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As it turns out, Hospital House was larger than I thought. Now that I was back again in the room with the moaning patients and the soiled mattress, I tried to control my breathing. I would need to work harder to get away next time.

I needed to stay level headed if I was going to survive this ordeal. Only at this point, I wasn’t sure I was going to survive. I had given up thinking that this was a nightmare, this had to be real life. I had given up thinking I would bolt awake, sweating and feverish, only to laugh off what was a twisted dream of forced incontinence.

I knew this nightmare was real.

Instead, now, Nurse Motina was staring down at me, her ragged hands reaching towards my diaper.

“I see you’ve expelled the mess from inside of you,” her voice was everywhere still. “Even if you did try to leave the hospital without your discharge instructions.”

I was doing my best to listen, but my mind kept darting back to the other room. The room where the cribs were. The haunting nursery music, the students trapped in the cribs. Who were they? Had they entered this place and suffered the same fate as me? Did they not manage to escape in time?

I shook my head. “I wasn’t running, I needed to stretch my legs.”

I sounded as pathetic as I looked.

But Nurse Motina wasn’t paying attention. Instead she squeezed and prodded my diaper, the plastic crinkling under the weight of her hands. I squirmed as she pushed the mess inside my diaper up against me. It was like mud pressing in on me from all sides in my most intimate areas. It felt gross. It felt messy. It felt completely baby.

“You’ll need to get changed,” the Nurse said, snapping her fingers. Malone crept up next to the woman and gave a slight nodd.

“I can take care of it.”

The nurse shook her head. “Have the intern do it. She’s overdue for this responsibility.” Nurse Motina then looked at me. “Try to escape again and the room you saw, the one with the patients that are here for an extended stay? That room will be where you spend every night for the rest of the year.”

The cracks in her skin glowed as she stared through my eyes. Then, she stalked out of the room and left me lying on the bed looking at Malone and a new person I had not noticed before.

Unlike Malone, this woman looked real. Her skin was a deep coffee black and she wore the typical black scrubs, the same as everyone else.

“Here, let me help you out of bed.” The woman said unstrapping me from the bed.

As I gingerly moved, doing my best not to slosh the contents inside my diaper anymore than I had too, I realized with some curiosity, that I could smell her. This woman, with her dark hair pulled back into a bun, smelled like roses. And to my astonishment, she was clearly not dead.

I took a few steps as the woman patted me on the shoulder. “Don’t worry,” she said smiling towards me, “we’ll get you all changed so you can get back to bed.”

“I actually think I’m ready to go home.” I was speaking quietly so Malone couldn’t hear. But the deader of the two was already ten paces ahead of us, leading the way through the maze of corridors.

“Just wait…” the woman hissed towards me. “Wait till we are in the baths. We can speak then. It’ll be louder.”

I nodded as I waddled, trying to keep up.

I felt so infantile, waddling in a giant diaper, usually intended for babies, behind this fully grown adult woman. She clearly was a college student. I could tell based on her age, but also the dark tattoos that shone against her brown skin. I also saw she was wearing a bracelet with the universities logo on it. As I gingerly walked, my mind kept darting back to the room.

I was afraid.

Soon we were in the bath and Malone was filling a tub filled with water and bubbles, no doubt for the mess that was currently hugging my bottom.

“Come on kid,” the woman said pointing to a giant changing table that was in the center of the room. “Time to get your pampers off of you.”

I flinched at the word pampers.

I looked at the intern and then back at the table realizing that this woman was going to see my crudely shaved genitalia in a moment if I hopped onto that table. But I realized that I always had the option of sitting in the diaper for the rest of the night and saving myself some humiliation. But sitting in a messy cloth diaper, with locking plastic pants was also… humiliating.

The back of my mind was screaming in this moment. The curtains next to the tall, room length mirrors, blew slightly in the breeze and the bubbles from the bath began to float around the room. This would have been a good dream had it not been for the mess strapped to my groin.

I groaned and waddled towards the table. Thankfully, the intern helped me up and lay me down. She made a comment about me not trying to run as long as “Mortimer here” was in the room. I almost laughed at that cruel joke, but was anxiously watching her face as she undid the chains, the plastic pants, and finally, unfolded the cloth diaper.

