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Max kicked his legs slightly as the stroller wheeled its way to the starting line. He’d been in the cart for about ten minutes at this point and was doing his best to calm down.

Max looked around with great anticipation as the cart hit bumps and a few other road blemishes and thought about his situation. He flexed his arms which were tied closely down at his sides, and found they were unable to move. The pacifier that had been placed back in his mouth felt extremely invasive because it forced him to breathe through his nose. All he could do was suck.

What else could he do in this situation?

Max did his best to say levelheaded, but this was proving difficult. No matter where he looked, his diaper took up a good part of his vision. If he looked forward, he saw the massive, thick, white diaper. When he looked to the side, it was clouding his prereferral vision. To make matters worse, there was no way Max could pull his shirt down to cover things up. Even if his hands were free, the crop top left the diaper fully exposed.

In the distance, Max could hear the marathon announcer saying fun facts about the marathon. He began to notice as they got closer to the meeting spot more and more people were milling around, stretching and doing their pre-marathon jogs. Max had this glimmer of hope that maybe no one would notice that he was in the bright blue stroller heading toward the starting line. But that faded when it was time to check in for the race.

“We’ve got three strollers here,” one of their escorts said casually to an official looking woman standing near the race entrance. The woman glanced at his clipboard, checked their escorts ID, and then looked directly at Max.

Max glared back trying to look tough. Only, it was hard to look tough with a pacifier in his mouth. Max felt his face grow hot.

The woman’s face split into a wild grin. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” She chuckled. “Baby apps, yeah?”

Max could feel every flicker of the woman’s gaze as it cascaded over his body. “We’ll have to give the babies a pat down,” she said, motioning for someone to come over to them. “You aren’t hiding any knives in your diaper, are you little guy?” The woman pinched Max’s cheek with joy and then, to his horror, patted the front of his diaper.

“Still dry,” she laughed again.

Max wanted to cry at this point and struggled hard to try and get himself free. But the straps held tight. A security guard came over, smirked as he waved his wand over Max and “declared the babies” good to go. As the stroller lurched forward again, Max felt a tear slip down the side of his cheek.

But there was something else that bothered him. The moment the woman with the clipboard had touched Max’s diaper, the moment she had started to tease him, he felt a stirring deep down inside of him. The moment she touched his diaper, his penis had woken up just a little bit at the new sensation.


Heather leaned over the stroller and looked at Max. “Are you ready to start Max?” She asked him. For a moment, Heather looked confused, no doubt wondering why Max didn’t respond. But then she laughed to herself and pulled the pacifier out of the man’s mouth. “Sorry about that; you can’t talk with the paci in.”

Max rolled his eyes. “Heather, this is embarrassing enough at it is. Can I at least get a blanket or something?”

Heather looked around and shook her head. “You and I both read the playbook. Nothing can go over the uniform. It’s how we get the attention we need for this stunt.”

Max rolled his eyes. She seemed to be a stickler for the rules. But at the same time, he couldn’t blame her, he knew she needed the money.

“Here’s drink some water,” Heather said, bending down over Max and pulling a large bottle from beneath the crib. The bottle that said #HelpBabyApps, looked like it was about a half gallon, with a giant baby nipple on the end.

“Can I get a water bottle?” Max asked, scowling. “I don’t want to drink from a bottle.”

Heather shook her head and pushed the nipple into Andrew’s mouth. “You know the rules. The uniform. We can’t risk being seen drinking out of an unauthorized water bottle. I need to get paid.”

Max, being as thirsty as he was, started drinking from the bottle. It was a complicated motion. He tried to drink as he normally did, but he found that resulted in no water coming out. Max found that if he relaxed his jaw and then used his tongue, he could get the water to flow at an even rate.

Max looked at Heather, who was smiling slightly as Max fell into his rhythm. He had a strange feeling in the back of his mind that he had been in this situation before. As if it were some deja vu. Max felt as if his mother were feeding him this bottle, peering in on him, the baby, during one of her morning runs as if this were the most casual thing in the world.

The diaper was ever present and made him feel even more babyish than ever.

Finally, Max reached the bottom of the bottle, and Heather pulled it out of his mouth and smiled with satisfaction. Max could have sworn she said, “good boy” as she put the bottle away.

