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After Ashley’s speech, she had left the room and John found himself alone. I am going to make you know what it’s like for your friends to look at you with pity… or whatever it was that Ashley had said.

How the hell was that something she could do? John tested his bonds a bit more while struggling against the pacifier in his mouth. The rubber bulb was still causing him to drool like an infant.

John then realized, with horror, that a woman who could kidnap him on a casual afternoon could probably do a lot of things to him that he didn’t want. She was clearly wealthy based on the house that he was in and seemed to be motivated by the one thing that not even a loan could buy his way out of: revenge. John quickly figured out after the horrors of today, that it was in his best interest not to underestimate Ashley. Maybe he should just apologize and move on.

Only it wasn’t that simple.

Would Ashley send him to jail if he admitted guilt? John wasn’t about to go to jail over a stupid night out. Nothing could be worse than going to prison. Besides nowadays being locked up came with all sorts of issues, a hard time getting a job afterwards, you were a social pariah for quite a while, not to mention the dreaded Locke Program that had been gaining popularity for inmates who were extremely vile.

John shivered just thinking about it. Recently, one of the men had to enter a program after leaving prison, just to shake the effects of it.

No. John was going to sit quietly and wait for Rachel to come and scoop him so they could go back home. Maybe he could make a deal with her. If he could offer her more money than Ashley was paying her, John could figure a way out of this. John had always been told by his professors that he was a naturally good problem solver. This would be no different.

John sat in the chair for what felt like hours and found himself wondering if toddlers also found these push chairs uncomfortable. He had managed to wet the diaper a few more times and thought about the kids he’d seen in the parks and grocery stores in chairs like this. They had always looked comfortable, but he didn’t realize how uncomfortable they could actually be. His ass was sore. John had to admit though, he was grateful for the padding the diaper provided because it made things less horrible for his posterior.

Right when John was about to doze off, he heard the doors open behind him and in walked an older man wearing a lab coat. He looked excited and continued to sway on the balls of his feet as he spoke.

“So you’re the lucky bastard?” Lab Coat asked, looking at John closely.

John just stared back at him through the pacifier. He didn’t feel lucky. John felt like a specimen at the zoo.

“Ashley tells me you’re suffering from the same issue she was.” The man got closer to John and examined his face. Then he looked down at John’s soaked diaper and chuckled to himself. “But not to worry, just like I am working on with Ashley, I am going to cure you from ailment in no time at all. I have a proven method and operation that will ensure you’ll be cured. Though you’ll be wearing a lot more of these for a few months.”

A lot more of these for a few months? John struggled a bit more and tried to protest. But he was silenced by the pacifier gag.

“Here, let me explain what’s about to happen here.” Lab Coat pulled up a chair next to the struggling John and looked at his clipboard as he listed out the next steps.

“Ashley tells me that you’ve been suffering from urge incontinence the same way she has.”

John began shaking his head in the most aggressive manner possible. That simply wasn’t true. But he didn't understand.

“I totally understand that it can be hard. But not to worry, I’ve devised a little medical procedure that should be able to help with that. Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to go back to the root of the problem.” Lab Coat seemed to get even more excited the more he spoke. “Here’s how it works. First, we go into the bladder and place a stent. It will tell the bladder to stay open. You see, urge incontinence is caused by stress on the bladder, sometimes it opens, sometimes it doesn't. But this allows it for six months to stay open. Our goal, through this simple tactic is to teach you to relax your muscles. That’s right, relax your muscles down there.”

John’s eyes were going wide as it dawned on him what this mad scientist was going to do to him. He started to struggle again. But Lab Coat either didn’t notice his distress or didn’t care and plowed on.

“For six months, we’ll teach you to relax the muscles. After six months, we’ll begin the process of retraining you. That means that we’ll remove the stent and you’ll learn to tighten and loosen the muscle again and again. It’s like modern day toilet training. The best part? Our program has a 100 percent success rate. You’ll need to put in the work like Ashley has, but you can do it.” He motioned towards Ashley who had reentered the room and limped her way over to the soft chair in the corner.

Lab Coat went on and on, explaining how the final part of the program takes at least six months and involves regular check-ins with a training “coach” who would ensure success. “Sometimes the tactics can be harsh, but this is your second time around, so it’s going to be difficult.”

John continued to struggle against the pushchair’s restraints in an attempt to free himself. His diaper was crinkling extremely loudly during this process, as his legs were consistently forced apart by the wetness that caused the plastic padding to expand. While Lab Coat seemed to be calmly explaining how he was going to mutilate him, John knew there was no way he was entering this program. There was no way he was going to fall victim to this sort of treatment.

What made it worse was that Ashley seemed to reinforce the plan, saying, “This program is going to help you so much John,” and “You’re not going to regret this.” Ashley explained that she was happy to pay for the surgery and would aid him in his recovery. But John heard the sinister undertone in her voice.

John, when I am through with you, you’ll never be the same.

Lab Coat looked at Ashley and smiled. “It’s so kind of you to offer to pay for this. I’m sure John is very grateful. The surgery is very expensive.”

Ashley looked John directly in the eyes and said with a cool expression: “Oh he is.”

Lab Coat nodded and said that he’d be right back to take John into the back for the procedure.

Ashley then leaned back in her chair and laughed to the sky. “I bet you’re wishing you could just turn yourself in at this point. But no. I am going to make you suffer.”

John, with all the fear in his eyes, struggled against his bonds.

He needed to escape.

But there was nothing he could do.

He was trapped.

And before he knew it, he felt a prick in his arm and he drifted off into a hard, dark sleep.