The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, but with the professionalism of an actual nurse, she got to work. She pulled out a towel and began wiping me down slowly. Soon after a while, the intern had me lift up and pulled the rest of the diaper from under me and led to the bath.

“It’s the perfect temperature,” Malone said looking at me. I was covering up my penis in an effort to hide. But I ended up just looking stupid walking around the room like that. So I left my hand fall at my side as I climbed into the tub.

The water was warm against my body and I sighed in contentment as the bubbles reached my chin and smelled like… nothing. The bubbles didn’t smell like anything. I’m not sure what I was expecting but I found that extreemly odd. What I didn’t was expect for the water to feel extreemly hot against my genitals. I realized with dismay that that was probably the real reason the intern has snickered for a moment, my hairless genitals must have been a sight to her.

Malone said he’d be right back and the intern sat down next to the tub and pulled a washcloth from her apron and a bar of soap.

“Time to get you clean,” she insisted. And then looking me closely in the eye, “And now we can talk.”

For a second, I forgot that I was a captive in this hell hole of a hospital. But the moment she plunged her hand into the water and began rinsing my arms, my brain went back to scheming.

“I need to get out of here. You need to help me get out of here.”

The intern nodded scrubbing my shoulders.

“I can do that myself you know,” I hissed in her direction, disappointed that she hadn’t mirrored my urgency.

“I have to do this or they’ll… do stuff to me.” The intern continued her work. “But there’s one more chance to get out of here.”

I nodded as she scrubbed my back. The water felt warm and comfortable. I was getting clean. For once tonight something seemed to be going right.

“But you need to do exactly as I say.”

“Tell me, I’ll do it.” I then yelped as she began washing my hairless crotch. “I don’t need you too…”

But she continued despite my protesting. “I told you, I need to do my job.” This time the interns voice was more forceful.

“After this bath, you’ll be dried off and inspected. You’ll need to stay quiet. They’ll take your weight, your height and other measurements. You need to just do what they say. The time will come when you are taken back to your room. That’s when you’ll make your move. But if you break any of the rules… they’ll find you.”


The tests were a series of measurements. When the bath was open, just as the intern (whose name was Adelaide) promised, another nurse came in, diapered me in a disposable diaper and a booster and had me lay on a scale to take my weight. After the weigh in, they tested my joints, reflexes and teeth. They even shined a little light in my eye.

Next they wheeled me back to my hospital room and Nurse Motina walked in and stared into my soul. I sat up in bed and put my best smile on my face. It was difficult however, the diaper that had the words, “Mommy’s Baby” stamped on the waistband, made me look extremely stupid.

“How is the patient?” Nurse Molina asked, gliding over in my direction. Adelade and Malone both nodded respectfully and handed her the chart.

“I think he’s doing well,” Adelade said. “But I think you should ask him.”

I looked into the creatures eyes and continued my feeble grin. “I am feeling much better thank you.” Adelade glanced at me and raised an eyebrow. I cleared my throat. “The treatment reminded me of my mother at home. It was nice to be able to know I was…” I glanced at Adelade who was doing her best to help me while remaining as still as possible. She put her hands into a cradle as if she were holding a baby. “… cared for like I was when I was a baby.” I finished.

Nurse Molina smiled and showed her sharpened teeth. “See, dear. I really know what it is that I am doing.” She glanced around the room, her hair doing that floaty thing that it tended to do. “You need to make sure you come back and see me the next time you are feeling sick.”

I nodded, trying to appear eager. “Absolutely.”

The nurse narrowed her eyes. “I need to run a few more tests before I can discharge you.”

I gritted my teeth, prepared for what was to come. She had me sit up and poked and prodded my diaper for a moment and inspected my arm. While pulling and twisting my arm, I bit my lip to stay quiet.

You can’t make a sound when she inspects your arm, or you’ll have to stay another night.

Soon the exam was over and the nurse proceeded to pull another pair of plastic pants from the drawer and work them up my legs and locked them closed over the diaper. “I’ll be back to check in on you,” she said in that voice that echoed from my soul and everywhere at once.” I nodded.

I knew at this moment, this was the moment I needed. Nurse Molina and Malone left the room.

“Okay, go!” Adelade hissed.

“But my clothes!” I hissed back standing up from the bed and wincing as my arm throbbed. “You said they’d bring me my clothes.”

