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The three men sat in the room whimpering at what lay before them.

The room wasn’t the dark, damp, moist basement you’d usually expect from a situation like this. No. Instead, it was a soft room, a room that was designed for cuddles, comfort and love. The floor was a soft, heavy carpet, bathed in a light pink hue. The walls, bright white, were decorated with little bunnies and kittens on them that cartoonishly giggled to themselves.

But it was the wall that was behind them that scared them. On the wall were individual white squares, plastic in nature, folded neatly and stacked on each shelf. From where the men kneeled, they could see the plastic squares stood about two inches on their side. These thick diapers made it clear what this room was for.

The crib that sat in the corner of the room, large enough for a full-size bed to trap its adult occupant, with bright white with pastel pink sheets. The bed, usually a sign of comfort for infants, was accessorized with a set of restraints, one on each corner of the bed just waiting for its next occupant. If the men looked closely, there was a lid that went on top of the crib that leaned lazily against the side of the frame, ready to be locked down and keep squirmy adult babies out of trouble.

The purpose of this room was to tame and maintain adult babies. And these three men were terrified. As they should have been.

But they didn’t realize that the room would have nothing to do with their punishment.

They had messed up. Everyone in the room knew it. But it was hard to tell exactly what they had done wrong. There was so much wrong in the world already. Was it the emotional damage that created this moment? Was it forgetting to take out the garbage for the umpteenth dozen time? Was it actual infidelity? No one was sure, but when the door swung open, the whimpers got louder.

In walked a woman, who, while short caused the men to feel mixed reactions. If you’ve never felt aroused and scared simultaneously, this moment had no basis in reality. She wore a dress that flared out at her knees, with soft ruffles beneath. She also wore a look of determination.

“Oh stop whimpering,” she said, coming to a stop between the three men. “You sound like a bunch of babies.”

She then laughed to herself. It is a nursery. So maybe their sobs were fitting.

“Do you have anything to say for yourselves?” She asked cruelly, looking down at each of the men in turn.

One of the men stole a glance upward and tried to mimic her confidence. “I think you have the wrong person… uh… ma’am.”

As if politeness was going to save him from his fate.

The woman looked back, her steely eyes unblinking. “Do I?”

“I’m not sure why I’m here. I just woke up in the room like this. Do you think you could get this thing off me?”

The woman smiled a little. Actually, it was more of a smirk. “No, the humbler will keep each of you kneeling will I tell you how you’re going to be punished. I don’t want you getting into trouble when you get scared.”

Indeed, each of the men were forced back on their haunches, kneeling. Because if they stood up, they might rip their manhood from their bodies. The humbler that rested between their precious parts and loins had that effect on people. It also meant that they didn’t need to be restrained in any other way. It was a deceptive freedom, where their arms and torsos made it seem like they could leave at anytime, reality be dammed.

“Just spit it out already,” one of the men growled, sweat covering his face. They had been in this room for hours now, in the same position, forced to listen to the soft nursery rhymes that wafted through the room. At least in a traditional dungeon, they’d have the soundtrack of others being tortured and destroyed to keep their mind occupied. But now, Brahms's Lullaby forced their minds to wonder what was in store for them.

But the woman was operating on her timeline. She flashed a bit of anger in his direction and pulled a pacifier from her dress pocket and stuck it into the victim's mouth.

In retaliation, he tried to spit it out. But he found he couldn’t. It was as if it were glued to his face, forcing him, in his panic, to breathe quickly through his nose. The man made a loud grunting noise in protest, nearly standing up but falling back on his quads as the humbler did its duty.

“That should keep that mouth of yours in check,” the woman sneered. Then turning to the rest of the group, she asked, “Anyone else need one?”

The group shook their head, gazing down at the floor.

The room stank of fear.

The room reeked of baby.

Then room smelled of her.