But that wasn’t the only thing bothering Max at this moment. No. Heather was acting as if she were a mother figure. Even if it was not on purpose, this bothered him deeply. She kept smiling at people who gawked at him and saying things like, “He’s a good baby,” and laughing at the jokes people made. A few times, she told other runners she’d need to “check his diaper” pretty soon.

Max was not amused.

Max knew in the back of his mind that Heather was just hamming it up for the fans around them. Doing her job. It was Heather and Max’s job to bring attention to the predatory nature of Big Apps. And she was playing the part well.

Max, for his part, was too busy gritting his teeth even to realize he had been wheeled to the starting line. His frequent pre-marathon water drinking was coming back to bite him. Now that he didn’t have actually to run for another hour and a half, the water in his body wanted out.

Max took a deep breath and clamped down even more. He wasn’t going to wet the diaper. Max would just suffer it out for another hour and a half for when it was time to switch places. Max reminded himself that soon he’d be in charge. Soon he’d be the one in control.

Max had to admit that he felt a slight rush in his stomach at the thought of pushing Heather around in the pushchair for the second half of the marathon. She’d regret pulling her antics that morning and treating him like an infant. Max could see it now, tying down her arms and reminding her that she was a Baby App and needed to “act like one.”

Max rolled his eyes as Heather looked down at him from the stroller.

“Are you doing okay in there?”

Max nodded, the pacifier ring moving slightly as he did.

“Good baby,” Heather said. Then seeing Max’s brow squint retracted the statement. “I was just joking Max.”

Max shook his head. This was ridiculous. He was a marathon runner. Twenty-five in twenty-five. Heather should have been the one in the cart. While she was a runner, there was no way she was as fast as he.

Max felt a twinge in his bladder again as his insides wobbled slightly. He really had to pee.

Suddenly, Max heard a loud bang and the stroller lurched forward. The surprise noise and the momentum shocked him so hard, he felt a little pee release from inside of him. And once the floodgates opened, they couldn’t be tamed.

The sensation was weird. Peeing the diaper was like using the restroom. Max felt this sense of relief wash over his body as he flooded the thick plastic diaper that was wrapped between his legs. But instead of the full body cooling sensation that was accompanied by a shiver, he felt this intense warmth spread around his groin. No doubt his pee, coming out of him at room temperature, was warming him up. Suddenly his lower regions felt comfortable, they felt like they were encased in a thick warm cloth. It felt different. But it didn’t feel all too bad.

Max snapped back to himself. No, this was gross. He couldn’t believe this had just happened to him. He’d wet the diaper. The worst part was that he kept wetting too. It was as if his body had seen an opportunity and had decided to seize the moment with everything it had.

Finally, after a few bumps, Max was finished.

As the stroller made its way down the course, Max tried to look up and get Heather's attention. He tried to motion towards her to let  that his diaper was wet at that he needed a change. But his arms were still strapped tightly down in the stroller. The only thing he could really do was kick his legs, which had the added effect of just making him look like a toddler in an extremely large (and now swollen) diaper.

Max huffed to himself slightly and shook his head as they passed by another crowd of people who were ringing the heck out of some cowbells. This was miserable.


What was fascinating about this entire ordeal was how excited people got when Max and Heather rolled by. Men laughed out loud and pointed their cell phones in his direction. Women got all excited and either chuckled or looked sympathetically toward Max. The blessing in all of this was that Heather was running at a competitive pace, so he didn’t have to worry about staying in one place for so long. He’d just roll forward, get laughed at, get called a baby, humiliate himself and move on to the next one hundred or so people gathered on the street.

The stroller continued to bounce through the streets as Heather continued to run. Max, at this point, had given up trying to get her attention her. Each time, he realized Heather had been focused on the task at hand. Around mile five, Max wet the diaper again. By mile 10, Max was actively asking himself how much more the diaper could take. He was worried about leaking in the stroller. Max had this odd thought that Heather would look down on him if that happened.

Max laughed to himself a little. At least they only had about three miles to go until they switched off. Finally, he could take the reigns of the stroller and do some running. Max couldn’t wait to stretch his legs a bit. Sitting down with his diaper growing larger and larger was causing him to get restless leg syndrome.

