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Authors Note: This one is a wild ride... and actually based on actual hypnosis. If you want to experience some fun hypnosis for yourself, Check out Diapered Bombshell's Hypnosis Audio if you dare.


Klein woke up and ripped the headphones off his ears. To his disappointment, when he reached down to grab his diaper, he found it completely and utterly dry.

“Come on!” he cried. In frustration, Klein banged his fists on the bed and tilted his head back in anguish. Another failed tape, another failed night, another dry diaper.

Klein had been into diapers for as long as he could remember. He had started out small of course, sneaking depends from the grocery store and the usual stuff you hear about from people. He had then evolved into buying from sample stores and then from the larger companies like Tykables and Northshore.

But as long as he could remember, he had one specific fantasy, one specific state of mind he wanted to be in. Klein dreamed of being a bedwetter.

There was something delicious about completely losing control completely unable to control yourself and waking up with a soaked wet diaper, squishy and warm - the ultimate sign of regression.

This is why, for the past several years, Klein had gone to every single hypnosis vendor he could think of to make his vision a reality.

The journey was difficult of course. No one wants to admit to themselves that they want to return to bedwetting like a child. And many people offered hypnosis files. Klein had gotten used to the process by now. He’d receive the file on his alternate email address, download it to his phone and eagerly go to bed at night waiting for the magic to happen. Sometimes, a male's voice would remind him in soft tones that he needed diapers. In other recordings, it would be an aggressive woman telling him just to “relax” and “let go” because his diapers would protect him.

But each time Klein would wake up dry. Utterly dry. Completely dry.

Granted, Klein had tried drinking a ton of water before bed, so much water he’d feel it sloshing around inside his stomach every time he turned over in bed. He’d pull the diaper tapes tight and fall asleep on his back, his legs spread out slightly, willing himself to wet. But each time, he’d just wake up with pain in his abdomen a dry diaper, and an extremely hard erection.

Klein had even tried taking a sleeping pill, willing himself to just sleep through the wetting at night. But this tactic only resulted in him falling deep into sleep and the next morning waking up in a dry diaper and a painfully full bladder. Klein would then proceed to flood that diaper when awake, which defeated the point. Anyone can pee when they wake up in the morning, Klein would think bitterly.

Klein had bought books on the subject, reading them during breaks at work. The books were from people claiming they knew the secret to losing control overnight. Just loosen up your bladder during the day, train yourself to just use your diaper, the books all said after collecting his $9.99. But Klein wanted to be careful. Despite what many people said online, he had no interest in losing control during the day. Klein just wanted it at night. Klein wanted this his way. Besides, no one actually wanted to be incontinent.


It had been a few months since Klein had dragged himself out of his dry bed again, disappointed that he had not wet the bed. And now, at CAPCon, the annual convention of those who liked to wear diapers and have fun in those diapers, he was browsing the vendor tables.

The stuffy, medium-sized room had all sorts of vendors he had seen before. Clothing shops, furniture shops, and even writers who wrote mediocre ABDL fiction that told the same story repeatedly. After buying a pack of diapers from a vendor, a small table caught his attention.

The table simply said Stella’s Sleepys. It caught his eye because not only was “sleepies” misspelled, but there was a kind, fit-looking woman sitting behind the table reading a book.

Klein took a step closer and noticed she was wearing round glasses with dark brown hair that cascaded down her shoulders. The woman, whose name was no doubt Stella (it wasn’t Sleepies… that’s for sure) was wearing a simple army green tank top and a pair of dark blue jeans. At a glance, Klein noticed the book she was reading was a book on philosophy.

What was unusual was the table was completely empty, save for an envelope that just sat there bearing the number one.

“What does Stella’s Sleepys sell?” Klein asked casually, approaching the table and doing his best to sound nonchalant.

“This isn’t for you,” the woman said without looking up from her book. She pushed her glasses up on the bridge of her nose. “Move along.”

Klein laughed a little bit. “Oh, come on, What’s in the envelope?”

The woman laughed. “It’s not for you.” Stella turned the page in her book.

Klein grabbed the envelope and the woman protested as he pulled it open. Inside was a piece of paper with a code on it. Klein made a mental note of the random URL right before Stella grabbed the envelope from him. But Klein shivered when he caught the words: Bedwetter Files.

Klein’s heart skipped a beat.

Bedwetter Files?

“Is this a hypnosis file?” Klein demanded.