The woman smiled, walked to the dresser sitting in the corner of the room and pulled out a few items. Another woman entered the room, wheeling in a cart. On the cart were three glass vials. Each of them looked mysterious in their own way. Inside each was some sort of liquid. It looked hazy on the inside, but also seemed to glow with a mysterious radiance.

Their original captor placed the items she’d gotten on the table. They were baby bottles; only they were sized for adults.

The men were confused.

It was one thing to be dragged out of their respective locations in the middle of the day. One of these men had just finished a presentation and turned a corner only to be plunged into darkness and awakened on the table as the humbler was being screwed onto his swollen balls.

Another had laid down for his daily nap when he saw a shadowy figure appear out of his perpetual vision. Then, the lights went out. He’d awaken with the humbler being screwed onto his balls and looped through his legs.

The third man, the one who was until recently the most vocal, had been caught with his pants down literally. He’d been watching his daily porn while stroking his member. He was on the edge of release when a figure darted into the room and grabbed him. His penis, bucking from the lack of stimulation, pushed out cum at an alarming rate, but without stimulation, the orgasm was ruined. He strained against his captors, which only caused the captors to push back harder. The last thing he felt before the world faded was a prick in his neck and a soft laugh.

This man wasn’t so lucky. The others had at least had a chance to adjust. But this man had awakened on his knees and tried to stand. The pain had caused him to nearly pass out.

But it was another thing to be dragged into an adult-sized nursery and be confronted with three adult sized baby bottles.

“We are going to play a little game of chemistry,” the woman said, resting her hand on the table. “But don’t worry, you’ll all get to drink what’s in at least one of these bottles.”

“Here’s what you need to do. You’ll pour one of the formulas into the bottle and then drink the bottle until it’s empty. Then, if you choose, you’ll be free to go.”

One of the men raised his eyebrow. He had heard it too: If he chose, he could leave.

“But before I tell you what each bottle does, I want to let you in on a little secret. The women who put you here are ready to give up completely on you. But I’ve insisted that instead, I can change you.” The woman chuckled to herself. “Usually, the old saying goes: men can’t be changed… but I have my ways.”

Then she looked at each men in turn. “Any questions?”

The first man looked at the ground, “I’d never hurt my wife,” he sobbed. “I don’t know why I’m here.”

But the woman shook her head. “That’s not a question. It’s a lie.”

The second man was a bit more clever. “What’s in the vials?”

The woman smiled a steel smile. “Something that will remind you how you’ve been acting in a way that will inspire you to change.” She rested her eyes on the third man who continued to sweat behind the pacifier. “I take it you don’t have any questions.”

The man simply glared at her.

“Okay, go ahead grab a vial. It’s in your best interest not to grab the one on the left. It’s the most severe.” She chuckled. “Most people don’t like what it does.”

The men didn’t need to be told twice. One of them tried to stand, lunging forward at the table, but the humbler resisted causing him to fall back in pain. The other was smarter, crawling as he was made to and grabbing the vial on the far right. He pulled out the stopper, poured it into the bottle and returned to his space on the floor.

The man with the pacifier was left with the vial on the left. He scowled and poured it into the bottle as well and returned (breathing through his nose) to his spot.

Breathing in, he smelled the scent of baby powder.

“What are you waiting for?” The woman asked. “Go ahead and drink.”

The man with the pacifier silencing him, pointed at his mouth. But the woman simply ignored him and turned her attention to the other two.

The first man, still seated back on his hamstrings, shakily pulled the vial open and poured the contents into the bottle. The occupants in the room could have sworn they heard a slight nursery chime as the substance was being poured.

The man paused for a moment before he placed the bottle in his mouth. And then, closing his eyes, he started to suck.

The second of the men watched silently and, when the bottle was drained, decided it was probably in his best interest to down his bottle too. Nothing bad had happened to him.

At least not outwardly anyway. I’m fact the change hadn’t happened yet. It was only just beginning.

That’s when the woman spoke.

She looked at the first man straight into his eyes.