John’s eyes flew open and the first thing he felt was a cool breeze on his legs. He reached up to rub the sleep from his eyes and blinked a few times to acclimate to the room. The room was extremely bright and he could hear the consistent medical beeping near him.

John bolted up and gasped. The operation. Where was he?

John looked around the hospital room. It looked like he was in an ordinary hospital room. There was that chart on the wall that asked him how his pay was. A nurse's name was on the wall and the monitor next to him continued to beep a quick, staggered rhythm.

John pulled his covers up and looked down at his groin area and gasped. Staring back at him was a white diaper with two faded green stripes on it. The letters XP5000 were stamped across the front in a repeating pattern. John shook his head and with shaky hands untapped the diaper and rolled it up.

While the diaper was slightly wet, John choked that up to the fact that blankets draped over him were extremely warm. No doubt he was extremely warm from the day's work. John shook the haze from his head and wondered where that creepy doctor was, but most of all, wondered where Ashely was? She had promised to humiliate him. Wasn’t this the moment, when he was in bed, by himself, under the care of medical professionals?

John picked at the IV that was sticking in his arm for a moment and laughed to himself. This had to be some sort of joke. Sure he had awakened wearing a diaper, but the reality was that had to be just a normal thing that happened. Odds are Ashley just put him in this hospital to scare him. The entire ordeal over the last few days was designed to scare him. There’s no way he was operated on without his consent, what kind of nonsense was that?

The door swung open, interrupting John from his thoughts. In walked a tall gentleman wearing a pair of light pink scrubs. He had light blond hair and was wearing a very large smile.

“John is it?” the man said, grabbing John’s chart from the edge of the bed and scanning through it. “How are you feeling after your operation?”

John’s stomach turned into fire. Wait a second… “Operation?”

The man in scrubs chucked. “Sorry to sound so clinical about it. Training you know?” He looked up from the chart and sat on the edge of John’s bed. “I am nurse Patrick (he pointed at his nametag that said he was registered) and I’m your recovery specialist.”

“Hold on, recovery specialist?”

Patrick nodded. “Everyone who had operations like yours gets a recovery specialist.”

“Wait, so I actually had an operation?”

Patrick chuckled again, grinning from ear to ear. “Of course you did.” And then he pressed one hand to John’s forehead. “You don’t have a fever or anything so you seem fine. And your vitals look good.” He then frowned slightly. “You do know why you’re in the hospital right?”

John didn’t answer. He was afraid too.

“You had the urinary sphincter modification surgery. It’s a new procedure, so we are so lucky that you could have this so soon. Research shows it has a -”

“One hundred percent success rate,” John groaned.

“There you go,” Patrick patted John’s hand enthusiastically. “So you do know why you’re here!” He looked like he was going to give a golden star to John. “Speaking of the operation, let’s check to see how your diaper is holding up.””

John’s stomach was now doing flips as Registered Nurse Patrick lifted the hospital blankets up and unsnapped the hospital gown and revealed John’s nakedness.

Patrick for the first time since entering the room frowned. “Looks like you’re missing something buddy.”

John decided to play stupid. “Missing?”

“Yep,” Patrick stood up and walked over to the cabinet that sat in the corner of the room and pulled it open. “I think the team forgot to get you into your diapers.”

John shook his head. “I don’t think we really really need…”

But Patrick’s jocular disposition drowned out the indecisive John. “Ahh here we go.” Patrick pulled out another bright white XPO branded diaper and another package out from the cabinet that looked like a long thick strip of padding and walked back over to the bed.

“We’re gonna have to get you back into these if we are going to make sure you don’t leave a puddle on the mattress.” Patrick unfolded the diaper and began moving it back and forth as if to soften the interior. He then placed the giant, folded piece of cloth on the inside and laid it out on the bed in front of John.

The diaper seemed to stare at him, taunting him from its position at the edge of the bed. It was almost daring him to ignore it. John wasn’t necessarily afraid of the piece of thick fabric that was destined to be wrapped around his body sooner than later, but he found that a simple look at the infantile object caused him intense anxiety. To put things simply, John simply did not want to wear the diaper.

But Patrick and his pleasantries had other ideas. “Come on now, you’ll need to cooperate if we are going to get this diaper on you.” Turns out he had been speaking the entire time and John was simply stuck in his head and had not been paying attention. Patrick, who no doubt was a veteran, took advantage of John’s pensiveness to move into action.

Patrick pressed a button on the bed which caused the head of the bed to recline back until John was lying flat on his back. Before he knew what was happening, Patrick had pulled the blankets off the bed and had already begun tapping on John’s bottom to make him lift up.

Almost as if by reflex, John complied and then winced when he realized what he had done.

John’s bottom hit the diaper hard, and the first thing he noticed was that this diaper seemed extremely soft. In fact, the sheer bulk of the padding in the middle actually didn’t feel half bad. John scowled at that thought for a second as he watched Patrick pull out a bottle of lotion and begin to lotion his groin.

It had been a while since John had been touched in such a sensual way. Patrick’s hands were extremely soft, as if he had been moisturizing his entire life. For a moment, John’s mind went fuzzy as he thought about the sensations and the pleasure they gave his mind. But the moment was gone in an instant as Patrick pulled the diaper up between his legs and with a loud crinkle taped it shut and began fixing the leak guards.

“There we go,” Patrick said, patting the front of the diaper, causing John to throb slightly underneath the padding. “Now we don’t have to worry about you wetting the bed.”

“I don’t wet the bed,” John said stubbornly.

“Of course you don’t.” Patrick said standing up and washing his hands in the sink. “You now only wet your diapers.”

And with that, he vanished out the door, leaving a very confused John in the bed.



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