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My package was delivered to the wrong house.

I had been watching FedEx like a hawk to see if my package would arrive. When my phone said delivered, I casually walked to the front porch to discover nothing was there.


But this happens sometimes. I had a sinking feeling that the drivers were timed based on their deliveries, so they'd mark them "delivered" while they were still in the truck. Kinda sneaky if you ask me, but I just figure I'll have my package by the end of the day.

So I spent the next hour pretending that I wasn't waiting for a case of diapers to arrive from my favorite diaper company. This package was special. Inside were eighty of the newest diapers to have been made. They had little cartoon letters that said "b-a-b-y" and soft animals on the front. There were pink ones with unicorns on them, some blue ones with moons and stars on them. Regardless, there was no mistaking that these were baby diapers, but for adults. When these arrived at my front door, I had sworn that I would only wear these inside the house. There was no way that I could wear these out in public.

For starters, these diapers were touted as the thickest diapers on the ABDL market. The "extra waddle cut," as the manufacturer called them, made it so that they forced your legs apart. When wearing these, you'd have no choice but to waddle when you walk. Based on the photos, the core was thicker too. While Megamax might swell when wet, these started thick and then pretty much doubled in size. With extra tall leak guards, these diapers were guaranteed not to leak even when filled to the brim. The would just bulge outwards, forcing the plastic exterior to extend to the max. The best part was the baby print on the outside. Subtle, pastel colors really make you feel baby when you had them on. I shivered slightly at the thought of being forced into them… But that feeling was for another time.

But then night came and the diapers still had not arrived. I resorted to putting on a Megamx and went to bed wondering what happened. I assumed maybe the package would come tomorrow instead. But a week had gone by, and still nothing. I contacted the company. Nothing. I contacted FedEx, they claimed they had delivered the package, but nothing. After some back and forth, the company sent me another case.

But that one didn't show up at my house either, meaning it was investigation time. I ordered a sample pack of two diapers and sat on my doorstep for hours in the spring weather. Right when I was ready to call it quits, I saw it: the mailman walked to the house next door and knocked a few times. I could see the package in his hand and then she answered the door, accepted the package and vanished back inside.

I was puzzled. Why would she accept the package if she knew it wasn't for her? I scratched my head for a moment. Maybe, the sample just got delivered to the wrong place, I reasoned. Perhaps she would knock on my door later today and say that she had my package.

I laughed for a second. My next-door neighbor, with her dark hair and tan skin and dark brown eyes, always made my heart flutter when I saw her. The girl next door is the type of woman you see when you're bringing in groceries, causing you to vow to only take one trip to look as strong as possible. I worked out in my garage and constantly spent time in my driveway, shirtless. I wanted to catch her staring outside her window so she'd notice I was attractive and strong.

I'd see her, shaking the tight curls in her hair while doing yard work and she'd smile in my direction. She'd give a slight wave, her lips curling into a soft smile. Of course, I would sometimes pretend not to notice. I'd pretned that I had better things to do, play things casual. Every now and then, I'd be walking in my apartment diapered and I'd see her moving around outside and I'd feel small all of a sudden. My brain wandered for a moment wondering what would happen if she found out I was wearing diapers. She'd think I was less than if she knew I was wearing a thick, crinkly, plastic-backed diaper at that very moment. This story sent a shiver up my spine. But I wasn't stupid. This was better fantasy, not reality.

Everyone fantasizes about the girl next door. You imagine that you would smile in her direction and she'd smile back and then ten years later you'll be telling people at your wedding that you used to be neighbors.

But the fantasy did get darker at times. Part of me wished she knew my little secret; that she would come over in the middle of the night and check my diaper before slipping back into her house. A fun playful secret that the two of us could share…

But that's creepy. You can't think about your neighbor like that. That's the bullshit you read in an erotic fiction on Patreon.

It took me a moment, but I gathered what little courage I had and headed over to her house. I knocked on the door a few times. All I need to do is ask for the package and then leave, I told myself. It's really that simple.

So I knocked again.

And then again.

There was no quick answer. In fact, I could have sworn I saw her in the house walking around right before I came over. I instantly decided this was a bad idea and thought to myself, who needs diapers anyway, I can just drive to the Baltimore store and call it a day. Right when I was about to take off, the door swung open.

She looked at me questioningly. Up close, she was slightly taller than I was, and it was clear that she was probably into CrossFit or something like strength training. Her shoulders were strong, her hips were perfectly framed by her leggings. She also had on a CrossFit tee shirt.

"Can I help you?" She blinked a few times and leaned on her door frame.

