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About a week had gone by since Charlie and Lauren had been stuck at the police station. But for Lauren, those seven days had felt like an eternity.

Generally used to fielding calls and flying across the nation, Lauren felt like she was being punished for something. She’d spent all her free time in the house, terrified at what might happen if she dared go back outside. Charlie, to his credit, had done his best to console the hysterical woman who had to endure several more diaper changes and as a result, several more diapers.

But Charlie had come through. During one of his web searches, he had come across someone who insisted they were experienced in potty training. Lauren had first shaken her head considerably at the idea, insisting she could just teach herself to use the bathroom. But besides boredom, the last seven days had done little more than prove that the 30-something-year-old adult would be diaper bound for the foreseeable future without serious intervention.

Lauren didn’t understand it. Her body didn’t even give her any warning that she needed to use the restroom. Lauren just voided whenever there was liquid or solids in her system. At one point during the week, Lauren had spent all day on the toilet, just sitting there so she wouldn’t have to wear diapers while Charlie was at work during the day. But her legs simply fell asleep causing her to be in pain for an hour afterward, leaving a mess on the floor for her to clean up. Not only was she a baby, but Lauren was a domestic baby.

So reluctantly, Lauren agreed. She’d get potty trained. Again.

Lauren refused to give up on her other request, however. She needed to know what this mysterious Equity Order or EO was that the officer had told her about during her humiliating ordeal in the police station.

At first, Lauren had just Googled the phrase, but all she got were warnings from the federal government that she was looking for terrorist organizations. Scared the police would come to her house and label her a troublemaker, she and Charlie started looking for other ways to search the organization. It wasn’t until Charlie managed to download a different web browser that bypassed the government censors that Lauren finally figured out what EO was.

The forum, which looked strangely like Reddit, advocated for a vision of women's equality that she had been familiar with back at home. Most of the arguments in the forum were economical ones. If you have a two-income household, you’d be more likely to make more money and could afford to buy a house. Other arguments seemed a little more selfish. One thread titled, “femdom fantasy” seemed to be full of men who wanted strong women in their life.

Lauren had heard of dominatrix back at home and had seen them in movies before. She knew there were men out there who craved that kind of attention, just like she craved a strong, controlling partner in bed. Lauren felt bad knowing that there had to be women in this universe who would have the urge to punish a man sexually and could never get an opportunity… and vice versa.

Lauren laughed bitterly to herself when she realized this idea meant the patriarchy had backfired spectacularly.

Lauren didn’t spend too much time researching the EO because Charlie warned her that if she spent too long on the forums, she was bound to get caught. But Charlie did point out that in one thread they had mentioned in-person meetings. Lauren nodded and set to work integrating herself in the forum. If she could get into this group, there was a likelihood she could find her mysterious stranger and get the two (or three) of them home.


The next day a stern wiry woman with a brown leather briefcase showed up at their door. After introducing herself as Mrs. Mary Jane Wellington, she sat down at the kitchen table and focused her attention on Charlie.

“And you think now is a good time to potty train the little one?” Mary Jane asked in a calm, cool but slightly intimidating voice. She didn’t break eye contact with Charlie.

“Yes,” Lauren responded proudly. “I’ve been potty trained before. I’m a quick learner.”

Wellington’s eyes widened at Lauren’s outburst. What was peculiar was how surprised she was at the suggestion that Lauren would be addressing her. “Does she often speak when not spoken to?” Wellington asked, referring to the diapered woman.

Charlie glanced sympathetically at Lauren and then back at Wellington. “We have a pretty modern relationship.”

“Modern?“ Wellington, looking puzzled, jotted a few notes down on her tablet. “I’ve never heard that before.” Then, sighing heavily, said, “Never mind, we’ll set her straight in no time at all.”

“Actually, ma’am, we just wanted potty training. I think her behavior is fine to be honest. I like hearing what she has to say, we are equal partners in this relationship.”

Charlie must have said something to upset the woman because her face went as white as a sheet and she raised herself up so her back was completely straight. Mrs. Wellington sputtered, “If you expect to integrate in the high society that you’ve insisted on joining through the sanctity of marriage then you need to learn how to be a good citizen. Part of that citizenship is knowing the proper role of the girl and the man in the relationship. The girl is to be seen and not heard. She should be proper and graceful. She should be observing the world around her at all times. She needs to provide for her husband and he is to provide for her.” Welling placed emphasis on the word she as she completed her monologue jutting her chin towards Lauren, her eyes never leaving Charlie. Then, without pausing, Wellington rounded on Charlie and jabbed her finger in his face.

“It’s your role to ensure she gets everything she needs. The world is a dangerous place. You must protect her from that deadly world and care for her. You owe it to Lauren (the name rolled off her tongue with a hint of disgust) to ensure that by the time you are married, and she’s ready to join the workforce, she is ready to be a wife that can provide.”

