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Francis’ giggle scared me. It was this high-pitched giggle that seemed to bounce through the air and into my ears where it reverberated around my head like a steel ball trying to escape.

So far, every single moment I had spent with her had been an unmitigated disaster. Every time she butt herself in where she didn’t belong, ended up with me suffering some undue consequence that I simply wasn’t prepared for.

The giggle, when paired with the evil smile that was spreading across her face, meant that this “something I needed to do for her first,” was no doubt going to be something for her benefit and not for mine.

I looked over at Francis and just kept quiet. Maybe if I ignored her, she’d go away. Only, my brain was laughing at me now. I had already tried that. Francis wasn’t going to go away. She was like a stray puppy who had found food one time in the backyard, and would keep coming back. But my mind asked another question: Did I want her to go away?

The answer was easy. If I was going to get out of these diapers, the ones that were filled in the back with this disgusting, oozing, messiness, then I’d need to stay. I’d need to play her game for a little while longer. Even if it hurt.

Out of the corner of my eye, Natasha was still passed out on the couch, completely dead the world, unaware of the green mile that led my footsteps.

Francis studied my face up and down and repeated herself. “If you want to get changed, there’s something you need to do for me first.”

I crossed my arms, unaware that the simple movement would cause the diaper to squish between my legs again. Turns out gravity makes the entire body move over and over.

“What do you want?”

Francis smiled and tugged slightly at the blanket. What she did next surprised me.

Francis slid her fingers under the blanket and tugged slightly at the button that held my bulging pants together. “I want you to take these off.”

I got quiet. There was no way -

But Francis kept going. “Take them off little boy,” she said softly, still tugging at the button. “And it will get you one step closer to a change.”

I felt the tightness around my waist loosen as she popped the button loose. As she helped me from under the blanket, I tried my best to look bored. I was keenly aware that the people all around us were laughing, eating, having adult conversations, while I was being forced to remove my pants from under this blanket so Francis could do some weird shit to me all while I was wearing diapers that were filled to the brim.

Francis was able to get my pants off after a moment. In one quick motion, she folded them up and slid them under the couch.

I looked around.

No one had noticed.

The blanked shielded me.

They just kept living their adult lives.

“So that was it, right? You don’t need me to do anything else. You just want me to sit here without any pants on?” I hissed at her.

Francis stared wide-eyed at me and smiled some more. “Oh that wasn’t the favor, you’re about to do it right now.”

I glared at her. “What do you want me to do?”

Francis leaned close to me so her lips were almost touching my ear. “If you want me to change those packed pampers, then I need you to cum in your diaper.”

I recoiled quickly. “What the fuck?”

Francis sat on the couch sill and innocent. “You heard me, baby. I want a present in those Pampers.”

But my mind was reeling. How the heck was I supposed to do that in this room with all of these people? It wasn’t like I was in the mood to get feisty. These diapers were gross, they were thick and besides, I could hardly feel my… manhood with all the layers of padding on.

Only as Francis grabbed her purse and looked through it, there were a few things about my initial thought that were quickly becoming false. I had to admit to myself, the diaper wasn’t all that uncomfortable. Natasha and I had done diaper play before. It was fun, sexy, and humiliating. But diapers were not all uncomfortable. In fact, the only uncomfortable thing about the diaper I was wearing right now, was that it was filled to the brim with a quickly cooling mess.

At this point, I was tired. I wanted to go to bed. I wanted to leave the room and escape.

But I needed the change. Badly.

“How am I supposed to do this?” I asked Francis who looked up from her purse holding something in her hand.

“With this,” she said holding out what looked like a large thimble towards me. The thimble, bright pink looked beautifully soft. It reminded me of something you’d found out of a sharper image catalogue. Minimally useful, but aggressively expensive.

“What is that?” I asked, wondering how a beautifully crafted thimble was going to help me push myself to completion.

Francis was still smiling. “It’s travel companion,” she said simply grabbing my hand and putting it on my finger. It fit easily and was soft on the inside. “Go on, place your hand in the first diaper, it won't bite you.”

“I can’t do that,” I hissed back. “And besides, I’m not even in the mood. And there are all these people here.”

But Francis just looked around and shrugged. “That’s not my problem. You just can sit and stew in your mess.”

