult to tell this woman that I wanted to get my diapers changed on the table in the classroom.

Theresa laughed. “You didn’t do a good job of hiding it.”

I didn’t smile back.

“Oh, come on. Did you really think no one would know that you were the one who has been leaving those notes on the campus bulletin board? The emails?”


“The ones that say you’re looking for a mommy on campus.” Theresa giggled to herself. “It would have been fine if you just left a message, but you had to go and fuck things up, huh?”

I shifted as my stomach growled. “You are the one who has been sending those emails to the girls on campus. Those emails that have the nerve to tell us what you want us to do to you. I know you think you’ve kept your real identity a secret, but we’re not stupid. We traced the messages back to you.”

I frowned. Was there some pervert on campus who had been harassing the women all to get his rocks off? That wasn’t okay.

I’d always heard of perverts who had weird extreme fantasies, but this one seemed a bit extra.

My stomach rocked again and I realized with horror that I was about to be past the point of no return.

“So,” Theresa continued. “I will make you regret ever sending those messages to us. If you want to be a baby so badly, then welcome to babyhood.”

Theresa pulled out her phone.

“You have two options baby,” she said, taping record on her phone and placing emphasis on the word “baby.” “You can read this apology to me, or you can just poop yourself right now, right here outside the bookstore, while I record it. Maybe a little humiliation will do you some good.”

“Look, Theresa,” I wasn’t about to admit to this. This was insane. I didn’t do this. And while I was curious as to why Theresa was going to this length to humiliate someone instead of just reporting them to the dean. I felt that this punishment she was going to give this asshole was probably pretty fair.

But I wasn’t that asshole. I just wanted to test the table as part of my perverted fantasies. I just wanted to experience the softness and helplessness of being tied down. I didn’t do any of what she was saying.

“It wasn’t me. Okay. Please just listen to me (Theresa started rolling her eyes). I know you think it was me… but it wasn’t me. It really wasn’t. I can prove it and even let you read through my emails.”

Theresa shook her head.

“So you’re gonna do this the hard way.”

“No, wait, please, please.” Theresa started to walk away. My stomach rolled again. Finally I gave in. “Fine, I’m sorry. I am sorry. I won't ever do it again. I shouldn’t be harassing women.”

Theresa turned around and reached into her backpack, pulling out a sheet of paper. “Nope, this is the apology that you need to read.”

I looked down at the paper and frowned. I couldn’t. But I had no choice. So I began to read.

“I am sorry for sending my classmates the details of my perverted fantasies. That is not something that men do. That is something that I should have known better than to do. Only someone with the mental capacity of an infant would think that was appropriate. Clearly,I have the mental capacity of a baby and my actions make that clear. I am a gross, dumb, stupid baby who enjoys wearing diapers and needs to learn a valuable lesson, so I will now poop my diaper.”

I looked up in shock as Theresa continued pointing the camera directly at me.

Before I could protest, I lost full control.

It was an odd sensation pooping standing up.

The first thing your body does is force you to double over to make things easier. By instinct, I clamped down on my sphincter, but my strength and resolve were spent and a wooziness came over me.

An intense chill ran down my spine and then, I felt it.

The mess pushed through me and I felt it aggressively push into the diaper that was hugging itself around my waist. At the same time, I started peeing as well.

At this point, I was probably crying and hyperventilating at the same time. Everything in the moment felt wrong. This wasn’t supposed to happen this way.

I felt the mess hit the back of the diaper and then begin to spread to the front as the diaper became full and heavy.

Once I was squatting down, the mess didn’t stop coming either.

Try as I might to stop, the filth just plowed ahead and filled the diaper completely to the brim.

All of this while Theresa was recording with her cell phone.

I had been wrong earlier..

I thought that using the diaper would be the ultimate humiliation.

I was completely wrong.

This was the ultimate humiliation.

Messing my diaper in the center of campus while Theresa recorded me was the most humiliating thing to happen in my entire life.

And it had just happened.

And it was on camera.



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