Charlie, who was not easily intimidated, appeared to shrink back in his chair. But he quickly recovered, nodding and insisting that he expected Lauren to be potty trained by the end of their contract together.

Mrs. Wellington nodded and Charlie, after kissing Lauren goodbye, left for work.

Lauren fidgeted in her diaper for a moment and asked quietly, “I guess I should take this off huh?”

But the private tutor just gave Lauren a steely smile and opened up her briefcase. After digging around for a moment she pulled a thin steel collar out of the bag and handed it to Lauren.

“Please place this around your neck.”

Lauren inspected the ring and seeing that it was pretty unremarkable reasoned there probably wasn’t any harm in complying. The ring looked steel, but it was actually pretty flexible. For all Lauren knew, this device would magically ensure she gained sphincter control.

Lauren put the ring around her neck and felt it give off a slight vibration when it clicked around her neck. “Now what?”

But the moment Lauren made a sound, she felt a searing pain like fire burning through her veins. It was as if she had been injected with lava. Her fingers curled and she was nearly struck dumb as a result.

“Ouch,” Lauren wailed and moaned with agony. “What the fuck?”

Only, the pain came again. This time it was like ice in her veins. Her heart felt like it was going to explode as it aggressively beat inside her chest. Lauren felt herself wet her diaper again in shock.

“Lesson number one,” Wellington said curtly, wiping some dirt off the marble countertop. “Little girls are to be seen and not heard. You will speak when spoken to.”

Lauren didn’t make a sound and prayed to god that Charlie would come home from work early. She shook her head and fought the urge to run, wondering what a disaster that could bring upon her.

Wellington insisted over the next few moments while Lauren recovered, that potty training could be accomplished over the course of a week if all the steps were followed. Lauren frowned wondering how the hell her not speaking was supposed to help this process. If anything, a student's silence should make things more difficult for a teacher. How would a student of potty training articulate when she needed to go to the restroom?

But Wellington wasn’t interested in hearing feedback on what Lauren was now referring to as Byzantine Potty Training Methods. Instead, Wellington pulled out another box filled with what looked like miniature gel capsules and began to narrate what she was doing next.

Wellington instructed the shaking woman to raise her hands up to the sky and proceeded to unfasten her diaper cover. Next, she untaped Lauren’s diaper causing it to drop onto the floor. Mrs. Wellington reminded Lauren if she lowered her hands, there would be another shock to come.

Lauren didn’t move.

“One of the reasons little girls like you have a hard time being trained is because they do not know when they have to go to the bathroom. Not to worry, I have devised a method that ensures you can start learning not only when you have to go, but how to ensure you’re predictably on schedule.”

Lauren expected Wellington to put another diaper on her or even a pair of pull-ups. But instead, the woman pulled out another container of some sort of jelly and instructed Lauren to get on the floor on all fours and raise up her legs.

“Wait, what-?” Once again the pain of ten thousand suns coursed through her veins. Lauren hit the floor instantly.

As it turned out, the jelly was some sort of lube and Lauren’s torturer proceeded to slather it all over her bottom. Lauren flinched as the woman proceeded to make sure she was more lubed up than a thanksgiving turkey. Then, to Lauren’s horror, Wellington took one of the capsules and proceeded to slide it right into her bottom.

Then, without a moment to spare, Mary Jane Wellington taped Lauren’s slightly damp diaper back up and pulled the locking diaper cover back onto Lauren’s now plastic-covered bottom.

“You’ll most likely have to expel this in about ten minutes judging by your novelty to this entire situation.” Wellington glanced at her watch and pointed to the floor. “You can sit there while we wait.”

Lauren was horrified. What kind of potty training was this? Usually, she’d be encouraged to let her teacher know when she had to use the restroom, not be forced to use the restroom on command. But Wellington was convinced this was the route. She handed Lauren a coloring book that discussed the tenets of a “good girl” and instructed Lauren to finish coloring the pages by tomorrow otherwise she’d be punished.

To Lauren’s horror, Wellington expected her to work on this booklet while holding in the enema. Not only did this seem impossible, but it also felt cruel and unusual. In about five mins, Lauren’s stomach was cramping aggressively.

Lauren forced herself to color in the dress of the young woman in the coloring book who was smiling and cooking for her husband while her stomach rumbled over and over again. Finally, Lauren stood up and faced Mrs. Wellington.

She tapped on the woman’s shoulder.


“Please may I -?” Lauren’s legs shook as she tried to speak. But the collar shocked her so badly that Lauren fell backward and fell on her padded posterior, causing her to lose all control over her bladder and the enema that she was desperately trying to hold in.

Lauren felt herself release everything into her diaper. While that meant that Lauren felt a certain relief, it also meant that the feeling of humiliation welled up inside of her. Lauren had just messed her pants and there was nothing she could do about it. Actually, if she were being more accurate, Lauren had just messed her diaper… and there was nothing she could do about it.