"Uh, yeah. I think you might have gotten a package that's mine?" I said it so casually, you know, as if it's really, really, really not a big deal. "I mean, I've been asking other neighbors to see if that's the case. But I haven't asked you yet." I slapped myself internally at this last line. I had volunteered too much information.

She smirked and stood up straighter. "I think I have your package, actually. Give me a second." She vanished back inside her house and left the door open.

That's when I spotted two large brown cardboard boxes… the kind of boxes that diapers come in when you buy them by the case. They were stacked neatly in the foyer, teasing me, yearning for me. For a second, my body twitched involuntarily, causing me to stumble forward. But I resisted the urge to grab the boxes as the girl next door returned.

In her hand, she had a smaller package that no doubt contained the samples I ordered the other day. "Are you Andrew?" she asked, looking at the package.

"Yeah," I was trying to be casual about all of this, maybe too casual. But I had to as myself, why did she have my two cases of diapers? That's a whopping 160 diapers sitting in her living room just waiting for me to come grab them. I craned my neck slightly to see if the tape had broken off of them. But they looked like they were still intact.

There were just 160 diapers sitting in her foyer.

She handed me the package. And it was totally mine. It felt soft in my hands as I squished it slightly.

"Do you need anything else?" she asked me, looking me dead in the eyes. For a second, I wished I had told her at that moment that the other boxes were mine, that I just asked her for her help dragging the giant boxes back to my house. But instead, I said no, walked back to my apartment and resolved to break into her house later that night and get my boxes from her.


Okay, judge me all you want, but let me be honest. his fetish can make people irrational. Bu to be clear, my next-door neighbor was way too attractive for me to admit to her that those boxes were mine. What if she had opened the boxes and discovered what they were? Heck, I had done that before with packages that I thought were mine, only to discover they belonged to a neighbor or someone else.

I didn't really think the rest of this through as I slid through her unlocked back door and proceeded to walk through her house. Her decorating skills were pretty good. She had large paintings on the wall and even in the moonlight, you could tell her modern minimalist aesthetic was pretty impressive. These rooms looked like they were manifested by a black and white cookie.

I made a left towards her front door and saw the four packages sitting there waiting for me. Moving slowly, I staged the packages so they were right next to the front door and turned the lock.

Suddenly, a light blinded my face. and these she stood.

"What are you doing in my house?" she yelled from her spot across the room. I blinked several times to get my eyes used to the invading light.

"I was, um…" Fuck, fuck, fuck. My mind was screaming at this point. I should have just asked her earlier to just hand me my packages. But my fear had gotten the best of me. You know how your brain walks through the day and reminds you of all the things you could have done differently? That's what was happening to me right then. But the girl next door wasn't about to let up either.

"I'm going to call the cops, Andrew, unless you tell me what you're doing in my house right now." The girl was holding her cell phone and moved to unlock it.

"Wait, I'm so sorry," I sputtered. "It's just that these packages were mine. And I needed them."

The girl's expression softened slightly as she put her phone in the pocket of her sweatpants that clung lazily on her hips. "I mean… you didn't have to break in… you could have just asked me."

She motioned to the packages. "What medical issue do you have? You know I'm a doctor right? There's nothing I haven't seen before."

"Well, really, it's my grandpa who has a medical issue…" I mumbled out looking at the floor. As much as my fantasy was for me to be discovered wearing diapers by an attractive woman, I did not want that to be a reality right now.

She raised an eyebrow, "Andrew, open the box. Let's see what was so important that you had to break into my house to get."

My hands were shaking at this point. I couldn't move.

"Andrew?" she walked right up to me, "Let's open this box."

Shakily, I leaned forward and ripped the tape off the first box. I took my time fumbling with the flaps acting as if I had never opened a box before in my life. My mouth started moving on its own. "You know, my grandpa has medical issues and he kinda needs something more fun than the usual… uh... Briefs you know… it's really personal."

She frowned at the sight of the pink package that held ten diapers inside. Usually, this moment was accompanied with a dopamine rush in my brain, but instead I was screaming on the inside. I was panicking. Inside this box, were four packs of diapers. And it was apparent to anyone who had a brain that there were several more packs of diapers in the other boxes.

The girl next door plucked the packing sheet from inside the box. "Your name, email and order history are on this sheet." She said pointedly.

I just stood there. I wanted to go home.

Then she did something odd. She took the diapers and stacked them neatly on the other boxes, and then pointed to the door. "You can come back tomorrow at 6 AM, and we can talk."