As they arrived past Mile 12, Max began to get excited. He would take the diaper off and run his part of the race. He had to admit, the uniform was embarrassing, but this whole experience wasn’t too bad. Heather had managed to run a pretty quick race, the diaper kept him warm, and it was nice not to have to use the side of the road, worried he’d flash some senior citizen by mistake in an attempt to relieve himself.

By the time they reached mile 13.1, Max was squirming in the stroller and had managed to wet himself one more time. He also felt his stomach grumble a little. No doubt, Max would need to use the restroom for real before he started his part of the race. His fiber regimen was really effective.

Heather finally rolled the cart to a stop and pulled out her headphone.

“Not a bad run,” she said, looking down and squatting next to Max.

Max had to admit, sweaty, “just finished running” Heather was pretty attractive. Something about the way she casually flipped up her ponytail and stretched her calves really did it for him.

“How’s the diaper holding up?” Heather asked Max once she removed the pacifier from his mouth.

Max stretched his mouth a bit. Surprisingly, sucking on the pacifier was hard work. “I need out of this.”

Heather reached over and squeezed the front of his diaper. The diaper had swollen so much that Max didn’t even feel her touch. He did, however, feel the wetness compresses. The phantom sensation felt like heaven on his crotch. And the fact that it was a sweaty Heather making this movement caused his body to react.

“Oh wow,” Heather said as runners ran past their checkpoint. “You really used it.”

Max rolled his eyes. “Of course I did. You didn’t answer me when I told you I had to pee.”

Heather laughed. “Sorry, my AirPods were in.”

Of course they were, Max grumbled. “Okay, so we get to switch now, right?” His mind flickered over to the idea of Heather having to sit in the chair while he ran. He’d be in charge, fast. He’d be back on top. He’d be the man, not the baby.

Before Heather could answer, a few members of the MTP team came over with a camera crew. “Are you two ready for the interview?”

Max sighed heavily as Heather nodded. “Let’s get this over with.” He had forgotten they had agreed to do interviews too. That was before he knew he’d be stuck in diapers.

Max’s stomach growled again. He would need a restroom pretty soon.

The reporter stuck a microphone into their faces and began discussing their cause. Max kept quiet while Heather did most of the talking. At one point, the reporter, a shorter woman wearing a business suit, motioned towards Max and said he might need a change.

“I could change him right now,” one of the representatives from MTP said without missing a beat.

The reporter laughed at loud while Max blushed heavily. “I don’t think that would be necessary. But thank you for speaking about your cause today. We appreciate your time.”

“No,” Heather said, motioning towards Max. “Focus in on the baby here. That’s what this is all about.”

Max’s face went warm again. The camera zoomed in on his face. He felt some more pee escape into his diaper. After what felt like an eternity, the reporter was done and gone.

“Okay,” Max said as the reporter walked away. “Can we get up now so I can switch with you?” His stomach grumbled again, and he felt a slight pinching in his abdomen.

The straps suddenly felt tighter than they should have been.

But Heather didn’t move to unlock him.

Something was wrong.

Max’s stomach growled.

The stroller started moving again.

Heather was jogging with him still in the cart.

“Heather,” Max said more sternly flailing his legs. “What are you doing? It’s time for us to switch.”

But Heather put her headphones in started running at that point. She was humming to herself completely ignoring him.

“Heather!” Max yelled louder, his diaper crinkling at each bump in the road. “You promised me we were going to switch at the halfway mark. What are you doing?”

Max was getting agressive at this point, kicking his legs, rocking side to side. He was painfully away that his abdomen was struggling to hold onto the mess that would inevitably burst into his diaper. Max was keenly aware of all the people on the side of the road pointing thier fingers and laughing at him. He was aware that his legs were spread far apart, putting the diaper on full display for everyone to see. A full, thick diaper.

Max’s face burned as he yelled and screamed demanding Heather stop running and let him switch.

But there was nothing he could do.

Max was trapped in the stroller until the race was over.

And before this was over, his diaper would be more full than it had ever been.

Heather kept running.

Max cried. He wanted out. He wasn’t a baby.

He only felt like one.



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