“You’ve spent the last few years as your wife recovered from her car accident complaining and whining around the clock. You even had the nerve to complain that she was “a burden” to you as she was relearning how to walk, relearning how to speak, relearning how to take back her life.”

The man started shaking a little. Not from fear but because the changes were starting to take hold. First he felt a wave wash over him. He suddenly felt like he’d been stuck in a hot tub for too long. The man felt weak and dehydrated, as if he hadn’t had water in days. He was hardly aware that the second woman, who had been sitting quietly near the door had come over to him and was removing the humbler from his balls.

“It’s a fucked up thing,” the first woman continued. “To break your wedding vows and promise you’ve made to your beautiful wife the moment the chips are down. No thanks to you, she’s recovered fully. After two years, she’s back to normal.”

The man felt his entire body lose all sensation, as if he were in a sensory deprivation tank. Only, instead of floating peacefully in the air, he slumped to the ground drooling.

He found it nearly impossible to move.

“But now it’s time you know what it’s like to have someone take care of you around the clock, tend to your every need, to feed you, to bathe you.” The first woman handed her assistant one of the plastic squares from the shelf. “He’s going to need this before he pees all over the floor.”

“Wubbs gahj galubbb,” the man said helplessly as he was laid on the floor and the woman unfolded the thick diaper under him. While he couldn’t move his body, he could see the plastic backed diaper unfold and make a tremendous crinkle. It was at least two inches thick and had little cartoon bears on the waistband. When placed under him and wrapped around his private parts, he felt the padding cling to him like thick, cushioned underwear.

He groaned.

“Don’t worry, she’ll care for you. Your wife takes her vows seriously after all. And they’ll find you, after a car accident. It’ll explain your condition.  You’ll relearn how to walk, you’ll relearn how to eat. I suspect the first year for you will be filled with messy faces and bibs as you drool all over yourself.

“Don’t worry, it’ll wear off in about…” the woman looked at her watch. “Well, you spent two years healing. I’ll give you four. And if you’re lucky, buy the end, you’ll be potty trained.

“Imagine having to endure your wife changing your messy diapers as you miss going to the toilet for the umpteenth time. Imagine her having to check your diaper to see if you wet because there’s no way you’ll know.”

The woman laughed softly to herself and turned to the second man who was trying his hardest to vomit. He had stuck his fingers in his mouth, but nothing was coming up. He was scared of what was in that bottle.

The third man looked panicked. He stared at the third bottle with fear.

“You might have gotten the best of the bottles because you’re not going to spend the next four years shitting yourself and drooling like an infant.”

The man looked relieved as the woman pulled the pacifier from the third man’s mouth and shoved the bottle in his mouth. She forced him to drink as she explained the second man’s fate.

“You got the better of the two bottles, but the punishment isn’t much better. We’ve watched as you’ve cheated on your wife for the last six months while she’s been at home raising your children. She’s working, coming home, cooking and you’re “stuck at the office,” the woman rolled her eyes at that last comment. “We know you’ve been cheating, we know you’ve been stepping out on your wife. So we’ve decided the best way to keep you in check is to make sure when any woman pulls down your pants, she’s not going to get what she’s expected.

“But I thought you said I wouldn’t need diapers?” The man looked shocked.

“Oh I said you wouldn’t be shitting yourself like your friend here.” The woman gestured to the limp man moaning on the floor who was already beginning to soil the thick diaper around his waist. “Instead, you’re going to suffer.”

The man felt a tingly sensation in his groin, as if he had an erection, only much more painful. He glanced down and saw that indeed, he did have an erection. The woman kneeled down in front of him and touched his penis and gave it a stroke and then another. But instead of getting harder, his erection began to shrink.

But the captive wasn’t losing his erection. No, instead his penis was just getting smaller. From five inches, to three, to two and finally his erection sat at one inch, barely poking from in front of his groin.

“What the hell did you do to me?” The man yelled, fighting the urge to stand up, fully knowing the consequences.