“You don’t have time!” She was looking towards the hallway, “We don’t have long before they are back.” I paused for a moment. I really didn’t fancy having to walk in just a diaper back to my dorm room. But it couldn’t be helped. I could order a paid of bolt cutters when I got back to my apartment. There had to be someone that delivered on the weekend.

I grabbed my tennis shoes that were sitting next to my bed and crept into the hallway. Instead of wandering the halls like last time, Adelade’s words were echoing in my head. I knew exactly what I needed to do.

I darted past the empty room and headed to the dark section of the hospital. Fighting every instinct in my body to go towards the light, I headed towards the dark rooms and pushed open the door. My heart leaped positively as I recognized where I was. This was the room from when I first got into Hospital House. I crept towards the living room and then stopped.

I heard something unusual.

It wasn’t the constant crinkling of my diaper and plastic pants. That was a common sound I had been hearing all day. But this noise sounded like someone sad and in pain.

I realized it was the sound of someone crying.

You can’t stop for any reason whatsoever. You must leave everything here.

I paused for a moment and kept walking. But as I turned the corner, I saw a woman. She was about my height clawing at the front door. Her hair was tied back into a ponytail. But what was most stunning was her outfit. She wore an extremely pink onesie, one with ruffles on the bottom. The onesie snapped together between her legs and I could see the side of an extremely used and swollen diaper underneath poking between the leg gathers. But what was shocking was that her hands were encased in what looked like these soft plastic globes. The reason she was crying? Clearly she had found the door and couldn’t get it open due to her hands being useless.

“Hey,” I whispered walking towards her.

She spun around, fear in her eyes and in a strangely low voice for a woman said, “Don’t come any closer, I’ll fuck you up. I can’t go back, I’m a fucking senior and can’t stay here another night!”

“Careful,” I said holding my hands up. “I’m trying to get out too, this is the exit.’

The woman slumped back onto the ground with an audible squish.

“Please, can you help me get out?” She was sobbing at this point holding up her hands in dismay. If I hadn’t recognized her from campus avenue, I would have said she looked like a petrified toddler. “Please, I just need to get out.”

“Of course, we just need to get through that door. Come on,” I reached down and helped her up. I smelled something slightly foul but said nothing. “Let’s get out of here.”

I swung open the door and the two of us hobbled out of Hospital House. As we walked up the long driveway and towards campus, I could see the sun rising in the east, casting long, golden beams in our direction.

As we got closer to my dorm room a few early riser college students gawlked openly at us. But as the baby woman leaned up against me (I later learned her name was Cindy) I paid them no mind. We could always say this was a prank or something. Finally, we walked past a very confused hall monitor and arrived at my dorm room.

Exhausted, the two of us collapsed on the couch and sighed.

We had escaped Hospital House.



I helped Cindy out of the mittens when we got back to the dorm and she instantly went into the shower. She didn’t say anything to me. Avoiding eye contact, she just got up and walked into my bathroom. The heat of the water drifted into my bedroom and I could smell the soap as it no doubt was activated because of the heat. Smelling the soap made me feel better.

While she was in the shower, I tossed out the diaper she had left on the floor and inspected my own predicament. Try as I might, I couldn’t get the chains to budge. I was trapped for the time being.

Cindy spent an hour in there no doubt scrubbing every inch of her body, trying to get clean. I looked enviously at the door and then back down at the intricate chain that trapped the babish garment against my skin. As embarrassing as it was to admit it, I had wet a few more times since leaving the prison of a hospital.

Cindy returned back to the room, wrapped in a towel and looked at me. She asked if I was going to take the diaper and plastic pants off, but I told her I couldn’t. I had been going around online trying to find someone who had bolt cutters, who could help me. She volunteered to go to the store for me and I agreed. But she said she’d only go under one condition: I needed to not tell anyone what I had seen in the room, about her baby outfit, about her being trapped in a swollen, thick diaper when we first stumbled upon me another in Hospital House.

“Why would I say anything?” I gestured towards the padding on my own waist. “I can’t really say much.”

Cindy just nodded and said she’d be back sooner than later.