Stella closed her book and placed the envelope into her book as a bookmark. “Yes, it is.”

“Do you make them, is that was Stella’s Sleepy’s makes?”

“Yes, but it’s probably best if you move on. You don’t look like the type of person who wants this.” Stella did Klein a once over with her eyes and pushed her book into her bag.

“Hold on a second…” Klein held his hands up and gestured around to the convention around here. “Everyone here wants this.”

Stella stood up and leaned over the table, and looked closely at Klein. “That’s presumptuous.” Stella then walked around the table and leaned on it while looking Klein in the eye. She spoke quietly as if they might be overheard at any second. “Every year, there’s one person at CAPCon who thinks they want what's on this tape, but the reality is they don’t.”

“Hold on a second.”

But Stella continued speaking in an even tone, bulldozing over Klein’s protest.

“Different types of people too. Sometimes it’s guys and girls like you dressed in sweatpants and (Stella’s voice hovered over unapproving) t-shirts, other times, it’s the people in full onesies and thick diapers with pacifiers hanging around their necks. Each time they show up, tell me they want to lose complete control and before you know it before the weekend is over, they are begging me to help them get it back.” Stella blinked and studied Klein’s face.

But Klein was insistent. “They clearly don’t know what they want.” Klein was breathless as he tried his best to remember the URL in his head. “Trust me, I want this.”

Stella shook her head. “No, you don’t.” And with that, she picked up her bag, shoved her book inside and walked away.


Klein closed his eyes for a second, thought deeply, and proceeded to type in the URL and code from the envelope into his web browser. He was rewarded with the proper website meaning his concentration had paid off.

A warning popped up on his phone warning him that this hypnosis file was designed for people who wanted to lose complete control and that once losing that control, it would be difficult to regain it. There was more text that talked about how the creator bared no responsibility for what happens, blah, blah, blah. Klein had seen all of this before.

Had Klein been honest with himself, he didn’t expect this hypnosis file to work. They never worked. But Stella’s performance earlier had him shaking with anticipation.

Klein clicked to accept and noticed there were three levels of recordings on the screen. They seemed to be ranked from low to intense. The file marked intense had another warning next to it that claimed it was for “experienced users only.”

Klein snorted.

At this point, he had tried every file out there and knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted to wake up the next morning with his diaper soaked and no memory of wetting. Klein wanted to have to use a booster every night in fear that he’d overflood his diaper and soak his bed. He wanted the erotic feeling of being unable to put his legs together as he lay helplessly on his back at night.

Klein wanted to be a real bedwetter.

For a moment, Klein bought into the idea that this could work for him.

So Klein clicked the “experienced users only” file and downloaded the file to his phone.

For some reason, the file was a little over a gigabyte large and came with another warning. Klein ignored the third warning of the week and climbed into bed. Right before pulling the covers over his head, he double-checked to make sure his diaper was on tight and that the leak guards were standing up and clicked play.

Instantly, every center of his brain came alive.

First, there was a dark low vibrating pulse that was nearly covered by soft angelic waves that crashed over the melody of the track. If the ocean had come alive and made music, this is what it would sound like. The pulse seemed to propel his body forward repeatedly, pushing his mind deeper and deeper into the track. While Klein knew he was falling asleep, he felt as if he were moving in real-time. Before Klein knew it, the waves crashed over him again, the soft electric tones urging him to relax and surrender to the waves. The waves were moving his body for him.

But when his mind probed deeper into the musical tones, he heard the voice. The voice was soft as if it was speaking directly into his consciousness, his very being. It was as if the voice weren’t hers, it was coming from beneath his very heartbeat. Klein’s mind focused on the voice and willed itself to listen closely to the soft delicate flow that hovered directly beneath the ocean.

The voice was speaking directly to the innermost part of his soul.

“You need your diapers… you only feel safe in your diapers… you need to wet your diapers… your diapers are a part of who you are… Every night you wet your diapers uncontrollably…”

Klein’s brain dove deeper into the voice followed the voice through the passageways and tunnels in his mind and willed himself to believe. Klein wanted to believe that this could work. He wanted to believe that he could become a bedwetter, and the voice told him he could.

“You can’t control your bladder…” the voice said softly. “You need to mess your diapers during the day….”

Wait a second… Klein’s mind stirred against the waves. I don’t want that. Hold on.

But the voice and the waves pushed him forward, demanding he follow its lead. Klein fought for a moment, gasped, and woke up.



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