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Part 2

As Anthony and Elias walked into camp, Anthony had to admit that he was feeling slightly nervous. His partner had made it clear to him that he was not happy with the way things were going and somehow, this weekend, festival weekend of all weekends, was going to be the day that he punished him.

Only, it wasn’t a punishment.

This wasn’t a punishment.

Elias had said it himself.

Whatever was supposed to come would be more of a lesson or a teaching experience.

But what exactly was his boyfriend planning?

After a while, Elias and Anthony had checked into the camp and were sitting inside their tent examining their surroundings. The tent was not exceptionally large, but could fit four if you were really motivated. The ground was a soft looking terf, while the rest of the tent had so many windows. There were shades that could be pulled down, obscuring them from their neighbors.

The tent did have two air mattresses for good measure and several blankets and places to store things. As he usually did, Elias instantly began the process of unpacking. He was always way too tidy, something that had caused them issues early in their relationship. Anthony stashed the pastel bag in the corner and followed suit, hanging up a few of his more delicate clothing and placing his toiletry kit next to the door.

Anthony unfolded his chair and slumped into it.

Even though he wasn’t the one to drive all the way to what was dubbed the Electric Jungle, he was still tired. Something about sitting in the car for hours really made you feel tired and stiff.

Elias was busy unpacking his things while Anothny watched. But in his peripheral vision, the pastel bag, the one that he had stuffed in the corner, glared at him. In the neutral tones and dark greens that were the tent, the pastel bag was this interloper. It was this garling eye of Sauron reaching out to him, whisterping his name.

But it wasn’t a big deal because right now, it seemed as if Elias had completely forgotten about the bag and the strange scents inside of it. Instead he just kept fussing with the tent, straightening up things and making things look like home.

Anthony cleared his throat, “How about some dinner?” He figured if he could keep him distracted, they’d never have to speak about the bag. “There’s a cafe up the path, I saw it when we walked in…”

Elias stood up and looked at Anthony. “After we have our discussion.”

Anthony’s stomach knotted.

“Go get the bag,” Elias pointed to the corner, where the pastel glared at him.

“Maybe after dinner?”

“This isn’t for debate Anthony.” Elias was firm.

Anthony reached over and tentatively picked up the bag. The weight was familiar from earlier. The zipper was partly open and he could catch a glimpse of the plastic that was inside. Was that powder he smelled?

Elias took the bag from him and sat down in the other chair in the room.

“Before I start, I want to let you know that I didn’t just come up with these ideas on my own. I’ve actually been speaking to my therapist about them and he agrees that this is the best path forward.”

“Your doctor agrees..?”

“Elias, I need you to listen.”

Anthony got quiet.

Elias was still mad.

Elias took a deep breath and continued. “If we are going to have this conversation, you need to do two things first. And at any time, you can leave and our earlier agreement still stands.”

“I told you, Elias, I’m here to stay. I’ll do anything.” Anthony was adamant and gentle. He needed Elias to understand his commitment to him. He would do anything to make their relationship work. He would do anything to ensure that Elias understood that he was one of the most incredible parts of his life and wanted to do better. “Anything.”

Elias nodded. “Take your clothes off.”

Anthony blinked and opened his mouth to speak.

“You said you’d do anything.”

It was true. He did say anything. Anthony’s brain moved a few feet behind him and ran through the entire day and everything Elias had said. But then he thought about something Elias had said to him when they first started dating.

They had been sitting at the local Taco Bell, pushing around the remnants of a Baja Blast and nachos when Elias had looked at Anthony and wiped some nacho cheese off his mouth. “You’re messy,” he had said.

He’d accidentally nipped him on the lip in the process, causing him to wince.

“I’m so sorry,” Elias said, withdrawing backward.

Anthony grabbed his lip and checked his fingers for blood.

Elias grabbed a napkin and dabbed his mouth and said the words that he’d never forget. “I’d never hurt you Anthony.” And then he said it again. “I’ll never hurt you. You’ll always be safe.” And Elias said he promised.

Right now, that same thought was echoing through his mind. “I’ll never hurt you. You’ll always be safe.”

Anthony believed him.

So he took off his clothes.


The tent wasn’t cold, but Anthony felt exposed. Completely exposed.

Elias picked up Anthony’s pants and tee shirt and proceeded to look him up and down all over. Anthony was rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet trying his best to cover his modesty. But Elias insisted that he uncover himself. He grinned slightly at the bobbing boner that was starting to creep up on Anthony.

Anthony, shocked, but still in his compliant stage, let his hands drop at his sides. In any other situation, this might be a dominant position. But, here, right now he felt small. Elias was sitting in the chair, his shorts and tee shirt on, just glaring at him.

Elias rubbed his hands together and then placed them on Anthony’s hips and guided Anthony him so that he was standing right in front of him.

“First, I want to remind you that I love you. And that you’re important to me. You’re special to me. I’ll never hurt you.”