“Good girl,” Mrs. Wellington sneered, patting Lauren’s squishy bottom as another cramp rolled through her aggressively, causing her to expel more liquid. With an approving look on her face, Mrs. Wellington sneered, “Now you can wait until I’m ready to change you. You’ll need to learn that staying in a messy diaper isn’t fun. That will motivate you to train quickly.”

Lauren couldn’t help it. This was all too much. And it was only 9:17 in the morning.


Lauren discovered over the course of the first few days of potty training that Mrs. Mary Jane Wellington, as it turns out, was happily married for several years. In fact, as the stern-looking woman calmly explained while waiting for Lauren’s third explosion of the day, she too had been through this same aggressive training right before it was time for her to get married.

“All women get potty trained before marriage,” Mrs. Wellington said while demonstrating to the poor girl how to properly set a table. “Didn’t your mother tell you this when you grew up?”

Lauren, after the results of the first few enemas, was downright mopey. After learning how to set the table and then getting a lesson on household cleaning, Lauren resorted to sitting quietly on the floor scribbling into the coloring books Wellington put in front of her.

The book emphasized Mrs. Wellington’s teachings were simple guides to how women in this society were to live their lives. There was the story of the woman who was too nosey and ended up ruining her next-door neighbor's relationship, which in turn caused what the book called, “Child Loneliness Syndrome,” where two children had to grow up without a father. Rule Number 897 it seemed was to protect the safety and security of children at all costs. The moral of the story, mind your own household, or the consequences would be devastating.

Lauren spent her nap time in the crib purely exhausted from the day and quickly fell asleep, only waking momentarily to Mrs. Wellington changing her and placing another bulb in her backside. Lauren began to cry at that moment, feeling completely helpless in the mittens, the soft baby blankets and the thick diaper that assaulted her most sensitive of regions. To her surprise, she didn’t receive a shock. It seemed cries of shame bypassed the sensor in her torture device.

A few moments later, for the first time in a long time, Lauren messed herself in her sleep and hardly woke up to acknowledge it. She was simply too tired.

But Lauren was in for another surprise. Around five pm, Lauren stood eagerly next to the window, like a golden retriever waiting for Charlie to come home. She knew when he came home that Mrs. Wellington would go away and she’d be able to tell him that she didn’t want to do this anymore. Lauren would rather just mess her diapers on her terms than spend several hours a day under that woman's horrible gaze.

Lauren spotted a disheveled Charlie walking down the street and approached the building. Lauren grinned and walked back to the living room where Mrs. Wellington was filling out a document of some sort and pointed to her collar.

“Yes my dear?”

“Charlie is home, can you please take this off now?”

“No,” Mrs. Wellington responded. “That will remain on for the week, you’ll see, it’ll be good for you.”

Lauren frowned as the front door opened and then rushed to greet. “Charlie!” She yelled. “Please tell this horrible woman to–”

The collar delivered a shock to Lauren who instantly began to cry.

Mrs. Wellington entered the room to see a shocked Charlie leaning over Lauren trying to figure out what was wrong.

“What’s all this?” Charlie asked Mrs. Wellington as he checked Lauren for injuries. Lauren was balling on the floor at this moment, inconsolable. Charlie checked Lauren’s diaper to see if maybe she was wet. Lauren was.

“We’ve made great progress today,” Mrs. Wellington said, collecting her briefcase and sweeping her equipment off the kitchen table. “I will be back tomorrow so we can continue our work.”

“Can you please take the collar off?” Lauren moaned sobbing hysterically.

“That will come off on Friday when you’re completely trained,” Mrs. Wellington said. “And Charlie, if she fails her tests this week, then we will have to start from scratch and I believe (the woman eyes the hysterical Lauren on the floor) that will be unpleasant for the little one.”

With that, Mrs. Wellington handed Charlie a booklet and vanished into the hallway.

Charlie sat on the floor as Lauren proceeded to void her insides for the umpteenth time that day and held her close. Lauren explained about the bulbs, the worksheets and the cruel methods Mrs. Wellington imposed on her. Charlie listened patiently, patting her back and whispering gently into her ear that everything was going to be okay.

“I’m sorry,” Charlie frowned. “I don’t think this is a good idea. We should stop.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” Lauren sniffed. “You’re not the one stuck using baby spoons and shitting yourself in diapers. I need to get trained.” Lauren looked up at Charlie whose tired eyes gave way to a slight tear. “I just want my dignity back,” Lauren cried.

Charlie nodded. “Tomorrow I’ll speak to her (he glanced at the front door as if Mrs. Wellington threatened to appear around the corner at that very moment) about removing the collar.” He stroked her hair. “I hate to see you in pain, LarBar.”

Lauren nodded and smiled slightly. He hadn’t called her LarBar in a while. It almost felt normal.

“In the meantime, I do have some good news.” Charlie stood up and fetched his tablet from his backpack. “I found the next meeting of the EO. And it’s tomorrow night. And we are going.”


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