I was tempted to call her bluff. Maybe Natasha would wake up and see this madness. But then again, whenever she fell asleep, she was dead to the world. Like for hours. Odds are, she wouldn’t wake up until tomorrow morning at this rate.

I squirmed again under the blanket. The cooling sensation of the couch on my legs, juxtaposed by the warmth of the diaper. I wanted out of this plastic prison.

“Don’t be scared,” Francis said pointing to the television. “Besides the game is over, most people will be leaving.”

She wasn’t wrong. As I watched, most people around me were leaving the room, grabbing their coats and leaving. A group of girls were lazying around Nastahsa, nursing flutes of champagne.

“You’ve got ten seconds to start or I’m leaving and heading home.” Francis’ eyes just bored into my soul.

“I don’t know…” I started.

But the sight of Francis standing up and reaching for her coat scared me. So I did the only thing I could do. I plunged my hand between the layers of padding and started to stroke.

Two things happened instantly. First, the “Travel Companion” began to vibrate aggressively. While silent to even my ears, what caught me off guard was how strong the vibration was. It caused the mess in the back of my diaper to move around. It caused a strong sensation between my legs that I had never felt before. It was as if the soft padding was caressing my penis. The reaction was strong. Instantly, the diaper had to fight between allowing my erection to press forward and then forcing it to point straight down into the folds of the diaper. The sensation was powerful and when combined with the pressure of my own hand gripping the diaper, I was nearly on edge in an instant.

But was drove my primate brain wild was the look on Francis face the moment I had a reaction. She had spun around and locked eyes with me. I watched her eyes go from my face to the blanket. Francis, blinking rapidly, inhaled sharply and then gave out slight shiver. The corners of her mouth twinged and she took another, quick, rapid breath. She took a step forward and I watched as her right hand went to her chest as if to steady itself. Francis was turned on.

And because of that. So was I.

In an instant, the humiliation of being forced to use a vibrator in between the two layers of my messy diaper, crossed into a territory I didn’t expect. I was suddenly horny beyond all reason.

Francis sat down next to me and leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “Is baby going to cum in his diaper.”

My brain ate it up.

What pushed me over the edge wasn’t the crinkle of the diaper, it wasn’t Francis whispering in my ear, instead, it was her reaching her hand under the blanket and squeezing hard.

The squeeze caused my member to hit the right spot of the vibrator and padding and hurled me past the point of no return.

I came. Hard.

In an instant, it was as if every single nerve ending in my body was firing. I saw stars. I saw Francis caress the inside of her leggings. I closed my eyes and pumped my release into the full and saturated diaper.

When I came down from my high, I slumped back into the couch. Francis gave the front of my diaper a few more pats and then stood up and grabbed her jacket.

“Wait Francis… what about my diaper?” I flinched realizing I had said the word out loud. But no one seemed to notice. In fact, it was just Natasha dozing on the sofa on the opposite side of the room.

Francis frowned. “I don’t change messy babies. I’m sure you can get Francis to help out tomorrow morning.”

And then she left.

You’ve got to be kidding me. She had promised me. But there was nothing I could do about it now. Noticing the entire house was empty at this point, I stood up with the blanket wrapped around me. The diaper sagged around my wasit as the mess adjusted to the gravity. It was as if I were wearing a thick, plastic pillow that was filled with mud.

I nudged Natasha, waking her up.

“Baby…” she said not at all ironically. “How are your hands?”

I held them up. “They’re a bit better. But they still hurt. I can’t do much.”

Natasha stretched and looked towards me sadly. “I’m sorry…”

“Hey, do you think you can change me before bed?”

Natasha shook her head. “Let’s deal with it in the morning. Come on, let’s get into bed.”

Natasha grabbed my hand and walked me towards the stairs. As I waddled behind her toward our bedroom, I couldn’t help feeling like a complete toddler. My diaper was full. In my post-orgasm downturn, the diaper now felt just as gross as it did hours before. With each step that I took towards the bedroom, I knew one thing: I hated what I had just done. I didn’t want to do it again. I wanted this diaper to get off me.

But as I climbed into bed with Natasha, she sleepily said something that made me shiver. “Maybe you need to wear diapers more often… you’re less destructive. It’s easy for me.”

And with that, she started snoring.

I lay awake, squishing in my packed pampers, praying she’d forget the next day.

She didn’t.




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