Anthony squirmed slightly. This position could have been sexual, it could have been a power exchange, but right now it wasn’t. But as he paid attention to Elias, he realized he was completely sincere. Elias didn’t look at his nakedness, he stared straight into his eyes.

“But you have hurt me. Tremendously.”

Anthony was about to speak, but he thought better of it. It was time to listen.

“This weekend is supposed to be about connecting with everyone, with the music, with you, but I feel that instead it’s a good time for me to do what my therapist and I discussed. Which is why I brought this bag with me.”

Anthony glanced down at his lap where the pastel bag sat closed and glaring at him.

And then he opened the bag.

“We’ve decided…” Elias paused for a moment and cleared his throat. “We’ve decided… that the punishment needs to fit the infraction that’s occurred. So you can fully understand that your actions have consequences, not just for me, but for you as well.”

Elias pulled out a bottle of baby powder and a packet that said “Pampers” on it and laid them on the floor. Next he pulled out the thick, fluffy plastic bundle that was inside.

Unfolding it on his lap, it was clear what the item was. It was a diaper.

A really large one.

Anthony had never seen one so large in his life.

In the rationalization that was floating in his mind, Anthony knew that there had to be diapers that big. Old people with issues wore them all the time. Only this one didn’t look like it was for old people.

It was a white diaper, starkly plastic and white. Every time Elias' fingers moved, the plastic crinked aggressively. But on the waistband, the facade of a pure medical product was shattered. In bright bubble letters were the words, Pampers.

This diaper was designed for a giant baby.

Anthony felt like he processed all of that in a matter of hours. Only it took seconds. Elias looked into his eyes, watching him process the diaper and smiled slightly. Anthony kept folding and unfolding it over and over to make sure the crinkle was resonating in his ears.

His doctor had told him this was the most effective way to capture his attention.

“So after you fumbled the bathroom situation, I decided that you needed to understand why this was a bad thing. You needed to understand the consequence for your oversight. I am the one who needs to use those grimy, filthy porta potties. And you know that we don’t have the budget to add-on luxury toilets to our festival fare.”

Anthony couldn’t keep his eyes off the diaper. It crinkled loudly in his ears. Anthony could even smell it, the smell of baby powder scented plastic invading his senses.

There was no way he was going to make him wear that. They had the bathroom passes after all.

“Elias, come on. Elias.” Anthony flashed a nervous grin. “We already bought the bathroom passes. Like, we are fine. I can just work a little overtime and get the extra cash that we need. I don’t see the need to do any of this.”

“I bought the bathroom passes,” Elias said, holding up a finger. “For myself. And you’re not using them.”

“Fine, I’ll just use the porta potties then,” Anthony went to reach for his pants back, but Elias had put them out of reach.

“You can take your clothes back and you can also pack your bags.”

Elias was firm.

Anthony took a second to think, extremely aware that he was still naked in the tent, his boyfriend glaring at him. He decided right then and there that he was going to go along with this for a few hours. Maybe Elias would get bored and decide that because he went along with this, that he indeed was taking a few steps to change.

Besides, it wasn’t like Elias wanted to “baby” him or anything.

Anthony paused for a moment and then said, “Fine, give it to me, I’ll put it on tonight.” And then noticing that he came out a little harsher than expected softened his tone. “Elias, I’m sorry.” Getting on his knees and touching Elias’, leg he finished the statement that he hoped would reverse his determination, “I’ve messed up, but I love you and I’m willing to change.”

Elias nodded. “Then prove it to me. Lie down.”

“Wait a second…”

“Lie down.” Elias was firm. “I need to do this. The doctor said so.”

Anthony numbly lay on a pad that he hadn’t noticed on the floor before and Elias loomed over him. He crinkled the diaper a bit, unfolding it in front of him. The plastic rustled loudly as he placed it near his feet.

Anthony tried to look anywhere but at Elias as he twisted the top of the baby powder open and began sprinkling the powder on his private areas. It felt nice, but felt completely wrong. The smell was overpowering. All Anthony could think was, all this because he forgot to buy festival bathroom passes?

Anthony glanced down at Elias as he pushed him to lift up and then flop back down on the diaper. His penis reacted by slowly getting hard the moment he wiped powder on that area of his body.

Elias seemed to smile slightly when this happened. But that could have been a trick of the mind. The smile was what caused Anthony to wilt in humiliation and instantly become both angry and submissive at the same time.

“These look cute on you,” Elias said, pulling the tapes over his legs and rubbing them slightly. He did the same on the other side and rubbed the tapes some more.

The diaper was finally on Anthony. As he bent his legs, all he could feel and hear was the diaper. It was strange standing up because the diaper just followed him everywhere he went. It was this soft, plastic crackling noise that would not leave him.

Like it or not, he was trapped in the diaper for the time being.

Anthony looked up and Elias looked extremely pleased with himself.

“Now let’s get dinner,” he said, grabbing his backpack. “And put on your pants, no one wants to see your diapers.”


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