While she was gone, Casey texted me and told me that he hadn’t seen me leave the house and wondered if I was still in there. I told him I had just left and he owed me his dorm room. It’s the least he could do, I thought bitterly.

When Cindy returned, we managed to cut off the plastic pants and I tossed the used diaper in the trash. The shower felt like heaven and, while I knew Cindy wasn’t going to stick around, I kinda wished that she would. She was the only person who had been through this experience like I had… besides Adelade. But I couldn’t find her information anywhere on campus. I really wanted to speak to someone about the horrors of Hospital House.

I felt alone. Because I was alone.

But at least I was free.

That night, as I climbed into bed, I shook my head.

If I could help it, I was never going back there ever again. I wasn’t even going to walk past the building if I could help it. Like, I was pretty sure ghosts couldn’t leave the place where they haunted, but I didn’t want to take any chances that I’d bump into Malone on the sidewalk as the skin fell off his body during an evening drunken walk from the bar.

No. I was safe and I was free.

I never wanted to see Malone again. As I drifted off to sleep I resolved that tomorrow I would try and find Adelade and see what she knew about Hospital House. Maybe she could explain what happened to me, what she was doing there as an intern. I needed to figure this out.

I shook my head sleepily and heard a door slam aggressively causing me to open my eyes.

I tried to sit up to investigate, but in the darkness, I heard something worse.

The gurgling moans were coming from all around me.

There was this itchy sensation on my crotch that was driving me crazy.

I reached down to try and scratch, but my hands snagged on the bonds that held me fast to my bed. For a second, I tried to reach again, shaking my head as my room came into focus. I pulled my feet up and looked down. In my vision, I could see the reason I was feeling the itching. I saw bars all around me, not like I was in a prison, but jutting up as if I were in a giant crib. Above me, a mobile spun around, the old tattered animals relentlessly mocking me. And worst of all, I could hear and feel it. The tell tale crinkling sound of the thick diaper that was wrapped around my waist, my tee shirt barely coming to the top of it.

I tried to scream, but there was a pacifier in my mouth that refused to budge. I struggled as hard as I could, but to no success. All I heard was the haunting lullaby drifting through the room.

How was I back here again?

I managed to escape this morning.

How was I back in this place, but this time in the nursery?

Something moved next to me. Adelade was looking down at me, with sadness in her eyes. She peered over the bars and sighed.

“I thought I’d be seeing you again,” Adelade said woefully.

I tried to tell the woman that she needed to let me out of here. That she needed to let me escape from the hospital again. But she just shook her head.

“Don’t try to talk, you wont be able to the first month that you’re here.”

My eyes bulged out of my head. The first month?

“I told you exactly how to escape, but I don’t think that you listened.” Adelade looked at the crib across from me. “Cindy was never going to escape from this place, either. But you took her with you anyway.”

I was confused. I didn’t understand.

“What did I tell you? Do exactly what I say. I warned you not to take anyone with you. To go straight back to your dorm room. And do you know why I said that?”

Adelade reached down and untapped the top two tapes of my diaper and pulled the diaper down slightly to reveal the source of the itching. It was hard to see, but on my freshly shaven public read was a tattoo, fresh and raw that said “B A B Y.’

“You’re marked now.” Adelade said sadly, “You’re going to be back here every night until you get better. Well, at least until they say you’re better anyway.”

Every night? What was she talking about? There was no way I was coming back here.

“Now that the Nurse can track you, she can bring you back at any time…” Adelade taped my diaper back up and patted the front lazily. She ran her finger over the bulging crotch and squeezed. “Don’t fight the mess or she’ll feed you more fiber tomorrow night. She doesn't like constipated babies.”

My eyes bulged out of my head as I tried again to struggle out of the bonds. But all I could feel was my diaper, crinkling and rustling in the room with the other adult babies who were trapped in here to serve out their punishments… their healing time… their fates.

Our fates

I needed to get out this. I needed to figure out how to make sure that every night when I went to sleep I wasn’t doomed to wake up in the nursery, captive to my various bodily functions and Nurse Molina’s whims. I needed a way to get home and stay home for good. And I needed a way to remove that tracker.

But I couldn’t think about that now. Because in the back of my mind, all I could think about was the rumbling in my stomach. All I could think of was that any moment, I’d be doing my infantile deed as I served out my sentence in Hospital House.


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