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"Come back tomorrow at six and we will talk." She shooed me out of the door and before closing it said, "And I'm sure you'll have a better answer than my grandpa needs diapers with unicorns on them."

I stood on her front porch for a second, numb to what had just happened. In fact, the rest of the night I was terrified. As I lay in bed later that morning watching three am turn to four and then to five, I couldn't help but wonder what the girl next door wanted from me.

I was such an idiot breaking into her house, hoping I could get in and out without being seen. How stupid can you be? I asked myself that question repeatedly as I got dressed the next day prepared to deliver a heartfelt apology. I tried to think to myself what I could give her as a consolation prize, to apologize so she wouldn't call the police. I didn't want to end up on the news as the guy who was caught stealing back diapers from his next-door neighbor's house.

Only, there was this odd thing... I was entirely in my rights to take my package back. In fact, the more I thought about it… she was the one harboring my package. She had to have known the package was mine She all but admitted it when she said my name was on the packages. What kind of racket was she running here? I forced myself to calm down as I knocked on her door the next morning, determined to assert myself in front of the girl next door.

She opened the door instantly this time, and before I said anything, insisted I sit down on the couch in her living room.

I sunk into the couch, caught off guard because neatly stacked in her living room were all the diapers I had ordered. All 160 of them. There packaging taunted me, reminding me that I had made a purchase so infantile. The bright pink, blue and green cut through the black and white monotone of the entire house, reminding me that an adult baby had to be nearby as I sat on this couch. It was like seeing a bottle sitting in the middle of a poker table. Something didn't belong here.

The girl next door busied herself for a moment, then took a seat in one of the chairs opposite me.

"So, your grandpa, huh?"

I exploded at her. "First of all, you have no right to steal my packages. That's package theft, and you could go to jail for a long time. You knew those were my boxes when you accepted them and didn't say anything." My face was turning a deep purple by now. "Is stealing something you do all the time because it's a bad habit and you can get it serious trouble for it."

She just smiled at me. "So they are for you… not your grandpa."

"That's not the point, stealing is wrong and I have a right to get back my property," I thundered.

"So diapers with unicorns on them?" She gestured to the stack and stacks of diapers behind her. Then she looked back at me. "They are yours, right?"

I stared at her with my mouth hanging open for a second. Then I went to Plan B.

I slumped my shoulders and looked at the floor. I picked at my fingers. "I suffer from incontinence," I stuttered out, trying to sound as pathetic as possible. "I order different types because it's nice to have variety." Then I put on my best slow voice. "I just didn't want you to know about them, so I snuck in and decided to grab them in the middle of the night." I put my face in my hands and gave a heavy sigh, hoping the performance would work.

"Andrew," she said quietly. "Why didn't you just say so?"

I looked up, shocked that this gambit had worked.

"It's understandable to be embarrassed about bladder issues, but no one should make fun of you for something you can't control." She stood up smiling. "Are you wearing your diapers right now?" she asked bluntly. "I know I have all of your diapers. I assume you had some at home in case of emergencies? Most people who have had lifelong bladder issues know when to order to replenish their diapers."

"That's why I broke in," I said without thinking. "I am out of… briefs. You know supply-chain issues and the like." I was determined not to say the word "diaper" in front of this woman.

On the bright side, it seemed like she had bought my excuse for why I had broken in. I wished she didn't take all the diapers out of their packs. Now, I would need to find a way to schlep all these diapers back to my apartment in broad daylight without being seen.

"Oh." She walked back to the stack of diapers and pulled a pink one from its package. The one with unicorns on it. "You'd better put this on before you have an accident on my chair," she said, tossing me the diaper. "It's gonna be a long day for you."

"Wait, what?" I looked up from the diaper that was in my lap. "Long day?"

"The thing is, Andrew, you still broke into a poor defenseless woman's house in the middle of the night." She was now standing over me as she spoke. "So that leaves you with two options. Option one, I call the police, option two, I punish you on my own, and you work off your criminal activity."

I sat there stunned. She can't do this... can she? But then I thought for a moment. She's not wrong. I did break into her house in the middle of the night. No one was going to ask me why it happened, and if they did, I'd have to tell them I was trying to steal back a box of diapers.

I was at a loss.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, resigning myself to a day of chores and yard work. In my head, I had already reasoned that this was better than being perp-walked through our front yard, diapers in toe.

"First, you need to put on the diaper, and then you can come back here. We need to have a conversation about the future." She crossed her arms and jutted her head towards the bathroom door.

I sat there for a moment, then headed to the bathroom with the diaper in hand. I gritted my teeth. Surely this would be over by the end of the day, I reasoned. How long could this last?



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