“Oh that’s not all.” The woman smiled, took too fingers and gave the erect micro-penis a stroke. In an instant, the man spurted into her hand. It was a pathetic dribble of cum that looked more like a water bottle dripping that had been overfilled or left on its side. “You now can cum at the lightest of touches. And right after you spirt your pathetic load…”

As if on queue, the man instantly began to urinate on the floor. The urine poured from him, stronger than the pathetic spurt of cum that had left him a moment before.

The woman gestured her assistant to make sure he was diapered too. By now, the third man was unconsolable. He had been drinking the bottle as slow as possible, but now, he had reached the bottom of the bottle. His mind was wandering into dangerous territory. What would happen to him now that he drank the bottle.

He didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Suddenly the colors in the room swirled and the next thing the third man knew, he was looking up at the room from the floor. He blinked twice and tried to move and found he could. But when he looked to his left he saw his normal arm, but his perspective looked off. It was as if he had shrunk.

The woman leaned over him and picked him up. The man’s mind screamed to him, this couldn’t be possible. Previously six feet tall at least 200 pounds, this woman shouldn’t have been able to just scoop him up like a child, like an infant.

But indeed, she carried him over to the changing table and explained what had happened. “This special formula shank you down to the size of an infant, but you’re still the old you, no you’re just smaller.”

The man kicked hard trying to get away from the woman, but being the size of an infant meant that he had the strength of a child too. But the woman wasn’t finished. She pulled a diaper from the shelf, this one appropriately sized and wrapped it underneath him.

“But what people see when they look at you will be an infant. They will just see an innocent baby giggling and happy, looking back at them. In fact, when we deliver you to your mistress, I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to see that her adoption application was approved pretty quickly.

“You didn’t think that cheating on your wife wouldn’t have consequences.” The woman laughed as she powdered and lotioned his groin and instantly noticed the man’s erection. The erection made sense, there was a beautiful woman foundling his most sensitive areas. But this felt incredibly worse. He had this urge to cum badly. The man had never felt this sex crazed in his life. He had a thirst in his body, as the woman wrapped the thick, plastic diaper around his lower regions, he tried to flip over onto his stomach to hump the diaper, but the woman simply lifted him up and placed him the arms of her assistant who place the sunken man in her lap. He looked silly sitting there in the thick diaper, gurgling to himself. No doubt he was yelling obscenities towards the women in the room that they’d never understand.

“But what we’ve done to you, is make sure you understand the consequences of what you did to the woman in your life. You will be horny for the next year. You’ll have the urge to cum at all moments of the day, but you’re going to find the only way you can, the only way you can get release is in that diaper right there.”

While she spoke, the other woman was rubbing the small mans diaper, up and down, over and over. He felt his erection bob and down until he came explosively. He melted into the woman’s lap and felt the after spasms quake through him.

“But there’s a catch. No matter how you do it, you’ll never be able to cum by yourself. You’ll have to have someone else do it for you.”

The woman laughed. “Try convincing your new mommy for the next year that you need to cum in your diaper. No one would be expecting that behind that babyish gurgle that you’re asking for release. I’m sure after two years of this you would have learned your lesson.”

The woman narrowed her eyes and surveyed the helpless men in the room before her. The first man, relegated to the care of the woman he had ignored for far too long. She’d be changing his diapers, bathing him and unknowingly humiliating him for the next few years.

The second man looked defeated as he felt his diaper grow wetter and wetter, now the owner of a micro penis with a pre mature ejaculation problem that caused him to wet his diapers ion the unlikely chance he had sex.

And finally, the baby, the man who was still a man, intelligent, knowledgable, but would be treated like a baby by the women around him, forced to wet and mess as an adult, and be fussed over.

These men were just the start. She’d correct their behavior eventually. The woman smiled to herself and grabbed her cell phone. She had a few calls to make, a car accident to stage and a baby to deliver to his new mommy.

And she was just getting started.